Sparking Idol Barbara [D] vs. Superstar Harmonia

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Sparking Idol Barbara [D] vs. Superstar Harmonia

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Standard Match

Win by submission, pin, or KO

Barbara stood backstage looking at herself in a mirror, putting the final touches on her makeup and making sure her hair was all perked up and fluffy. Tonight was her big debut after all, and as an idol she had to make sure she looked her best! Though joining a wrestling league wasn't something she expected to happen since coming to Japan (she came solely to be an idol after all), she was trying her best to look on the bright side and see the silver lining. This was a way to keep her dream going, and now that she was freed from oppressive idol management, she felt like this was going to be her opportunity to really shine as well!

And it seemed that LAW management thought the same, putting her debut match against someone who called herself a "Superstar". Barbara wondered who would call herself that, either the woman was a real superstar, or she must be quite egotistical. Either way, the Sparking Idol wasn't going to back down or be intimidated. Barbara might look cute, but she wanted to make sure everyone at this wrestling league knew she was no creampuff. After all, the last thing she wanted was to be thought of as an easy target.

The lights in the arena dimmed as Barbara made her way onto the ramp. She took her position on center stage. Several spotlights ignited, converging upon the idol, as cameras focused on her face, projecting it upon the jumbotron screen behind her and suspended above the arena. She had a relative amount of fame in Japan, so many of the crowd immediately recognized her, a cheer rising like a swelling wave. The idol's smile filled her face as she began to sing, putting on a live performance of her entrance music.
Entrance Music
As this was her debut, she went and performed her way though the whole song. The crowd got really into it, many people who knew the lyrics singing along to the voice of their idol. When her performance ended, all the lights cut out once again for a moment. When they came back on, Barbara's outfit had completely changed. Gone was the idol dress she wore during the performance, replaced with a more practical (and revealing) outfit for wrestling.
The idol made her way down the ramp, waving to all her fans in the crowd. She gave them a little bit of fanservice, twirling around as she walked so everyone got a good view of her from every angle. When she made her way to the ring, she hopped up onto the apron and stepped in between the top and middle ropes, bending over and giving her butt a teasing little jiggle as she stepped into the ring. Once she was in the ring, she took a microphone from the ring announcer, and turned to address the crowd.

"Thank you all for coming out tonight for my debut!" Barbara said, "I hope everyone enjoys the show tonight!" She waved to the crowd once more before heading back to her corner, awaiting the entrance of her opponent.

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Re: Sparking Idol Barbara [D] vs. Superstar Harmonia

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Harmonia Edelstein was ready to show LAW her new self as she walked up to the gorilla position, coming in after her opponent.
This was the first after her promo that Harmonia would get into the ring.
The energetic Austrian was ready, standing behind the curtains, waiting for her theme "Desire" to hit the arena.
First the intro, the crowd already knew who was coming as her heartfelt promo made a big impact!
When the guitar riffs after the intro started to sound through the arena, the Austrian knew the time was right as she stepped out to a cheering and chanting crowd, pumping a fist into the air as the fireworks went off beside her.
Red-White-Red, Red-White, the colours of her country, while the titantron showed a cavalcade of stars before changing into a best off of Harmonias matches as the Superstar walked down the ramp, grinning.
Molly was'nt at her side today but that was ok, she could do this on her own while her girlfriend watched and cheered her on.
When her song reached the bridge she got up to the side of the ring and then jumped over the top rope to land when the refrain hit and the corners started to blast fireworks in her colours too!

The Superstar had arrived and made her debut and Harmonia intended to make it something that people would remember.
She turned to her opponent, a sexy one she had to admit, this could get interesting.
She raised her arm for a finger cannon aimed at her and "shot", pulling the gun away in its "holster" as her high energetic theme started to fizzle out.
Harmonia was leaning against the ropes and waited for her opponent to walk into the middle of the ring before she followed, both women staring each other down, Harmonias read glasses only gave a slight hint of the blue orbs behind it.
"Hey, welcome to LAW. An honor to be your debut. Lets give them nothing but our best!", the Superstar said and stretched out her hand.

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Re: Sparking Idol Barbara [D] vs. Superstar Harmonia

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"Superstar eh?" Barbara mused in her mind as she watched Harmonia make her entrance. Though Barbara seemed like an airheaded idol, she had in fact done some research on her opponent before this match. The kinds of matches her opponent took part in made it a bit hard to take her too seriously, things like smother matches and mud wrestling. Even quickly going through it all was enough to make the innocent idol blush. So even though Barbara saw Harmonia make this kind of entrance, she still couldn't help but be a little skeptical of how much those recent changes Harmonia announced would stick.

But it wasn't as if Barbara had any right to look down on her opponent, especially not after her own entrance. The idol looked about as much a creampuff as they come, with her song and dance opening and her completely unintimidating demeanor. That's exactly what Barbara wanted though. She wanted her opponents to look at her and see an easy mark. No doubt Harmonia thought this match would be easy, a quick win to establish her new persona. Barbara was going to derail those plans. The thought of doing that to this hopeful superstar almost brought a devious grin to Barbara's face, though she maintained composure and kept her look wide-eyed and innocent.

She walked to the middle of the ring with a cute smile on her face. "I'm really excited to be facing you tonight Harmonia!" she said, Your entrance looked really cool! Yes, let's both give it our best!"

Barbara reached out and took Harmonia's hand, giving her a firm shake. She was tempted to take this opportunity to take the first shot, but decided against it. "Not yet," Barbara thought, "Not at my debut." She did hold on to Harmonia's hand just a bit longer than normal though as the thoughts went through her mind. But she released Harmonia's hand, taking a few steps back as she got ready for the start of the match.

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Re: Sparking Idol Barbara [D] vs. Superstar Harmonia

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Harmonia smiled and kept eyecontact with the bubbly idol.
So far, so good it seemed.
Even if this was far from the opponent she had wished for, for her debut, Harmonia was'nt someone to judge, as she herself was belittled and taken as a worthless little model herself.

Harmonia would take her seriously and she would give Barbara her best shot.
All was prepared for this big day, Harmonia had put her body under a hard training regiment bulking up to 71 kilos on her 1,68 m built, her slender model built was still sleak and sexy but her muscles and body were more toned, a testament of the strain she had put her body through to come to this point.
The Superstar was'nt the same woman as before, that much was clear.
The Model Harmonia Edelstein died at this fateful night around new year and from the ashes Superstar Harmonia Edelstein had risen.
No more questions, no more issues, all was said and done.
She was ready.

When Barbara kept her hand longer then expected,Harmonia tilted her head but never let go of her big grin as she pressed a little harder, making Barbara understand that she indeed was ready to give it 100%.

The ref sent both women to their corner where Harmonia put off her hat, bandana and sunglasses a
The Austrian was here, she did it...
"Hey Babs, don't think I go easy on you because you are cute. This sweet butt is going down tonight...", she grinned as the bell rang and Harmonia approached her opponent in the middle of the ring, her hands raised for a test of strenght, to see what she had to work with...

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Re: Sparking Idol Barbara [D] vs. Superstar Harmonia

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Barbara put on her best innocent face as she faced off against Harmonia. She even tried her best to look a bit intimidated, Harmonia was a whole lot bigger and taller than her after all, and if she was truly an inexperienced fighter she should be terrified. In her mind though, Barbara was busy scanning Harmonia's body to determine any weak points she could exploit.

"She's got more reach, and it looks like quite a bit of weight and muscle on me," Barbara thought as she approached Harmonia, her hands rising up to accept the test of strength, "There's no way I can win a test of strength, unless all that is just for show..." Which meant that she would have to play smart and use deception, which was perfectly fine by the idol.

"Please don't go easy on me!" Barbara said, "It wouldn't be entertaining for everyone watching if you do! Feel free to go all out, I can take it!" Putting on a sweet smile, she locked fingers with Harmonia. The idol pushed forward just a little bit, to show that she was serious about getting into a test of strength with Harmonia. She hoped the Superstar was going to fall for the bait.

As soon as Harmonia pushed forward with all her strength, Barbara would immediately give ground and crumple to the mats. But her fall was carefully controlled, as she rolled backwards to free up her legs. Planting her feet in Harmonia's midsection, Barbara would attempt to push upwards and monkey flip Harmonia head over heels, following through the motion using her arms to try and throw Harmonia onto her back behind her!

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Re: Sparking Idol Barbara [D] vs. Superstar Harmonia

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Harmonia Edelstein had learned, trained her body and was ready to give it a testdrive in this match.

Idol or Heavyweight, Psycho or Brawler, she was ready for everyone and so approached Barbara witha big smile on her face, a grin that would become her trademark as she locked her fingers with Barbara whom she almost immediatly overpowered, but of course that was nothing that seemed to shock the idol too much as she fell backwards, kicked her legs up into Harmonias toned stomach and monkeyflipped the Superstar into the canvas behind them for an explosive start!

"Ungh... Wow did'nt see that one coming!", she grinned and turned around, getting on all fours and got up, jumping at Barbara who had gotten up herself for a lockup.

If everything worked as planned, then Harmonia would use her bigger strength to slam them into the corner and end Barbaras struggling with a mighty knee to her stomach.

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Re: Sparking Idol Barbara [D] vs. Superstar Harmonia

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Barbara's move seemed to totally catch Harmonia off guard a she successfully flipped the Superstar head over heels, landing with a thud on the mats behind her. The idol felt a burst of joy at her success. All she had was theory before, as though she did some training before starting here at LAW she had never had a chance to put her moves into practice. Seeing something like that work so well gave her hope that her tricks could be quite effective.

The idol quickly turned over and pushed back to her feet. She figured Harmonia wouldn't be down for long, as though she had been caught off guard she was still fresh. But even she wasn't expecting the sheer ferocity Harmonia displayed when she came at her.

Barbara had barely gotten her hands up with Harmonia leapt at her. "Ah-!" she gasped as the bigger woman grabbed her and drove her back with her forward momentum. Barbara's feet backpedaled furiously to keep her standing, she couldn't stop Harmonia at all! It was only when her back hit the turnbuckle on the opposite side of the ring that Barbara finally came to a stop.

"GAH!" Spittle flew from the idol's mouth as Harmonia followed up her drive with a knee right into Barbara's exposed gut. The idol doubled over, blue eyes wide in shock and pain. Despite this though, Barbara was still thinking about ways to fight back. Even as she was doubled over with Harmonia's knee buried in her gut, her arms looped around the back of Harmonia's thigh, hugging her leg close and forcing her to keep her leg up.

The idol looked up at Harmonia, her cute blue eyes burning with indignation. "How dare you hit me like that!" Barbara thought. She then twisted hard to the side, throwing her entire weight around Harmonia's leg to try and take down the Superstar with a dragon screw, her counterattack fueled by rage and indignation!

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Re: Sparking Idol Barbara [D] vs. Superstar Harmonia

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The Superstar was faster, stronger and more determined then she ever was.
A simple monkey flip on the canvas could hardly take her down for long and so she got to her knees
and searched for a lockup with her sexy opponent again.
Both women struggled, but Harmonias height and weight advantage, paired with the momentum of her attack
managed to get the job done.

The blonde grabbed Barbara and slammed her between the turnbuckle and her body, intended to leave things in the corner where
she could easily were down her opponent with lots of different moves that surely would please the fans.
But first Barbara needed to hold still.
The Superstars knee shot up and dug itself into the exposed belly of her opponent who buckled over into her arms and gagged.
"Whats wrong, Babs? That all?", she asked as she realized that the idol held her leg.
"What the..."

And before Harmonia could do anything, her leg was twisted and the advantage shifted as she was sent down onto the canvas again with a perfectly applied dragonscrew!
Harmonia held her leg in pain and looked up to Barbara.
She could'nt underestimate her...even if she had done inadvertently...
"Ok...then lets play...", Harmonia said and hoped to be on her legs before Barbara made her move...

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Re: Sparking Idol Barbara [D] vs. Superstar Harmonia

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Though Barbara had managed to counterattack with the dragon screw takedown, it was less a planned move and more one borne from desperation. She knew the second she got pinned in the corner that she needed to get out fast, otherwise Harmonia would destroy her. The knee to the gut emphasized that fact, though it did giver her a ticket out. Barbara's main goal was to get out of that situation as fast as she could, so after taking down Harmonia she rolled a bit more, getting towards the center of the ring

"Haaaaah!" Barbara let out a gasp tinged with pain as she rolled onto her hands and knees. She had been ignoring Harmonia's hit as much as she could, but now that she was a but safer she felt the soreness fill her gut. One hand reached down to rub the exposed bit of her belly that had taken the hit as she pushed up to her feet.

The idol was slower to get up than Harmonia, so by the time she was up Harmonia was already on her feet. "Not going to let that happen again!" Barbara said, her blue eyes flashing with determination. She sucked in a deep breath, then advanced to make her attack, seeking to meet Harmonia head on and lock up in a tight collar and elbow grapple with the superstar.

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Re: Sparking Idol Barbara [D] vs. Superstar Harmonia

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Harmonia was quicker on her feet then the Idol and ready to go at it again as she saw how the kick to the gut had winded her.
Well that was no surprise, Harmonia had trained like a maniac for the last half of a year to make her body a weapon against anyone who wanted to challenge the Superstar.
Harmonia felt ready, Harmonia knew she had all that it took to take on everyone!
And still she felt that Barbara would'nt make it easy for she had to be quick on her feet and deliver enough punishment to wear her opponent down.

Harmonia approached her right as the Idol shot up ,locking up with Harmonia in the middle of the ring, their faces inches from one another as they struggled.
"Not bad Babs...not bad...but I am stronger...", Harmonia grinned and managed to turn the tables by slipping one hand over Barbaras shoulder and the other one between her legs, scooping her up...
But instead of slamming her down with a scoopslam she started to walk around the ring with her, drawing many cheers from the crowd as she walked with her opponent, as if Barbara weighed nothing.
The muscles on Harmonias arms and back were showing how serious she meant it, how determined she was to leave her mark on LAW.
And after a full round she slammed Barbara down with all her power, making the canvas shake, echoing to the last corner of the arena.

The Superstar grinned and pumped a fist into the air.
"YEAH!", she screamed and the fans chanted her name.
This was her arena now and she would show Barbara what she had in store as she performed a standing legdrop, if it hit, her strong leg would slam down onto the throat of the idol...

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