Alba Garcia vs. Mizaki Tantka - Smother Match

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Alba Garcia vs. Mizaki Tantka - Smother Match

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Alba Garcia vs. Mizaki Tantka
Match Type:
Smother Match
Victory Conditions: The winner must win by forcing a smother submission or KO on her opponent.

The arena had gotten quiet as the lights dimmed while Dare by Shakira rang out in the arena. Alba Garcia then came out, looking more confident than she's ever looked. After starting to train with Allison Tumbleweed, the Spanish dancer felt like she was unstoppable. She could win any match now! And even her dancing seemed to be on point now as she did an elaborate Spanish dance, spinning and elegantly moving to the beat of her song. It was a far different Alba than people had seen before, and she was ready to put her embarrassing past and record behind her and crush her next opponent!

Alba went down the stage, still dancing until she got to the ring steps, moving up them gracefully and leaping over the top of the ropes and dancing around once more, a bright smile on her face before stopping in the middle of the ring, striking a pose. The crowd actually reacted positively to her dance, and Garcia held her head high as she walked to her corner, ready to get a win against whoever would come face her next! She was going to shock that crowd and dazzle them! It was Alba Garcia's time to shine, and soon everyone would know it!

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Re: Alba Garcia vs. Mizaki Tantka - Smother Match

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To say the match type favoured Mizaki Tantka was a understatement. Why? Well...
Emerging with her extremely curvaceous figure on show, Mizaki was forever redefining the word 'cleavage' within the world of LAW. And if that wasn't bad enough, today the bluenette would be flanked by two figures of equal build, which naturally created quite the stir given the sight now before the masses oogling on.
"Now remember ladies..." Mizaki hummed as her figure descended the ramp slowly; her arm up with a hand extended from it, as if to offer a royal wave for would-be fans. Though the eyes of those watching were likely not to that extended mitt, but to the trio of heavy bosoms that near enough jiggled with every step Mizaki, Anna and Bea took. "I'll give you the signal..." Mizaki would stop for a moment with a turn of her head - for a glance given purely to Anna, the ditzier of the three present, before Mizaki turned her gaze forward. Bea, she felt, did not need further direction.

Coming ringside, Mizaki would prop herself upon the apron before signalling for aid from her two stablemates - with Anna and Bea alike offering a hand from which to push on, as to leave Mizaki now standing upon the apron. With one final swivel of her hips, she'd see herself facing a likely bewildered Alba, before she took to sliding her figure through the middle and top ropes.

"I hope we have a good match..." Mizaki hummed, with her hands to her bust as if to prop up her cleavage, which was tremendous to say the least. God knows how much of an advantage Mizaki would have held had she opted for a bikini today...

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Re: Alba Garcia vs. Mizaki Tantka - Smother Match

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Alba Garcia had looked a bit surprised to see Mizaki coming out with an entourage today, watching them as she stretched a bit in the ring to keep limber. She didn't really understand why her opponent would need anyone else out here, let alone two people, but she didn't think too much of it. Sucking in a breath as Mizaki entered the ring, the Spanish girl would make her way to the middle of the ring.

...And then look down at Mizaki's cleavage, blushing slightly. "Ummm..." stammered Alba, extending a hand for Tantka to shake and snapping out of it to look at Mizaki's face. "I hope so too...! But just... erm, what... is this match, specifically? Like... how do I win?" asked Alba before awkwardly looking over at the referee, as if pleading for her for instruction too. "And should I have brought people to watch too or...?"

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Re: Alba Garcia vs. Mizaki Tantka - Smother Match

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Anna and Bea were already ringside, with the latter pressing her hands to the apron as Anna stood with arms crossed. Until otherwise, they'd be told to remain still and silent - not even cheers of support were wanted by the dominant Mizaki. She did not need them, she felt.

"IDIOT...!" Mizaki roared, her hand stretching ahead of her as a finger extended as well, to point at the stumbling Alba. "How do you win? You DON'T!"

With that said arm would come back to her hips, as Mizaki let out a long, almost painfully loud laugh delivered with the intent to patronise and mock her foe.

"You'll do your best, before struggling and probably dying! Under theeeeeeeese!"

With that, Mizaki looked to turn every eye in the arena to her, as she grasped her breasts with both hands. As if to push those already large breasts up, highlighting the weapons of which she'd be using to crush Alba with!

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Re: Alba Garcia vs. Mizaki Tantka - Smother Match

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When Mizaki insulted her, Alba Garcia nearly jumped out of her boots, looking surprised. Her jaw went slack as Mizaki continued to speak, making the Spanish girl shrink back slightly. "B-but I--"

Then, before Garcia could even retort, Tantka had said she may die from her mammoth breasts, grasping them as Alba went even more wide-eyed and shocked. "...Wh-what...? I don't really... ummm... want... that..." squeaked Alba worriedly.

Biting her lip, Alba Garcia cleared her throat. She took a deep breath and stood up straight and then said. "But... maybe I'll just... win and smother you under my... you know, breasts instead...!" Making a motion as if she would grasp her own breasts, instead Alba chickened out and then ran them down her sides instead, trying to adopt her most brave expression.

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Re: Alba Garcia vs. Mizaki Tantka - Smother Match

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"Too bad, FUCKER!" A quick retort to Alba's request not to die would see Mizaki look to her side, as if to earn a laughing approval from her two stablemates. A quick prod of her elbow by Bea would see Anna join in with the aforementioned bluenettes, with the greenette otherwise absent minded prior to her now laughing alongside Bea. Though the fact she didn't know what she was actually laughing about was apparent in her half-hearted giggle, which itself made Mizaki roll her eyes back to Alba.

"Whatever you fucking loser-Oi let's start this shall we?" With a roll of her arms as she effectively cut herself off with a change of focus - with the former of which being performed as to try and pretend said biceps had any measure of actual muscle in them - Mizaki would give her orders to the referee as to start this encounter. Following a quick verbal check with Alba, she'd do just that - raising her arm to the outside, with the ringing of the bell signalling that the match was underway.

Though Mizaki wouldn't wait all the way, as she paced from the corner with her arms raised! She was by no means a powerful variety, but Alba's lack of firm stance made her believe she could overpower this gal every which way!

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Re: Alba Garcia vs. Mizaki Tantka - Smother Match

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Looking alarmed when Mizaki screamed at her again, Alba stepped back, wide-eyed and holding a hand to her chest. She was shockingly cruel, and alarmingly aggressively. She had wrestled some mean women before, but this Japanese girl was absolutely one of the more angry ones. Alba's face crunched up as Tantka unleashed another volley of insults and asked to start the match, looking a bit hurt at first before starting to glare back at Mizaki. "I'm not a loser!" she retorted loudly, trying to stand up for herself.

Garcia took a step towards Mizaki now before raising her arms up as well, locking fingers with her bluenette opponent! Alba wasn't terribly strong--it was absolutely not her strong suit. However, she was feeling a little more confident as she put all of her strength into their test of strength, and her training with her new friend kept her starting to gain some actual muscles in her arms. She was prepared to not back down to this bully of a girl right now.

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Re: Alba Garcia vs. Mizaki Tantka - Smother Match

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Mizaki raised her hand to flap it as Alba denied her insult, with the bustier bluenette wholly uninterested now in just about anything this gal had to say. Unless it was admittance that she was worthless - and that she'd immediately want to give up!

Though that hardly seemed likely as Alba expressed what looked to be genuine confidence, with even more showing as she opted to willingly lock up with Mizaki. Hardly of a speedy variety, namely because of the two heavy weights upon her front, Mizaki was all too eager to lock up given that there was more than one way in her mind to win a clinch like this. Though pressing into Alba, it soon became apparent that Mizaki could possibly just rely on the simplest means of winning a test of strength. With strength, of course!

"Weak...Little silly girl..." She'd huff, looking to overcome whatever muscle this gal might have built in her arms with the sheer volume of her body! As Mizaki looked to rear her front harder and harder into Alba's own, with busts still grinding and outright mashing, as to never let focus shift to the contest between arms!

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Re: Alba Garcia vs. Mizaki Tantka - Smother Match

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With a grunt of exertion, Alba Garcia tried to push back against Mizaki, only to feel another load of exertion against her--her breasts. Blushing and tittering out a worried whine, the Spanish girl's modest pair of breasts was very much being overcome by Tantka's mammoth pair, keeping her on her back legs as her chest weighed on her.

"Wha--What are you doing!?" hollered Alba, worriedly looking at Mizaki as she was starting to be pushed back, try as she might to maintain position. Soon, she was being backed up more and more, unable to keep her footing against her arrogant opponent. And Garcia just wasn't quite sure what to do from here.

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Re: Alba Garcia vs. Mizaki Tantka - Smother Match

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Alba could have forced her way through, perhaps with slightly greater might she'd of heaved over the Mizaki who was putting all the confidence into her own bust. But the moment Alba's focus shifted, the contest was in Mizaki's mind, over already!

Heaving into her quivering foe, Mizaki would not be stopped. Hell, her hands didn't even push on Alba's own - they only gripped to ensure Alba's hands wouldn't get in the way of what Mizaki's body was doing to her. That was, bulling her the near entirety of the distance of the ring!

Laughing near enough all the way, Mizaki had the ropes or even corner behind in mind for her target destination. She couldn't exactly see which would be coming given the Alba in front of her, though she was sure of one thing. Be it the three ropes or three turnbuckle pads, Mizaki was going to outright squish this poor gal against them!

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