White cat vs Hellcat

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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White cat vs Hellcat

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Yugito Shirone vs Niko Cinami
Normal match
To win you got to defeat your opponent by knock out , pinfall , submission or count out

It seemed that luck was finally on her side as she was up against someone closer to her weightsize that the opponent she got in her last match. Even better was the fact from what she heard that the other wrestler did not have much experience as an wrestler as she felt pretty good about her chances to win tonight. Her attire for tonight's match was what she usually wore as it consisted of an pair of wrestling shoes , Black socks that covered her legs until it reached her knees. An pink skirt which was covered by an black one as she wore an white blouse to finish it off. On her hands she wore an pair of mna gloves as she hoped she did not look to scared as she walked to the gorilla position.

As the whitette felt like she was an death man walking as she arrived at the gorila position just in time as her entrance music begin to play as Payapaya Kitten by Hatsune Miku & Meiko was coming out of the speakers in the stadium. As she walked onto the ramp she was meet with cheers as she waved at the fans as the ring announcer would say ''now entering from Tashirojima , Japan. Weighing in at 105ibs , It's Yugito Shirone'' as she climbed into the ring.

Once she was inside the ring she would just focus on the referee as now the wait for her opponent would begin. As she felt those were the longest seconds of an match as nothing seemed to matter until she was able to witness the other wrestler coming down to the ring. Since she was hoping to start 2022 with an victory rather then an defeat.

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Re: White cat vs Hellcat

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Finally, after the insufferable waiting, Niko was excited that she received the change of making into her first match. Before the day of the match, she got the rumor about her opponent had lots of similarities to her, in terms of appearance, fight style, she even got to knew her foe was also being called a "cat". These made Niko even more excited, not because how close the match will be, rather, she was going to being "hell" to a foe who was basically a reflection to herself, and this "hell" she brought would probably unprecedented in entire history of this competition.

But right now, Niko will be focusing on her grand entrance to her debut match. She was wearing a red dress with white shirt under it, a red bow tied her purple hair. The most unique appearance of her are her hands, as they had long and abnormally sharp fingernails on each finger. That was a special "treatment" she prepared for her opponent, as someone who was known for playing extremely dirty, she purposefully sharpen the fingernails even before the match. As Niko finally entered the arena, upon hearing her name being announced, she ran to the ring with a fast speed, and didn't bother to hide the grin on her face. She climbed up under the rope, did a very agile flip and stood up in the ring. She turned around and waited at her corner, while she could take some time to take a look at her victim, no, opponent of today.

The rumors she heard are true, standing at the opposite corner was a girl who was around the same height, weight, even the the energy of the appearance was very similar to herself. Niko slowly inspected her foe's outfit, white long-sleeved shirt, a pair of black socks, and... oh, a cute and short pink skirt. Niko know she found a almost perfect target, that her opponent was the type who will have less defense for her to perform the moves she prepared for the girl... Niko's grin on her face became even wider, she burst out a laugh to the white haired girl: "Ha! You are so perfect! Perfect to be my toy!"
Last edited by SkoomaAddict on Wed May 08, 2024 4:02 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: White cat vs Hellcat

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Soon her opponent would arrival as she watched as the other wrestler would come down to the ring. The music that would accompany her seemed to fit the purplenette as she had the feeling the other woman was not someone she would get along with. As she was not sure what it was , but something seem to rub her the wrong way as she would just narrow her eyes at the other woman. Then came the moment when she finally heard the other woman speak as she retorted back ''I would never be an toy to the likes of you. As you won't be able to beat me , and never will''as she could not wait for the match to start so she could back those words up.

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Re: White cat vs Hellcat

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"Haha! Nice talk! Let's see if you can still think the same thing later!" An twisted feeling of excitement could be heard in Niko's voice, the type of excitement of as if someone who was going to do some unmoral stuff... "Ding ding ding" Finally, Niko heard the sound she was waiting for too long, the ringing of the bell, the ringing of the beginning match. "Hahaha!" Niko first started a laugh of insanity, which will give goosebumps to many people who heard her. She would lower her body a little, then kick the ground like a 100 meters athlete and begin to charge at the white haired girl opposite her at a unbelievable speed, she would try to be so fast that her foe wouldn't be able to reflect on what happened. Upon arriving her foe, and just as a cheater she was, she would raise both of her arms, form her hands in to claw gesture, aim right at both of whitette's thighs. Upon placing her hands on position, Niko would then start to scratch the white hair girl's thighs hard with her sharp fingernails, she wanted to kickstart her series of torturing to her foe with this "least dirty" (compared to her others attacks she was going to perform) move, the clawing onto the thighs.

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Re: White cat vs Hellcat

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''Ohh the only thing I be talking with will be my fists''thought Yugito as she did not knew why , but the other woman was getting on her nervous. As finally the bell would ring as the whitette would crouch down and get her guard up as Niko charged right at her. Thinking that the other wrestler was either A stupid or B extremely confident she would crouch down , and attempt to sweep the other woman's legs from beneath her as she saw Niko make an claw that was aimed for her thighs as she hoped she was the faster of the pair when it came to their first clash.

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Re: White cat vs Hellcat

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With the incredible speed, it did not take too long for Niko to reach the Yugito. On the way to her opponent, Niko also thought of what the white haired girl will react to her attack, and how she would she deal with it. Soon, just as Niko thought, her foe was smart enough to react to her charging, as once she was about to reach Yugito, the whitette suddenly crouch down, and tried to leg sweep to her feet, attempting to make her fall down. "Ha! Nice trick!" And again, as a cheater herself, she wasn't at all surprised at this attack. "But still not nice enough!" With her speed, Niko would jump forward into air and dodged the leg sweep, she would then grab her foe by the shoulders. With the support of her own arms, Niko would spin her entire body until she was in a straighten and upside down position, as insane as it looks, she doing handstand on her opponent's shoulders. She would then swing her body "counterclockwise", at the same time bended her legs, and with Yugito's crouch position, Niko would hit the white hair girl's chest with both of her knees when she swung down.

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Re: White cat vs Hellcat

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Yugito was hoping to sweep her opponent's legs from beneath her , but would fail as Niko leaped over her extended feet , and commented how while it was an nice trick. It was not nice enough as the whitette already figured out as while her opponent was in the air she would spin her entire body until she was in an straighten and upside down position as she somehow preformed an handstand while on top of her shoulders. As she finished that acrobatic feat by swinging her body counterclockwise as she hit the Japanese girl right in the chest as she was knocked down as an result.

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Re: White cat vs Hellcat

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That "creative" move went with the result totally matched Niko's expectation, as she already gain upper hand by knocking her opponent down on the mat while herself made a perfect landing on the ground in front of the whitette. Without wasting anytime, the purple hair would then leap forward like an actual cat trying to catch a bird, in which she would land right onto Yugito, sat on her foe's belly to use her own body weight to keep the white haired girl from standing up. "Oh, fell down already? Can you try to get up now?" Niko taunted with her twisted smile, looking into her opponent's eyes below her and stretched her arms a little. She was ready to have some fun.

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Re: White cat vs Hellcat

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Yugito had bin caught off guard by her opponent's athletic and acrobatic fighting style as the fans who were watching were loving it. As the way Niko managed to knock down the whitette was an thing of beauty as she heard the other wrestler taunt her. Mocking her as she was being praised as the Japanese wrestler would have attempted to rise up had the bitch not sat down onto her belly as she tried to buck her off as she growled ''you just got lucky. As the moment I get up you are going to get it''
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: White cat vs Hellcat

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"Yes you're right, I am lucky, and I will keep getting lucky the whole time!" Niko laughed upon hearing Yugito's growling, she liked when her opponent couldn't do anything effective as her body now pressed the white hair firmly to the mat. "Keep trying, try to get up as you said!" Niko purposefully lowered her voice a little, with her sarcastic voice she would then lower her upper body a little bit, making her face closer to her foe's. She looked into the whitette's eyes, and with a insidious grin appeared on the purple hair's face, "You may get up later, but not before I have some... fun" Niko would raise both of her hands, then slowly placed them onto Yugito's... breasts? "You know, one thing that annoys me about your outfit..." Niko would smile softly, before start to fondle the white hair girl's chest a little, then suddenly her face turned into a horrific expression of anger, "... is why are you so heavily dressed here!?" Niko then tighten her hands and begun to squeeze both of Yugito's breasts as hard as she could. That's one of the "tricks" she prepared for the whitette, she made her first attack with a terrific breast claw! And despite the protecting of the clothing on her foe's upper body, Niko would still use all her strength to bring the crushing force to the white hair.

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