Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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Bengal rushed toward E'isa, moving as fast as she could on her hobbled leg. She was attempting to hit her opponent with a jumping knee strike, to silence the ceaseless cheers of the fans - but the Endless caught her outstretched leg before she could unleash the full force of her technique. The Tiger was whipped toward the ropes, ricocheting off them like a pinball. She staggered back into the center of the ring, dazed, before E'isa caught her on the rebound with a savage "E-Valuation" clothesline.

E'isa's rock-hard arm knocked the Tiger right off her feet, practically popping her out of her striped boots. The Indian woman spun in midair, a leaf buffeted on the wind, rotating over 180 degrees before dropping onto the canvas in a prone position. She groaned and clutched her face, blinded and helpless. Bengal had fallen for E'isa's bait, and paid the ultimate price. It was obvious to everyone watching that the Endless had vengeance in mind, and she would stop at nothing to achieve it.
Bengal's Roster Page. I'm open to match requests and ideas! You can also message me on my Discord: kestrelhath

If you want to see more pictures, or writing about Bengal's non-LAW matches, you can check them out on my DeviantArt page.

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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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After connecting with the "E-vaulation" she'd look back and get a familiar view. A view that never grew old as she'd see Bengal in mid-air looking like she got swept off her feet. E'isa felt like Bengal was attractive though this sweep would end with a harsh meeting with reality. The initial clothesline looked like it knocked the rings out of her. Met with gravity as she'd come back down hard, groaning, clutching at her face, and hazy. Going from in the match, coming off looking like she had E'isa's number to now seeming like she was potentially at her limit, helpless to what E'isa would pull out next. The Latina stalked Bengal after the clothline now in control again, the predator now prey as E'isa circled her prepping her next move. Coming up with an idea of her own way to "get payback". Dropping down face to face, lifting Bengal's head by getting a handful of her hair and whispering in her ear as she was confident in her position at the moment, wanting to rub it in.

"you know.. you're pretty eye-catching.. when you're not.. you know.. feral HAHAH.."

Getting back to her feet and putting her custom boot into the back of Bengal with tremendous force, almost like she wanted to shatter her spine. Wanting to hear the now defenseless and prone tiger scream in pain. A side of E'isa would start to show that few would see. After taking so many antics, and so many tricks Bengal had used to try and take advantage and steal the match from her. From the start of the match, whether trying to use her claws or the stomps outside, the tiger gave no regard for how E'isa walked out of this match, only satisfied with the victory. Seeing red and only wanting the worst for Bengal currently. All the trials and tribulations would come back and all she wanted was to pay her back and then some following the stomps, E-Mac gripping the arms of Bengal lifting her off the mat. The crowd looked on in shock as they remembered that position from earlier. E'isa's diehards let out cheers as they'd be all for Bengal getting her comeuppance. Placing her foot on the back of the now-raised Bengal, grinning evilly.

"you know what they say about payback.. it's a bitch.. JUST LIKE YOU!"

Coming down with her boot, putting her full weight into it, wanting to showcase her strength and hammer home the difference between them. Bengal had given E'isa multiple stomps, leaving her for dead on the outside, comfortable with a count-out win. Yet E'isa would overcome and keep fighting. E-Mac wanting to make it clear that there was a difference, she continued to get back up but Bengal would not. Confident this would lead to the beginning of the end for Bengal. Planting Blaze into the mat, letting out all her frustration and anger into the stomp! The sound of her bringing the tiger down heard throughout the arena!

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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

Unread post by BengalTheBlazeTiger »

Bengal felt her scalp prickle with pain as E'isa pulled her onto her knees. Her opponent was panting into her ear, saying something she couldn't make out. Hot breath washed over Bengal's sweat-slick skin, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She felt her arms being wrenched behind her, making a right angle with her back. Then E'isa stepped on her spine, digging her heel deep into Bengal's strained vertebrae. The Tiger screamed again, a high, desperate, keening sound. She knew exactly what the Endless was about to do - it was the same thing that Bengal had done repeatedly to her, when they brawled outside the ring. But there was nothing she could do to prevent the inevitable conclusion.

E'isa made one last cutting remark, then drove her foot down. Bengal saw the canvas rushing up at her like an oncoming car. She tried to brace herself as best she could, though she knew it was a hopeless effort. Then there was a noise like a thunderclap, and everything went black. The Tiger was left spread-eagle on the mat, squashed flat like a traffic cone under a steamroller. All that E'isa had to do now was roll her opponent over for an easy pin...but the Endless' desire for "payback" might give her some other ideas.
Bengal's Roster Page. I'm open to match requests and ideas! You can also message me on my Discord: kestrelhath

If you want to see more pictures, or writing about Bengal's non-LAW matches, you can check them out on my DeviantArt page.

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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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After hitting the first stomp Bengal would scream, E'isa smiled at the sounds she made, hearing the suffering of her nuisance of an opponent. Completely open to the following move that truly showcased to the crowd what kind of match this had become. It was no longer just a regular match, both wrestlers were now at the point of wanting to potentially injure the other. Though at this point Bengal was very out of it. Meanwhile instead of going for what looked to be an easy layup after connecting with her signature clothesline. E'isa continued to pile it on, move after move all for the sake of comeuppance. Relishing her chance to give Bengal and the crowd an unquestionable display of the gap E'isa felt was between them currently.

The second stomp without a doubt would land, as Bengal would attempt to brace but without her arms it was useless. A thunderous stomp, the sound of contact heard throughout the arena. Bengal hearing it faintly before everything went black, now spread eagle on the mat, some in the crowd wincing and looking away. The crowd looking on expecting this to lead to a pinfall victory. Bengal looking to be out of it. But instead of going for the pin, The Latina would stand facing the crowd and put up an "X", many puzzled though her die-hards knew what it meant. Her core fans stood and put up an "X" of their own as they knew she was not done.

Official stepping up to check the condition of Blaze. The stomp looked like it might have really shaken the tiger up as she lay spread eagle barely moving. E-Mac would intervene though, stepping in the way of the referee, looking him dead in the eyes, with an expression that read "Step in my way again and you'll regret it". The official stepped back as though Bengal looked out of it, he couldn't truly step in unless there was rope interference, a clear indication of a wrestler in danger, or a wrestler physically unable to continue. E-Mac gripped the tiger by the hair again before going to lift her, Bengal limp and unable to keep herself up, slumped on the chest of E'isa, looking like no one was home. Blaze effortlessly tossed onto the back of E'isa into a Fireman's carry. Circling the ring with Bengal on top of her, displaying her seemingly already defeated opponent on her shoulders. Pausing again in the middle of the ring before screaming out her signature phrase before going for her finisher.

"Bengal, The Blaze Tiger.. WELCOME TO X-ISLE!"
E-Mac raising Bengal before spinning her out and bringing her down hard. Cleanly hitting her go-to finisher "X-Isle". The impact popped Bengal up as she slumped backwards visibly folded over. Many in the crowd felt like E'isa could've gotten the pin without the finisher. In her mind though, it was imperative to always put an opponent down with one of her best moves, leaving no doubt in the result. Leaving no doubt of who the winner was. Dropping down but electing to only lightly lay on top of Blaze. Official relieved as they'd dropped feeling like they could finally end the match. Believing Bengal needed to be checked out as soon as possible. Slamming down on the mat hard with each count, making sure if Bengal was still there, she'd hear though it seemed unlikely.




But the count would stop before three, the crowd in confusion about what happened until noticing E'isa had lifted Bengal before the final count. Official looking on perplexed, E-Mac one hand over a side of her face, the other half grinning with an evil smirk that made the official step back out of bewilderment. Wondering what was up with her, she seemed to have lost it and wasn't stable at the moment. Laughing loudly as all in attendance were lost for words. Her diehards cheering still, knowing she had an "unhinged side". The Latina raised Bengal's body up before twisting her arm around the neck of Bengal, using her legs to secure a body scissor that cut off her arms. Tightening her hold around the neck before pulling her back down into her submission finisher "X-Cit". Squeezing her arm and legs looking to be serious about taking one of her "9-Lives" in the ring. Bengal seemed to be out, yet E'isa pushed over the edge would look on and still talk trash to Bengal as she was intent on squeezing the life out of her unless intervention came.

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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

Unread post by BengalTheBlazeTiger »

E'isa's second stomp knocked Bengal out cold. By the time the Tiger woke up, she was already hoisted up in a Fireman's carry. Her head was pounding, and her mouth felt like it was filled with sandpaper. Confused by the change in her position, she tried to raise her head to look around - but before she could muster the strength, the Endless was dropping her into the dreaded "X-Isle" finisher. Bengal's head caromed off E'isa's unforgiving shoulder, snapping the Tiger's neck back and sending her to dreamland once again.

Bengal was drifting through numbness and blackness, eyes squeezed shut, only half-conscious. It was so tempting to let that half slip away, to surrender completely - but if she did that, E'isa would pin her with zero resistance. She had to at least try, right? And so, the Tiger fought her way back awake, back into her battered body. The first thing she became aware of were her arms, pinned against her side by some unknown force, along with a constricting pressure on her neck. She opened her one remaining good eye, the other already swelled shut from a nasty purple bruise. And that was when she saw - E'isa wasn't trying to pin her at all. Instead, she had trapped the Tiger in a combination dragon sleeper and body scissor, the humiliating submission maneuver that she called the "X-Cit"!

Bengal writhed weakly in E'isa's grip, drumming her legs against the canvas, but there was nothing she could do to escape. The Latina's body scissor had fixed her arms at an awkward angle, making it impossible for the Tiger to use her claws. Meanwhile, the broad arm around her neck was squeezing tighter, slowly suffocating her, which meant that stalling for time was not an option. Every second that passed sapped her strength even further. It felt like E'isa's scissoring legs were about to tear her in half like a piece of ripe fruit.

Bengal's head was spinning, as much from disbelief as from her dwindling air supply. She couldn't believe that E'isa had turned the tables on her like this. She had given this match everything she had, and she'd almost succeeded. She'd put E'isa down so many times tonight. How did her opponent always manage to get back up? Where was she finding the strength? Whatever it was, it something Bengal couldn't find herself - not right now, at least.

The name isn't just a front, Bengal thought, her chest heaving as she fought vainly for breath. The overhead lights seemed to wink at her, as if in silent agreement. She really is...Endless.

That realization finally broke Bengal. She stopped trying, stopped fighting, stopped putting up her tough-girl facade. Fat tears began welling in her eyes, running backward down her inverted head and staining her white hair with her dark eye makeup. A few seconds later, and she was tapping out, fluttering her trapped hands against E'isa's legs as she sniveled and whined. "I-I'll be good! I'll be gooood!" she whimpered, while the referee waved her arms frantically, signaling for the bell. "I promise...just let me go...please..." her voice trailed off into a choking gasp, just as the bell sounded. DING-DING-DING!

Bengal had officially surrendered, but rules and officials had never been enough to stop E'isa, especially when she was pushed to the edge. Would she respect the bell, or keep the hold locked in to send a message? The raucous fans crowded forward, pushing against the barricade, eager to see what the Endless would do. When it came to the record books, however, this match was already over.

Winner by Submission: E'isa, the Endless X
Bengal's Roster Page. I'm open to match requests and ideas! You can also message me on my Discord: kestrelhath

If you want to see more pictures, or writing about Bengal's non-LAW matches, you can check them out on my DeviantArt page.

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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

Unread post by XXVV »

After being pushed to the limit, E'isa would finally get the surge of momentum and put her opponent down. Hitting a slew of offense that all started with her signature clothesline "E-valuation" and ended in her match-closing move "X-Isle" , which usually ended the match. But this time, it wouldn't due to her desire to punish Bengal further. Cinching in the "X-Cit" her submission finisher after looking like she already had the win, E-Mac choosing to break the count herself and make Bengal suffer in the hold. Bengal found it impossible to get herself out at this point, the realization would sink in that she had no way to escape this hold, especially at this point in the match. Not long after the realization, she would break, her efforts to try and break the hold would cease, the facade would fade, raining down tears that ran down swelling her eyes. The tears made their way down, straining her hair and makeup. The breakdown led to tapping out incessantly, fluttering her still-trapped hands. The official calling for the bell as Bengal sniveled, whined, and whimpered, letting it be known to E'isa and anyone that could hear that she was going to be good and respect her superior. At least in this match, as E'isa had picked up the win, the bell ringing as Blaze pleaded to be released, her voice trailing off to a gasp, still choking in the hold.

E'isa was declared the victor of the match. Grinning as she walked in confident and though it was more of a fight than she anticipated, she pulled it out and made the result undeniable to anyone watching. Still unhinged, the bell would not keep her from cinching in the hold. The referee dropped down and grabbed the arm of E'isa, trying to get her to let go. Bengal had looked to be on the verge of passing out, only faintly gasping. On the verge of going into a deep slumber after such an extended period unable to get a speck of oxygen. E-Mac was annoyed with the official again intervening in her fun. Giving the ref a look like she wanted to kick their head off before letting go of the hold. The referee wanting to drop down and check Bengal. Her eyes shut as the dark eye makeup smeared down her face. E'isa though, would nudge them from behind and ask for her hand raised.

"Hey, idiot.. I won the match, raise my hand.. do your job for once this match.."

The official raised her hand even though they looked annoyed not taking kindly to the names. E'isa taking note as she slides out the ring, the ref dropping to check on Bengal. The Latina rolling out of the ring, looking on as the referee grabbed the hand of Bengal, checking to see if they needed to call for someone from the medic team. E'isa still very on edge would recall her struggles in the match, all seemingly having to do with the referee. Browsing through the pivotal moments in the match, she'd find one common denominator. Most would think after winning such a hard match someone would be happy, but the crowd would see a look of disgust grow on the face of E'isa, disgust and anger. Sliding back into the ring, now behind the official, fans would yell "WATCH OUT!", yet it would be too late. E-Mac grabbed the official from behind while they checked on Bengal, squeezing her arm around their neck. Putting them in a sleeper hold from behind before angling them towards the ropes. Shifting their back to the ropes before grabbing their hand, the Latina lifted her boot to the face of the official before dropping down. Snapping back as she'd pop them with her signature "E-Break".
The official, eating the whole move cleanly on the jaw, slumped down before falling through the ropes and landing face-first onto the outer ring floor. E'isa looked over the ropes before speaking her mind about the officiating in her match. Her frustration was clear as she spoke with pure disdain for the officiating job.

"Deserved! For making this harder for me.. you blind.. unreactive.. piece of trash.. what a waste.. and you.."

Redirecting her attention back to the still weak and limp Bengal. Who E'isa felt gained the most from what she now felt was a lack of officiating from the referee. She was truly inconsolable at this point. Still seeing red, potentially more unhinged than before. Bengal's only form of defense was now out of the ring and down for a while after taking a boot to the jaw. E'isa grabbed Bengal's hair, pulling her up once more, reapplying "X-Cit" again! Parts of the crowd now worried they might see someone get injured long-term would call for someone backstage to come out and stop E'isa. Her core fans would feel it was deserved though, and egg her on yelling, "ENDLESS PAYBACK!" and "END HER E'ISA!" The Latina looking like she was squeezing out each of Bengal's "9-Lives" the more the hold remained applied. Bengal unable to defend anymore would only gasp and struggle, feeling like she was truly in danger but still too weak to escape. Slowly fading as she passed out in the arm of E'isa. Now barely responsive, the announcers called for security as they finally rushed down, along with a medic and a few officials, pulling and pleading for E'isa to let go. Unwilling as she'd truly snapped, only after several people pulled at her would the hold finally break as they grabbed her up. E-Mac pushing them off, sliding out of the ring, grinning like a psychopath. Acting like she was gonna slide back in and fight them all before walking back up to the ramp, into the back. The crowd was in shock at what they saw in the aftermath of this match. The result was still clear as E'isa had won. Showcasing how dangerous, volatile, and unhinged she could get if pushed too far, with no one truly safe from her.

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