"Highs and Lows" - Naya Kazashi vs Angelina Tarrant - Hentai Submission Match

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Re: "Highs and Lows" - Naya Kazashi vs Angelina Tarrant - Hentai Submission Match

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Deep down it bothered Naya that anger was getting the best of her. What bothered her even more however was just how much her opponent seemed to be enjoying her spontaneous outburst, as if she was taking pride in breaking the mental fortitude of the once sweet surfer. This thought only served to enrage Naya even more, intensifying with each slam of her opponent's head into the mat before the referee summed up the courage to interrupt her tirade.

"I'm nothing like you!" Naya seethed between gritted teeth with one last violent smash, letting Angelina rattled head bounce on the canvas below before relinquishing her grip. She wheezed loudly, the efforts of her rage starting to become taxing on her breathing as she stared down at her opponent, looking for something to hate. There were those purple eyes, gleaming with benign amusement and curiosity. That nose, scrunched up and wheezing as she tried to regain her senses. Those lips, twisted into an infuriating smirk glistening behind a mouth still sheen with her juices. Naya's own lips began to tremble, the will to destroy battling against the desire to ravage. "Urggh... fuck it!" Nay conceited as she descended down into her opponent on pure animalistic instinct alone.

Her mouth mashed into Angelina's face with wet sucking noises, her tongue swiping across the girls cheeks, lips and nose before finally making their way between her lips. The kiss was a primal unleashing of emotions too clouded to discern as a singular entity, instead hate, rage, and wrath mixed in equally with undeniable lust and devotion. Her hips assumed a mind of their own, rubbing and grinding her sopping sex against Angelina's exposed torso.

She continued to make out with her opponent, claiming as much of her mouth as she could before pulling out with a loud frustrated yell, her inner conflictions now on full display for all to hear. "AAAGH fuck you!" Naya screamed as she hurdled downward once again, this time sliding her mount so that her forehead pushed up against her opponents chest. One arm lunged forward, pressing her forearm tight against Angelina throat, while the fingers on her other hand fumbled to make sense of her mind's muddled commands before eventually snaking their way to Angelina's top.

With a harsh yank, she lifted the bra upwards, exposing both breasts in reach of her mouth. With another violent lunge, Naya thrust her head towards the girl's orbs, sucking madly on the tit nearest her gaping mouth. "Mmmmmgah ~ MMMMHMM!" There was no gentle suckling or nibbling for foreplay, only pure hunger as Naya gripped Angelina's breast between her finger, enveloping her tit in her mouth and using the ensuing vacuum to suction greedily and painfully on her nipple.

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Re: "Highs and Lows" - Naya Kazashi vs Angelina Tarrant - Hentai Submission Match

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The Marauder was being pounded into drunkenness. Every direction intersected, time was slowing down and the pain became the only trustworthy sense she knew to exist. Her whole skull throbbed at the last violent smash. Black spots were in her vision, and her eyes were fluttering in this battle to stay conscious. Her arms and hands were all slack, the lower-half opened in a wide V, her arms now folding by her head into that pool of scarlet hair. Eyes and mouth closed, the latter buckled and moaned, “You… so… are.”

And that very belief was just so delectable. It’s so terribly honest when someone acts with their instincts rather than with all the firewalls of consciousness and decisions to filter out the filth. Take what they will and don’t apologise. That’s all she could think while laying there, hardly even looking around, panting as her stomach rose and fell in rapid successions. With what sight she focused, their wrath was all the pleasure she needed to smirk, and enjoy. That’s when something amazing happened. Her face turned to their influence and she trembled as they devoured, tasted her skin and swiped around her face, leaving behind a memory she’d not forget so easily. She felt wet - but more yearning than ever when Naya took her lips. Her temporary strength went into re-engaging this kiss, trying to meet the intensity of passing tongues and coupling lips, but horribly failing. She was being overwhelmed, and the feeling of the woman’s sex grinding against her chest brought a new wave of little jitters, happy tingles and heart-flutters. Soon her breath was dry and it started to ache in her chest. She was floating and moving on their whims like a puppet, suddenly let go when they pulled away and she coughed several times to recoup, sucking in a sharp breath. “Mmmm…. Wow… h-holy… shit….”

Everything after remained a cluttered mess. Sensations were the only surge she understood, from the torque of her bra straps eating into her body and the fresh cool air that coursed over her hardened nubs. Then the mouth that descended on them. Naya attacked it like she wanted to consume it. This explosion of pleasure-pain threw her back into an arch. Her knees raised, feet propped down and stomped on the canvas. She moaned first, then yelped and eventually cried out. Her face was beat red, glimmering lust-addled eyes now started to leak and she was overcome by this sense that she was overheating or that her heart might jump from her chest… “F-Fuck…ing!! SHI- H-HaaH! Ooo-Oo- GAH- Mmm… AAhh! N-Naya!! N-NAya…”
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: "Highs and Lows" - Naya Kazashi vs Angelina Tarrant - Hentai Submission Match

Unread post by BuckleBuster »

Naya had gone savage.
There was no other way of describing the carnal display that lit the jumbotron for all to see. Once confident and proud, Naya had reverted to pure primal instincts in order to stake her claim over Angelina's body. Utter consumption of her opponent was the only thought occupying her mind, and her mouth and body worked tirelessly to achieve it. The skin around Angelina tits began to blotch with an unhealthy hue of blue, a testament to just how much bloodflow Naya had siphoned off with her ceaseless sucking of the girl's boob.

With a loud slurp she finally broke her lips free, a thick string of saliva still connect her lips to the Angelina's erect nipple as Naya sat a hyperventilating mess overtop her opponent. It wasn't a lack of energy or breath that had interrupted her domination, but rather a newfound dampness she felt sticking to her grinding thigh. "You're wet... aren't you?" Naya asked, her devious grin wavering behind her frequent pants and wheezes. Her hand reached back to pat between Angelina thighs, her fingertips sensing a new coat of juices drawn out from the over-sensitization of her breasts and groin. "So all I have to do is practically maul you to get you to cum, eh?.. lets see how you like it then, dirty slut!" Naya scoffed, examining the web of precum between her fingertips before pressing her hand harshly into Angelina's face whether she responded or not.

Aside from lathering the girl with her own fluids, Naya's rough posture served a dual purpose. Her palms gripped tightly onto the features of Angelina's cheek, using the impractical but painful spot to pivot the rest of her body 180 degrees until she lay reverse and parallel overtop her opponent's body. She humped her sex a few more times over Angelina's face before sliding into place, aligning her head directly overtop Angelina's crotch with her sex dangling in front of the red-head's face. Now in position, Naya slammed her legs together, attempting to clamp Angelina's head between them in a bashful reverse headscissor!

But she wouldn't stop there. Naya's grabbed onto both of Angelina's thighs and raised them around her neck, keeping them separated to prevent her opponent from performing a headsccsior of her own. With her limbs out of the way, all that remained was Angelina's damp crotch, further obstructed by her drenched panties. With frantic growls Naya dove headfirst into the fabric, gripping the fibers between her teeth in an effort to tear them clear off Angelina's pussy. It would take several seconds of gnashing and grinding, but if she was successful, then all that would remain would be Angelina's tattered bottoms with tears wide enough to breach.

And Naya would do just that, choking her opponent between her enraged thighs while her mouth set about invading her nether regions. She started first with her clit, flicking the pink nub with her tongue before swelling it with her mouth, enjoying the twitches they forced from her opponent. "MMMHMMMMMM ~ Fffmmmaaaaah " Naya slurped greedily as her tongued trailed downwards to Angelina slit, breaching her lower lips with an explosion of lust and hunger. Her fingers aided her conquest, spreading Angelina's pink pussy even wider and providing Naya's tongue with even more surface area to lap up in her sultry delirium. If all went unopposed, then the red-head would be trapped in a prison of mutual pain and pleasure, the pressure on her cranium reaching unbearable levels as Naya clamped down her thighs even harder!

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Re: "Highs and Lows" - Naya Kazashi vs Angelina Tarrant - Hentai Submission Match

Unread post by Monsy »

As the moments zipped by, she’d become more of a thing than a person.
Her mound was sucked, not just the skin but the pleasure entirely until it simply ached, and was rife in agony that soared through her as quick as blood sprang from the heart. It nearly turned her cries to screams until they snapped free. She was stuck in her arch, quaking, groaning like a groggy wake-up call as her hands dialled into white-knuckled fists, and the world continued to spin. The only salvation was the bit of friction between her legs. Naya’s limb could glide and Angelina made no fuss. It was a relief to feel at least something gentle. Her body was begging without mind, rolling her hips and kissing that smooth swath of skin as it coursed up and down her sopping womanhood. But even the little pat made her yelp and jerk forward. Her legs vibrated and her thighs lightly squeezed Naya’s hand, and Angelina held her breath until it stopped. “H-Hahh… H-Hohh.h.. Maybe a little, thanks to that…”

Then she relaxed… As much as she could with all the leftover sensations still wrestling through her system. The aphrodisiac hardly let anything slide. She could still remember the first head-thrash. “The fuck ya think you’re gonna do, huh?” And now she felt nothing but her own cum. It smeared and Angelina’s head turned one way until the cheek was firmly pinned for three. Groans slipped and Angelina banged her open-palms onto their forearm, moving her shoulders to try to wrestle away from that hand. She opened her mouth and tried to catch those fingers with her teeth. That was never meant to be, so she cursed and snarled, “Ya really turnin’ into one evil fuckin’ bitch!” And she damn-well was loving it deep-deep down. What she didn’t love was the little spin-around, the grip on her cheek that forced a whine, and the hump against her face that had the Marauder’s tongue out, lapping at whatever it could, like an overheating dog. Her body rocked with Naya’s force and was laid bare by however they wanted to torture it. Much was depleted with strength and just clinging to activity by touch-starved yearn. From her stomach down, there were trembles that gave her constant shivers that could be seen by one keen glance. These legs by her head were watched with her gaze switching in-between them. She tensed her teeth, pondering which one to bite first… But not before the clinch. Her eyes bulged, “Hnngh!”

The Marauder's legs were putty to how they handled them, propped up around their neck, made to kiss the sides. They folded so the boot heel kick her own butt cheeks. Her hips wiggled around to wrestle away from the teeth, but alas, it didn’t save her bottoms which tore in small chunks, then a big rip that left it in ribbons… “Canmmph ya bite mmpany parder?!”

Even so, that little animalistic escapade, head-smashing, slapping and biting paled in comparison to the tongue flick against her clit. It was like an orgasm in one touch. “H-HAA.. OOohh-fuck-fuck-fuck…” Her voice reached into a high-pitched girlish yelp, and her body spasmed to the attention, jerking as she scraped fingers into the canvas. “Mmmm…FUCK!” Her hips jerked and was starting to sweat on her forehead, soaking their tongue-bath with precum… Her back threw itself into an arch, with her belly pushing up against them whilst her hips thrashed. Moans soothed out in free-fall, loud and shameless, sounding almost like a half-sob from the mauling starting to overstimulate. The added squeeze to her head was just another level. How her mind could melt… And soon, her eyes were rolling back. She had her mouth open, tongue on the bottom lip to lap for air. The pain-euphoria reached its crescendo where she just couldn’t feel her lower-body or anything. All control was gone once her whole lithe frame was convulsing, with two hands grabbing at Naya’s back and scratching. Her eyes now rolled back, tears dripped and her entire face was swallowed by crimson. There wasn’t any fight from her legs to close, but to kick outward, the feet jittered around, toes curled and then… She froze up, still shivering but holding her limbs close to the close, trying to pull Naya’s body into her and tuck her head like she was begging for warmth. Then she broke. Her scream was like candy for the ears and fine tuned for the audience’s brain to remember. A gush of squirt splashed their tongue and she was thrown into a spiral. Her body felt lighter than a feather and went limp. There was hardly any energy left but to whimper as it continued and she’d just keep making a mess, unwilling or perhaps unaware she could even fight back. It was just drowning in a vat of sensations she couldn’t put a word to.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: "Highs and Lows" - Naya Kazashi vs Angelina Tarrant - Hentai Submission Match

Unread post by BuckleBuster »

The transgression that had warranted Naya's return to primitiveness in the first place had long been forgotten in the haze of her revenge-ridden mind. Angelina's captured pussy tasted far too sweet, her writhing her head far too rhythmic against her thighs, her wailing voice far too melodic for Naya to bother thinking about anything else other than how she was utterly destroying her opponent, and enjoying every second of it!

Finally Angelina released a torrent of juices straight into Naya's waiting mouth, the silver-haired submissionist, jiggling her head with glee in order to capture as many of the delicious droplets as possible. She smacked her lips together, sucking in air through her teeth in a loud and exaggerated sigh of satisfaction. "God, you even taste like a bitch!.. Just my kind of flavor" Naya cracked, gyrating her ass as she spoke in order to further disorient the entrapped red-head. She stuck her head back in between Angelina's thighs, refusing to give the woman one moment of rest as she continued to lick the remaining honey plastered on her legs and pussy lips. Eventually the referee started to make a slow approach, interrupting Naya's feast as an eventual submission seemed all but imminent in Angelina's broken state.

"Back off! She hasn't said nothing yet!" Naya barked, all of a sudden releasing the headscissors! Angelina remained a twitching, spastic mess beneath the surfer girl, her relinquished cum dripping off Naya's chin and staining the mat below. It would have been the perfect picture all by itself, one that Naya could have hung proudly on her wall as one of the defining moments of her fledgling career! But she refused to give her opponent the mercy of submission. No, this girl would know nothing of mercy until she suffered shame too immense to fathom!

Naya slid back until she sat overtop Angelina's navel, looking down at her from behind while wiping the remainder of the woman's cum off her chin with the back of her hand, leaving nothing but a wicked grin in it's place. Naya then swayed her hips and pushed with her legs in order to flip Angelina over until she was face down before once again sitting overtop her back. "I ain't evil Angie..." Naya muttered, reaching down to grab onto one of her opponent's splayed out legs, "I just fucking hate you right now!"

The angel had fully turned devil as she hooked the leg under her arm, wedging Angelina's ankle deep within the pit of her elbow. Wasting no time by allowing her rival to recover, Naya launched right into a single leg boston crab! She stretched the leg until she encountered noticeable resistance in the muscles, signs that the tendons were already being strained. Better yet was the teasing hint of their still gleaming pussy glistening in the arena lights, sending the crowd into an absolute uproar as the cameras struggled to magnify the region obscured by tattered clothing and flesh.

The sight gave Naya just the idea she was looking for on how to further shame her opponent. Rather than continuing to wrench the boston crab in the center of the ring, Naya lifted her butt slightly off the small of her opponent's back and began crab walking towards the rope, dragging the broken girl along with her! She wouldn't stop until she hovered just feet from one of the ring cameras, the sight of her opponent's pussy wedged tight between her thighs eliciting a chant among the audience for more! "You hear that Angie? I think they wanna see you cum again!" the intoxicated submissionist quipped. "And you know what, I think I just might make you... right... after... this" Naya yanked the boston crab back to the farthest extent yet, gritting her teeth as she exerted all her power into making Angelina's foot reach the back of head!

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Re: "Highs and Lows" - Naya Kazashi vs Angelina Tarrant - Hentai Submission Match

Unread post by Monsy »

Angelina’s body was in sub-zero shock. Her eyes gazed off into another dimension. She didn’t think, just felt. A full-body bliss and pain cocktail, so sensitive that the air was like being pricked by a tiny ember. Her fingers locked, curled as did her toes. Knees stayed bent, legs folded and spread. They couldn’t and wouldn’t move despite having zero strength. But when they continued to pillage and bathe her pussy and legs, Angelina’s waist curled in, and the shivers re-ignited. It felt both good and bad; she couldn’t describe it. Her eyes welded shut, tear-streams leaked off the sides but she continued to moan, weakly and mindlessly, mixing with a coughing sob of sorts as her voice was hardly audible beyond Naya’s own ears. “Y-You’re…” The woman was red as a beet. Her words were more of a croak.

And when she was just about asleep from the marriage between exhaustion and this choke, her world from black became vivid with colour. Her chest expanded three sizes and she arched, sucking in air like a raspy air-horn. Coughs sputtered and she wheezed repeatedly afterward. It was a sensory overload with gaping eyes and all too open ears. Now she panted like a dog, still too fuzzy to focus and lust-drunk to really think. She rolled over without any hassle. The girl was a feather and a little boney, hardly any weight to see her turn over, the weight on her back, well, that was actually rather comfortable. Her legs got to sprawl out. A cheek nestled into the canvas, to which she drooled with no will to really control her image in this situation.

“Ouch…” Angelina said in a groggy pitch. Call it a lack of awareness for what came next, as the launch into the Boston crab reaped a scream like Naya was entitled to Angelina’s voice. It got louder the more she pulled. Angelina’s elbows pitted on the mat and grabbed handfuls of her own hair. A hammer fist pounded the canvas. Her thigh, lower-back and ankle all caught flame. If only there was something to bite or mend the humiliation from all these eyes, present and not to the sight they witnessed. It was her maiden trip with public humiliation. That’s the thing with having an image of some merit. Never know how much it goes to your head. Then it stings worse. But there was something else about it… She couldn’t thumb it just yet…

For once there was an ounce of rage. Fight that seeped back in after it was previously fucked out. Whatever amount she had, she used it to growl, bury and dig her forehead into the canvas, and yell back, “FUCK YOU!” But that pull was a bit too far. Her leg was no longer a crescent but a circle. Her stomach peeled off the mat. She made a girlish squeal. More tears came in free fall. Drool from her mouth, and an overheating redness in her face.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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