Athena Wonder vs. Alexia Sjnor - Hot Red & Cold Blue

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Re: Athena Wonder vs. Alexia Sjnor - Hot Red & Cold Blue

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Athena remained on the mat as Alexia pinned her, and once the referee counted up to three, it was all over. Athena was defeated by Alexia, and she had a look of disbelief on her face as she listened to the drivel Alexia was spouting. Grunting, Athena rolled to her side, shaking her head in dismay for her loss.

"Damn it." For the time being, Athena would quietly roll out of the ring, hoping to recover from this loss. Alexia had proven herself to be a rather powerful opponent, and Athena hoped that one day, in the future, she would be able to face her again and defeat her once and for all.

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Re: Athena Wonder vs. Alexia Sjnor - Hot Red & Cold Blue

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Alexia would ignore her opponent as she moved out of the ring as the bluenette was too busy working up the crowd as they weren't happy with how she was acting after she won. So when they noticed that Athena was moving out of the ring they began to applaud her in an attempt to get under the Icelandic wrestler's skin , and it was working too.

As Alexia was not happy that they were cheering for that loser as she would stop her mocking of them as she would get out of the ring herself , and storm off the moment Athena made it to the back.

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Re: Athena Wonder vs. Alexia Sjnor - Hot Red & Cold Blue

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Winner: Alexia Sjnor via pinfall!

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