Match Type: "First to Three Falls 'Smother' Match"
Similar to a "First to Three Falls" match, the win condition is to score a fall against the opposing OC. However, falls can ONLY be scored via forcing the opponent to pass out from a smother move a total of three times. In order to secure the position, you'd have to wear down the opponent with some moves and eventually get into the right spot. Even if you force a wrestler to submit, knock them out, or pin them no falls will be scored in your favor.
No DQ rules - No DQs, No Count-outs, but the 'fall' MUST happen within the confines of the ring. Weapons are allowed, but the emphasis isn't on them or their usage.
Despite her recent matches, Grace maintained this cheery attitude, after all, she had a lot to be happy about. Everything was going according to plan as she was getting the matches she desired. Recently, she had heard of this other gal around LAW, somebody by the name of 'Newbie Nuo'. This immediately intrigued the masked jobber as she heard of her win/loss record. More losses than wins? Along with the fact that she was a more sensual kind of wrestler, Grace knew she had to challenge her.
So she made a whole big deal out of it, calling out Newbie Nuo backstage, talking her smack and issuing a challenge to a special match. To her luck, the woman accepted and Grace was excited!!! Now, a few days later, it was time for the match as Grace was bouncing on her toes. She was happy that Nuo took her little challenge, this match would be great for the both of them. She planned on giving Nuo a good match, but she really wanted her fellow masked wrestler to dominate her, especially with the given conditions to win. A backstage member cued Grace and she went out to face the crowd, she was bubbly and energetic as per usual as her theme song played.
"...Entering the ring first, hailing from Phoenix, across the night sky at a blazing speed....Grace Moore!!! THE SHOOTING STAR!!!"