Panther Risako vs. Alizeh Midori - Emerald Dream

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Re: Panther Risako vs. Alizeh Midori - Emerald Dream

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Risako noted the defiance that Alizeh showed as she prepared her for the piledriver, but it was futile as the Queen of the Ring carried out the move, holding the younger woman's body upside down, driving her head first into the mat as she landed on her knees. Then, she let go of her body, letting her fall down onto the mat. Huffing, Risako brushed aside a few strands of her hair off her forehead as she looked at the face of her opponent. Alizeh had shown so much potential as a wrestler despite being younger than her, and Risako smiled, knowing that she had a bright future ahead of her if she kept it up.

Of course, it was time for her to collect her due, and Risako placed herself on top of Alizeh for the pinfall attempt. Pressing her own ample bust against her opponent's body, Risako reached down to one of her legs, hooking it with her arm. She was going for the cover attempt, and seeing this, the referee would come over and start counting for the pin. Risako carefully listened to the referee as she started counting, and she hoped that this would be the final one for this match before she could emerge victorious over her opponent.



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Re: Panther Risako vs. Alizeh Midori - Emerald Dream

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The bell soon rang ending the match between the veteran and young gun in favor of the veteran. Halfway during the pin Alizeh’s eyes had fluttered open, banishing the unconciousness from her thoughts.. barely. Just enough to where she can feel the admittedly warm embrace of Risako on top of her. But that was all she was capable of, she could do nothing as the pin was completed and the bell rang. All the greenette could think about in this brief span of time was the woman on top of her. How much she had trained, how skilled she was, how many secrets whe must... how much she could benefit from such wisdom.... looking up at a flash of purple Alizeh clenched her fists and swallowed her pride as she collected her thoughts as best she could for what she was about to do.

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Re: Panther Risako vs. Alizeh Midori - Emerald Dream

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And the match was over. Risako could feel relief washing over her being as she heard the bell being sounded, which signified that the match had ended. She would then pick herself off of Alizeh, taking a look at the younger woman's face before she smiled. Alizeh had shown such a potential in herself that Risako was certain that she would be able to make it big sometime in the future.

Standing tall over her opponent, Risako then had her arm raised by the referee, making her victory official. With this victory, she got another win under her belt, and she was sure that it should be enough to prove that she still deserved to be called the Queen of the Ring. And before she left, she decided to give some last parting words to Alizeh.

"You're pretty good. I'm sure you'll be able to make it big someday." Risako said before she turned around, ready to leave. She was planning to get herself a hot shower before resting for the rest of the night.

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Re: Panther Risako vs. Alizeh Midori - Emerald Dream

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”Agh... ugh...” Alizeh had regained conciousness somewhere between the second and third count, the ringing of the bell serving as a cruel alarm clock to bring her back to the land of the living. A match that had started off so promising had turned into a dominant display of what the queen of the ring was capable of. Alizeh bad been the pawn to demonstrate it.

Still... while the biting sting of disappointment rang throughout her... Alizeh wasn’t overly upset. She was.. reflective.. it was a thought that pervaded her thoughts since her match against Alaina. She had started wrestling when she was a child, yet despite all her technical knowledge there were still things she didn’t know. Things you couldn’t learn ordinarily or from a class. Things you needed someone to teach you on a personal level...

Opening her eyes she looked over at Risakoand grit her teeth, her hands clenching as her mind worked in overdrive to decide whether or not to do what she was considering. But as Risako turned to leave, her mind, or her body or both, she wasn’t sure which, acted. Reaching out she grabbed onto the woman’s ankle before she could get too far. “W-W-Wait... p-please.” Alizeh panted out tiredly in pain, the match clearly having taken its toll on her.

Even so, despite the visible pain she was in the greenette forced herself up, albeit barely onto her knees, looking up at the older woman with as dignified a look as she could muster given her current state. “I.. I’m n-not ok with pretty good..” She admittedly looking down for a moment, ahe hared admitting weakness like this, but right now she had too. “I want to be.. excellent. I want to be like you..” She said as she snapped her attention and locked eyes with Risako’s, holding the gaze for a solid moment as she allowed her statement to linger in the air before bowing her head.

“You inspired most of my ring style... so I’m sure you can help spot flaws with it and help me improve.. please.. please teach me.” Alizeh asked in a soft tone, a blush on her face, this was her first time admitting to weakness and asking for help in such a way in years. And after such a hard loss no less. Needless to say she had to swallow quite a bit of pride to get the words out.

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Re: Panther Risako vs. Alizeh Midori - Emerald Dream

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Risako was about to leave when she was suddenly stopped by Alizeh who grabbed her by her ankle. Raising her eyebrow, she looked behind to see Alizeh. She turned around and watched the younger woman rise back onto her knees before she listened to her words. Placing her hands on her own hips, she nodded her head a few times, mulling over her words for a bit.

"I see..." Risako mused. "Well, if you think that's the best for you, sure. I'll help you out." She held out her hand to Alizeh, offering to help her up. "I'm warning you, though. I can be a strict teacher." Despite the warning, the Queen of the Ring gave Alizeh a warm smile as she went to help her up. Considering that she asked for her help, Risako saw no reason to refuse.

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Re: Panther Risako vs. Alizeh Midori - Emerald Dream

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Alizeh maintained her position, head bowed out of respect as she, along with the crowd waited with baited breath. It wasn’t often that a wrestler publically asked another to teach them, so when it did happen it was usually a big deal. So right now everyone was wondering what Risako would say in response... after a few tense moments... she said yes. Simple as that! Looking up and seeing the hand offered to her, the green haired girl felt a wave of relief and enthusiasm wash over her tired body. ”...Thank you..” Alizeh said gratefully as she took the offered hand and pulled herself to her feet. “Trust me that works out fine for me, I can be a bit of a wild student.” She said jokingly while matching Risako’s warm smile with one of her own. “I really apprdciate this though... honestly thank you.” She said in a much softer tone as bowed her head againnin thanks as the cheers of the crowd washed over the two.

Winner by pinfall: Panther Risako

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