Geun Haru(D) vs Leonie Bowen

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Geun Haru(D) vs Leonie Bowen

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pin, Submision or KO

Geun expected to be stressed but strangely enough, she hasn't been more relaxed in a long time. Being in a place like this meant that she finally made it, with some help from a friend but still. For the first time she wouldn't have to actually worry about money for herself or her family, and fighting, she has been doing that for years even if the crowd was smaller back in the day, the deal was all the same. One of the crew members called for her to get ready as her track was about to play.
Entrance Music
Wrestling Attire
Blue stroboscope would flash from the direction of the stage making her only appear as a silhouette against the light. Next, the strobe began to flash ever slower until it went out completely all the while other sources of blue light would move around the stage. Geun would be standing in the middle, hand on hip, as the strobe stopped she would raise her hand to head level and wave a little. 'Now, that's a crowd alright." She thought to herself as the announcer's voice would sound "Following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Santa Fe, USA - standing at five feet eight inches and weighing one hundred and sixty-six pounds! Geunnn Haruuu!"

Now she would move down the ramp at a nonchalant pace, waving to the people gathered near. When she reached the ring she would stretch her legs against the stairs before climbing them and slipping between the middle and the top rope. Then she would head to the corner and rest her back on it, trying to make a show out of how relaxed she was instead of being flashy.
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Fri Aug 12, 2022 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Geun Haru(D) vs Leonie Bowen

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"And her opponent! Coming out of the wilds of Minnesota, standing t five-foot-six and one-hundred and forty-five pounds! Team Stanza's Lioness herself... Leonieeee Boooowennnn!"

Seriously? "The wilds of Minnesota?" Granted, Leonie's little town was less than a dot on most maps, but they didn't need to make her sound like Tarzan. Maybe when she racked up a few wins, she'd have enough clout to ask them to change that. Tonight was a solid opportunity to do that, as she was apparently going up against a debutante. That meant less film to study before her match, but despite the double-edged sword that brought, she still hoped to have the edge tonight.
Leonie Bowen, the Lioness
As she strode down the entrance ramp, her theme playing behind her, Leonie got her first glimpse of her opponent for the night. Geun Haru was a little bigger than her, the size advantage evident even as the Korean leaned against her corner post. She was attractive and fit too, just like most of the girls in LAW. Leonie was lucky that the temptation to stare didn't last very long, as she soon swung through the ropes and joined Geun in the ring.

"Hey," she greeted, flashing a short wave as she walked to the center of the ring. "I'm Leonie. Guess I'll be the one welcoming you to LAW."

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Re: Geun Haru(D) vs Leonie Bowen

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Geun smiled and push off the corner, going to meet Leoni in the center. "Seems so, with such a welcome party they must want to keep me around. I'm Geun." She said one hand on her hip, looking at Leonie with a friendly smile before reaching a hand out to her. "I have high hopes for this match, don't let me down. She commented before going to her corner and waiting for the bell.

Leonie didn't seem like a push over and it was all the better. Geun always far prefers being evenly matched, it got her blood pumping, and besides, meeting down on some poor fool just felt like bullying. Now she was patiently waiting for the bell and would let her oponent make the first move, herself just getting a little closer and going counterclockwise in a circle.

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Re: Geun Haru(D) vs Leonie Bowen

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"I'll try not to disappoint." Leonie offered a sidelong smirk. She didn't mean anything by it, really, at least not in the way that a lot of LAW wrestlers did. Even when the bell rang, all she did was give Geun a challenging nod. No tricks, no games, no need to try and flatten the other girl right away. Honesty was way better than subtext; call it a country girl's hospitality.

In that same vein, Leonie wanted to pay respect to something that impressed her about her opponent. "You seem strong," she commented, nodding towards Geun's built torso. She'd clearly worked hard on filling out her frame, and Leonie could respect that as someone who'd done the same.

Of course, that only left one thing to be decided, didn't it? "Bet I'm stronger." She reached her arms out, offering a test of strength -- but not the kind that LAW's fans were often used to. Instead of merely standing with her arms out and expecting Geun to push against her, she bent at the waist and leaned forward, as if to start a freestyle wrestling match. It was a position that she felt better fit two girls like them, as it would put their whole bodies to work. Besides, it was probably better for Leonie, the shorter of the two combatants. "C'mon, unless you think I'll embarrass you?"

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Re: Geun Haru(D) vs Leonie Bowen

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Geun would smile. "Bold, challenging a woman with twenty pounds on you to that. But if you are sure you won't be the one being embarrassed, then sure." She replied in the same vain before locking up with Leonie. In truth she hardly thought either of them would be embarrassed by this, even if Geun was heavier, her oponent looked very strong and she was genuinely interested in how it would go.

When they were both in place, Geun would try to sift her arms to be in the inside of Leonie's, resting in the crook of her elbows, from there she would push and attempt to step left and forward, trying to get the other women off balance.

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Re: Geun Haru(D) vs Leonie Bowen

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In truth, Leonie picked this position precisely because of her size disadvantage. Pushing down while bent over, like Geun would effectively be doing, was much more awkward than Leonie pushing up, especially because the smaller girl would be able to use her lower body. With her feet planted against the canvas and a more natural motion -- not to mention her own prodigious strength -- Leonie hoped she would be able to match Geun's strength.

However, she didn't expect her opponent to be creative right from the jump! Geun flipped her grip, widening Leonie's arms, and lurched to the left! Leonie stumbled, falling lower to the ground. When she finally recaptured her footing, she had some extra ground to make up.

But that didn't matter. Leonie hadn't trained so hard just to be stopped by a few extra inches of work! The Lioness planted her feet once more and grinned. "Nice try!" she grunted. "My turn." Leonie pushed up off the canvas, using her entire body to power against Geun!
Last edited by FreestylePoet on Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Geun Haru(D) vs Leonie Bowen

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If it was that easy, she would be disappointed, luckily, Leoni was strong enough to push back against her. "Not bad, not bad at all." Geun commented as she had to back up a step from her oponent pushing, now herself being put on the defensive.

She would continue to struggle but little by little let Leonie push her back, letting her believe she was in the lead. This however was only a setup, she would soon let go of her resistance on her right side, hoping that a sudden vacuum there would get her oponent off balance. Then she stepped to the left and planted her foot behind Leonie's before replying to the pressure in her opposite shoulder to try and get her down.

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Re: Geun Haru(D) vs Leonie Bowen

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Leonie grit her teeth, breaking out into a sweat as she pushed into the wall of muscle before her. It was going to take all her effort to win this test of strength, but Leonie didn't mind. Times like this were what all her hard work was meant for!

She powered against Geun, flexing to fight for every single millimeter of ground -- and by the feel of it, she was earning millimeters indeed! "What's the matter?" she taunted. "Can't handle someone as small as- WHOAAA!" Suddenly, her balance shifted as Geun pulled the chair out from under Leonie's left side! Then, right when Leonie was pushed back into place, a smartly-placed foot led to the smaller girl's downfall!

Leonie tumbled back unceremoniously. "Oof-!" The orangette grunted as her back hit the canvas! Here her inexperience in fighting was evident, as the way she fell led Leonie into the most fatal flaw of all: Without raising her legs, Leonie left Geun free to follow up with anything she wanted... up to and including passing her guard!

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Re: Geun Haru(D) vs Leonie Bowen

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

The plan worked and Geun was sure glad it did. She wasn't honestly sure if she could have won that exchange on strength alone, this fight was shaping up to be interesting.

"You were saying?" Geun returned the taunt as soon as she got Leonie on the ground. She wasn't cocky enough to do it just standing there so she quickly moved to her opponent's left side. Settling one knee on her stomach and grabbing her left arm she would then throw a single punch at Leonie's face. This was meant more as a distraction though as she would then move to get the other women's arm between her legs and pin her body down before pushing her own hips up while holding Leonie's arm to lock in an armbar.

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Re: Geun Haru(D) vs Leonie Bowen

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

Not raising her guard was a cardinal sin in the world of martial arts. Leonie had probably heard that once or twice in her training, but being someone who relied primarily on instinct and raw strength, she apparently hadn't drilled the lesson into her head.

As a result, Leonie left herself wide open -- a fact that Geun easily took advantage of with a punch to Leonie's face! "Gahh!" She quickly covered up, luckily turning the punch into a glancing blow, but the attack turned out to be a distraction! Leonie soon found herself locked into an armbar!

"AAGH!" Pain shot through her upper arm. She immediately flexed it, hoping to use her farm girl strength to prevent Geun from torquing it too hard. Gritting her teeth, she also used her free arm to tug at Geun's left leg. It wouldn't do much on its own, but loosening the legs that kept her trapped here was the first step to escaping!

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