A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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The two wrestlers finally began a chops duel, each taking turns insulting each other. The two pounded each other's chests with their fists and forearms, seeking to injure and wear down the other as quickly as possible to regain the advantage in this match. The contest was more difficult than it seemed, the self-called Goddess was very tired and still suffering from the sudden blows and holds backstage, she was not in the best shape but that did not prevent her from giving everything she had...

But that was not enough.

Both wrestlers found themselves out of breath, barely hitting each other hard enough to hurt each other. Louise's chest was red after being hit so many times but she refused to give up a contest. She winced in pain as she grunted and panted slowly, looking at her opponent with an enraged look.

"Grahhhh... Grrrr... I'm going to humiliate you once and for all!.."

Louise lunged forward, wrapping her arms around her opponent's waist to use one of her best signature moves, the bearhug!
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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Cream grinned at hearing Louise's response to her words, loving how angry it made the brunette. As the two chopped away at the other chest, Cream tried her hardest at not wincing when she felt Louise's powerful hand slamming down onto her chest. Luckily though it seemed like she was doing equally damage onto Louise as well.

But by the end of it, Cream’s bare chest was all red from Louise string strikes, making Cream kind of regret at challenging the physically stronger woman into a contest of chops. The only consolation about the chop duel was Louise chest was just as red.

Panting a little and wincing from all the stinging sensation, Cream was about to go for another chop but before she could, the self proclaimed goddess lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Cream slender waist.

Ahhh!” Screamed Cream in pain at feeling Louise power arms tightly squeezed her waist. Cream knew how bad it would go for her if Louise managed to lock in one of the moves she was most famous for. Instinctively Cream would move forward and wrap her own arms around Louise waist and did her own bear hug! “AHHHH! N-nice try fake tits! But I’m the one who’s gonna humiliate you!

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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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The chop contest was not enough to take a big lead in this match but Louise had more than one trick up her sleeve and did not hesitate to use one of her moves that could end this match. She hugged the blonde in front of her with all her strength, seeking to crush her against her chest and body while bending her back with both arms.

But Cream wasn't going to give in and also hugged the brunette to trap her in a bearhug !

A bearhug duel began between the two French wrestlers and even though Louise was a little ahead by having started to squeeze Cream first, she didn't even try to play fair and continued to squeeze her harder and harder all the time while gritting her teeth to growl to keep showing how angry she was.
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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Cream immediately winced at feeling Louise arms squeezing her waist but tried to hide it by her angry look. She didn’t want Louise to think this was actually working on her. Cream started to squeeze right back against the self proclaimed goddess!

But it was clear who was the one that had the better experience as Cream wasn’t as strong as squeezing someone as Louise. That made Cream angrier and squeezed harder at the thought of immediately stopping her bear hug just to try and escape Louise this early in their struggle for domination.

The audience were cheering at this point, loving the sight of the women in the ring flexing and squeezing with all their might, both large breasts slamming and crushing against the other while sweat dripped from their body.

After at least 20 seconds of squeezing, it seemed like Cream’s bear hug was the first one to slowly start losing its steam. With all the damage Louise had given her was slowly catching up to her. Realizing she was losing the bearhug duel, Cream tried to think of what she could do before she realized what she could do as she stared at Louise's face.

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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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If Louise were to be known for just one move out of all the ones she mastered or showed, it would be the bearhug. The Frenchwoman knew exactly what she was capable of with this move thanks to her generous chest which crushed her opponents and her powerful arms to continue to press them. It was the best possible combination and despite her small size, Louise managed to submit heavyweights much heavier and taller than her thanks to this technique.

Even if Cream was rather strong and well developed for a lightweight, Louise simply seemed too strong for the blonde who was forced to lose her strength little by little while the Wildcat continued to squeeze even harder than before. Louise could see her opponent's face twist in pain after several seconds, it made her smile and she did not hide her mockery.

"Poor girl, you almost hurt me~"

Louise laughed lightly and leaned forward slightly, trying to apply more pressure to inflict damage on Cream who continued to suffer. Some spectators even wondered if the end of the match was near, it was rare to be released from the arms of the self-called Goddess before the end of the match...
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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Cream glared at Louise from her mocking words. She tried to squeeze some more, hoping to make the so-called goddess hurt as much as she was feeling from Louise bearhug but from how her opponent was smirking and laughing at her, it wasn’t as effective as Louise’s hold.

Knowing what she had to do, even if Cream would rather do anything but this, Cream sucked it up. Cream launched herself at Louise to get even closer before her lips clashed against Louise’s own lips, kissing the beautiful wrestler in front of her.

The audience paused in shock at Cream kissing her opponent, some gasped in shock and even one fainted! But after a few seconds, everyone started to cheer at the sight of the two beautiful women kissing. Cream kept on kissing Louise and even if Louise tried to wiggle away, with her arms around Cream, she wasn’t going anywhere unless she broke the hold.

Cream wished she could have done anything except this move to her newly found rival but was at least glad the woman she was kissing was beautiful and hot. Something that Cream would never ever say or acknowledged!

Hoping that her kiss could surprise Louise enough that she released her hold, Cream would undo her beat hug and grab Louise face, she would push the woman away from her, hoping to break free from the bearhug but not releasing Louise face just yet. Panting and breathing a little heavily, Cream would sit up and kneel on the floor and force Louise to turn around.

Wrapping her arm around her opponent's neck, she would attempt to lock in a Dragon Sleeper hold on Louise! With her armpit directly over the so-called goddess nose and legs wrapped around Louise midsection.

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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Louise continued to crush Cream's body against hers, trying to hurt her more and more by torturing her harder and harder with her arms. She really wasn't ready to let go of her opponent and was ready to end this match now with this simple move, and even the spectators were expecting a great match because of what happened backstage between Lousie and Vanille a few days before. But... Since when did Louise care about public opinion?

She continued to make her bearhug even more powerful, mocking her opponent who couldn't keep up with the rhythm until Cream decided to launch a challenge of her own, that of kissing! The self-called Goddess had a difference with this kind of thing, she had never managed to win a duel that was a bit lewd or kisses. But on the other hand, Louise never refused a challenge so she kissed her opponent back!

The lips of the two wrestlers caressed together then it was around their tongues, the two French women exchanged a French kiss even if their little contest mostly resembled a hate kiss. The Wildcat did not release her opponent, she continued to press her in her arms to continue to weaken Cream with her bearhug but it was not enough! Louise was still as weak in the face of this kind of thing and gradually began to lose her strength, finding herself almost hypnotized by the excitement that her opponent's kiss gave her and her body caressed against hers...


But this was planned by the blonde who quickly reversed the roles by pushing Louise away when she was weakened enough before trapping her in a Dragon Sleeper. Louise growled softly with rage, still panting a little tiredly as her cheeks just reddened. She tried to free herself by pushing away her opponent's arms but she was still a little too weak to succed.
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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Cream honestly didn’t expect for Louise to kiss her right back. Though even if she was surprised, that didn’t stop her kiss as she kissed back all her might. Even while trying not to wince at feeling the arms keep on trying to crush her, she still tried to copy Louise.

She would never admit it but once Louise slip her tongue into her mouth and dominated that kiss for a few seconds, her toes curled inside of her boots and body shuddering a little. A thing that could easily look like she was doing it in pain rather than pleasure. At this point Cream hoped it was the adrenaline of the match that made her want to keep on kissing the brunette.

Luckily it seemed like her planned work though as she was about to slip free and trapped her opponent in a dragon sleeper hold. Huffing and with a light blush covering her face, Cream leaned back as far as she could.

Grr! Come on already! Tap!” Screamed Cream, her armpit covering Louise's nose and almost her mouth as she wanted to make it harder for her small, muscular opponent to breathe, and if she had to breathe, she would have to breathe in Cream body odor. A thing that Cream just wanted to mock Louise about if she actually did that. Her legs meanwhile squeezed Louise midsection with all her might, wanting to finally hear Louise palm hitting the floor.

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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Once again, Louise was fooled by a simple kiss in the middle of a match which destroyed all the lead and domination she had gained since the start of this match. She could have finished this matcha with her bearhug but no, her selfishness had to play tricks on her by accepting challenges that she was sure she would lose. The brunette found herself trapped in the arms of her opponent, in one of the most powerful Dragon Sleepers.


The Wildcat couldn't breathe while being completely suffocated by her opponent's slashes. This hold was so humiliating that it continued to fuel the anger of the Frenchwoman who continued to struggle while trying to push her opponent back by force... But she was far too weakened to achieve it by brute force. Time was against her, Louise had to react and quickly if she did not want to lose this match.

Then an idea came to her mind. An idea that wasn't going to please anyone but an idea that was going to help her get through it. She opened her mouth slightly so as not to be seen by the referee and bit Cream's side to inflict powerful pain and force her to release her. Biting was prohibited in a wrestling match but if it was not seen by the referee it could pass!
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Re: A Chance for Revenge - Louise vs Cream

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Cream smirked in victory as she could feel Louise squirming in pain while her air supply was getting desperately lower by the second. “Come on! Why don’t you just tap out already! It’s only gonna get worse from here on out~” taunted Cream, cranking her hold some more, putting more pressure on her opponent.

It only got better from Cream as despite her opponent great strength, she couldn’t break free from her hold, something that made Cream giddy as she leaned back with all her might! Wanting to finally hear one of her most annoying opponents giving up.

But all thoughts stops once she felt a sharp pain around her sweaty ribs. “AHHHH! You childish bitch! STOP BITING MEEE!” Screamed the bratty blonde, her feet kicking the stomach. Cream thought it was ridiculous about how Louise has been stupid and childish things to her, pulling her hair all the time and now this!

Refff! She’s biting meee!” Scream Cream as the ref moved down to check and try to yell at Louise to stop it. And despite Cream best attempts at holding her hold, her hold lost most of its strength.

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