Pure Graps: Alizeh Midori vs Noelle Silva

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Re: Pure Graps: Alizeh Midori vs Noelle Silva

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Managing to kick out of Noelle's pin fall position Alizeh would breathe out a hard sigh of relief, after all getting koed from a hip attack of all things was not something wanted on her resume. Unfortunately however the princess wasn't done anytime soon and was right back on Alizeh, or rather behind her!

'Shit!' Alizeh thought to herself as she felt legs seized before her body was pulled up and backwards, folded in on herself with with a spladle like submission... that also caused her breasts to lean back into her mouth!

"Mmph!" Alizeh cried out, immediately struggling, but with her legs restricted there wasn't a whole lot she could do aside from use her free hand to claw at the mat trying to drag the two towards the ropes and hopefully, grab hold, using her last rope break to get free of this submission hold!

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Re: Pure Graps: Alizeh Midori vs Noelle Silva

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Noelle succeeded in locking Alizeh into the Sea Dragon's Cradle, trapping her into a smother of her own body's design. The princess had three of the Texan's four limbs locked up, but that one free arm would prove to be a problem. Alizeh began dragging herself across the mat with that one free hand. It certainly wouldn't be quick or easy for the American, but she would get there so long as she didn't pass out first.

Now Noelle's problem was that all her limbs were occupied with the hold. She couldn't use anything to restrain Alizeh's arm without letting her go. The Spaniard could try to shift and turn her hips in the opposite direction to try to pull back, but it wasn't enough to stop the progress towards the ropes. However, with the rules of this match, making Alizeh burn a rope break to escape was still a win.

On top of that, Alizeh only had one rope break left. After this, not only would rope breaks no longer be honored for the American, but Noelle would be allowed to use the ropes in her submissions. Logically, Noelle figured that letting Alizeh reach the ropes was best if this hold wasn't able to win outright. The long-term tactical advantages would almost certainly outweigh the benefits from giving up the hold to try to finish the match right here and now.
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Re: Pure Graps: Alizeh Midori vs Noelle Silva

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Alizeh could honestly says she had never been in a submission hold like this before, just like she could say that she never knew what it was like to be smothered by her own breasts before. Something that in any other circumstance would be kind of interesting. In this circumstance however? It wasn't good at all and she needed a way out of it asap. Unfortunately that meant that she had to drag herself towards the ropes and use her last rope break.

Not something she particularly wanted to do, but in this case she had too, with no knowledge on the hold Noelle was using she thus didn't have a way to counter it and it would only be a matter of time before she ran out of air, thus she would reach out as far as she could, and finally managed to grab hold of the bottom rope, prompting the ref to command Noelle to let go while the announcer's voice came over the intercom, announcing Alizeh had used up her last rope break!

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Re: Pure Graps: Alizeh Midori vs Noelle Silva

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Noelle held the Sea Dragon's Cradle for as long as she could, but even when Alizeh was able to reach the ropes, the Spaniard stood up with a smile. Pleased with what she already knew that was now being broadcast over the arena's PA system for anybody in the audience who may have lost track; she had forced Alizeh to use up her last rope break.

Noelle and Alizeh had been jockeying for the advantage in rope breaks the whole match, but up to this point, it hadn't really meant all that much. But now that the American was out, this is what it was all for. Not only would any further breaks by Alizeh go unacknowledged, but now Noelle could even use the ropes in her submissions to further try to break her opponent's resolve.

Noelle eyed Alizeh as she got up, backed against the ropes that were no longer of any use to her for anything beyond a rebound move. When the time came to begin again, the princess would dive at the greenette's legs to try to take her down with a hold on her legs. The plan was simple; Noelle wanted to make Alizeh prove that she could escape the Sea Dragon's Cradle without being able to use the ropes. All she had to do was lock it in.
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Re: Pure Graps: Alizeh Midori vs Noelle Silva

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Alizeh panted softly as she laid against the ropes, trying to pull herself up with no small amount of strain. That Sea Dragon's Cradle of Noelle's having done a number on her legs on top of leaving her breathless. A serious dangerous hold in any capacity, and in this case it had forced Alizeh to use her last rope break which put her in a seriously dangerous position. After all now she had no chance for reprieve if caught in another hold.

Something that, as she got back to her feet Noelle seemed intent to do as she went right back for her legs! Eyes widening at this and knowing it would be bad if Noelle got what she wanted Alizeh would curl her arms over the ropes to keep herself from being pulled down to the mat! Grunting in effort Alizeh would try and pull her legs back before kicking them out, trying to nail Noelle in the face to force her to let go and give her some distance!

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Re: Pure Graps: Alizeh Midori vs Noelle Silva

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Noelle had to give Alizeh credit. She quickly found a way to use the ropes defensively despite being out of breaks, using them to limit how the Spaniard could manipulate her body as she tried to lock the American into a second Sea Dragon's Cradle. Both Noelle and Alizeh ended up trying to make a move at the same moment, the princess trying to shift further up Alizeh's body while the greenette tried to kick Noelle's face.

"Uff!" Noelle grunted. the end result of the simultaneous plays being the Lightweight wrapping her arms around Alizeh's body at the same time as she was struck in the stomach by a kick. Momentum caused Noelle to pull Alizeh off of the ropes and drag her down to the mat. Not much of a slam, but the princess did have her arms around the Texan.

Continuing to try to fish for submissions after burning Alizeh's last rope break, Noelle would attempt to push the greenette onto her stomach, and then grab one of her legs to pull Alizeh back into a Single Leg Boston Crab. If it worked, then the free leg the larger wrestler would have wouldn't matter since reaching the ropes meant nothing.
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Re: Pure Graps: Alizeh Midori vs Noelle Silva

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Pushed to use her last rope break Alizeh would be forced to think fast, holding onto the ropes as Noelle went in and tried to grab her legs, resisting the pull the princess tried to use to pull her off the ropes. However Noelle was as determined as Alizeh was, and moved to grab at her waist instead, but Alizeh would swing her leg up at the same time, intending to hit Noelle int he face, but she'd instead hit her stomach!

This caused two things, one being that despite hurting Noelle she was also pulled down to the mat from the force of Noelle's drop! Now with both women down on the mat Alizeh would try and push up and turn, but Noelle was just a touch faster, turning Alizeh on her stomach and grabbing her leg! 'Oh no you don't!' Alizeh thought to herself, turning on her side and reaching around to grab hold of Noelle's own leg, using it as a anchor to keep herself from getting pulled back full force.

Now just wanting to resist the hold though Alizeh would shift her hand to grip Noelle's foot, twisting it sharply to the side to create a ankle lock to try and distract Noelle and if possible crate enough of an opening to pull her leg free and send Noelle down to the mat. Alizeh trying to shimmy down and wrap her legs around the leg that Alizeh had caught to try and go for a leg bar on the princess!

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Re: Pure Graps: Alizeh Midori vs Noelle Silva

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Noelle had been just quicker on the draw to react after both she and Alizeh fell to the floor, and she pushed the American back down to the mat as she got on top of her. But the princess couldn't quite turn her edge into a submission hold, as Alizeh fought back like hell before Noelle could get her Boston Crab locked in on her.

When Alizeh twisted Noelle's ankle, she managed to twist the whole of the Spaniard off of her. But the silver haired wrestler would not allow herself to get locked into a Leg Bar. As the American started trying to pull her leg back, Noelle stuck her arm out in front of it, bracing her hand just under her knee to stop Alizeh from locking in her hold.

Noelle still needed to escape the position even though she had defended against the hold Alizeh tried to get from it. To that end, the princess would use her leg that wasn't currently caught up in a tug of war to hook around one of the Texan's legs to pry it off of her other leg. After that, Noelle would break her leg out of Alizeh's grip entirely and try to roll away.
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Re: Pure Graps: Alizeh Midori vs Noelle Silva

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Now that both women were on the mat it was a battle of who could get a good grip on the other first and take advantage. Grappling with each other and trying to seize an edge over the other, with Alizeh at the moment trying to lock the princess in a leg bar. Unfortunately though it wasn't meant to be with Noelle pulling out some solid defensive techniques to pull away from her and roll away.

Forced to abandon the move Alizeh would roll as well, but under the ropes before using them to get back up while on the outside edge of the apron. Grabbing onto the top ropes Alizeh would suck a breath before leaping up, aiming to perch on the top rope before leaping forward, extending her arm out as she did so, aiming to try and drive herself into a hopefully still rising Noelle to crash into her with a springboard lariat!

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Re: Pure Graps: Alizeh Midori vs Noelle Silva

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When Noelle got up, she saw Alizeh rolling underneath the ropes. Naturally she went over to investigate and to see if she could apply any pressure against her. But when she got close the ropes, that was when the greenette popped back up. Already drawn in close and caught off guard by Alizeh attacking in this manner, Noelle was unable to get out of the way of the Lariat.

"Ngh!" Noelle grunted as she was knocked flat on her back. She tried to spring back up, but found her body slow to move. The princess was worn from the course of the match and her body wasn't quite responding as well as it usually would. If Alizeh could recover from the landing quickly enough, then she would have time to go for another attack while Noelle got back up.
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