Win by submission, pin, or KO
Barbara stood backstage looking at herself in a mirror, putting the final touches on her makeup and making sure her hair was all perked up and fluffy. Tonight was her big debut after all, and as an idol she had to make sure she looked her best! Though joining a wrestling league wasn't something she expected to happen since coming to Japan (she came solely to be an idol after all), she was trying her best to look on the bright side and see the silver lining. This was a way to keep her dream going, and now that she was freed from oppressive idol management, she felt like this was going to be her opportunity to really shine as well!
And it seemed that LAW management thought the same, putting her debut match against someone who called herself a "Superstar". Barbara wondered who would call herself that, either the woman was a real superstar, or she must be quite egotistical. Either way, the Sparking Idol wasn't going to back down or be intimidated. Barbara might look cute, but she wanted to make sure everyone at this wrestling league knew she was no creampuff. After all, the last thing she wanted was to be thought of as an easy target.
The lights in the arena dimmed as Barbara made her way onto the ramp. She took her position on center stage. Several spotlights ignited, converging upon the idol, as cameras focused on her face, projecting it upon the jumbotron screen behind her and suspended above the arena. She had a relative amount of fame in Japan, so many of the crowd immediately recognized her, a cheer rising like a swelling wave. The idol's smile filled her face as she began to sing, putting on a live performance of her entrance music.
Entrance Music
The idol made her way down the ramp, waving to all her fans in the crowd. She gave them a little bit of fanservice, twirling around as she walked so everyone got a good view of her from every angle. When she made her way to the ring, she hopped up onto the apron and stepped in between the top and middle ropes, bending over and giving her butt a teasing little jiggle as she stepped into the ring. Once she was in the ring, she took a microphone from the ring announcer, and turned to address the crowd.
"Thank you all for coming out tonight for my debut!" Barbara said, "I hope everyone enjoys the show tonight!" She waved to the crowd once more before heading back to her corner, awaiting the entrance of her opponent.