Roaring Into The Storm: Wyvern vs. Alizeh Midori 2

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Re: Roaring Into The Storm: Wyvern vs. Alizeh Midori 2

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As Alizeh had managed to consistently get the upper hand on Wyvern during the fight, the roars of the crowd had grown increasingly loud. Seeing their preferred wrestler winning, particularly against such an unfavored opponent, stoked their level of excitement higher and higher, reaching a crescendo after the first point of the match was declared. A loud "Two and O!" chant begins to start up, referring to both this match itself and the corresponding results of both matches that had pitted the two wrestlers against each other. Few members of the audience detect the change in Wyvern until the effects have already been demonstrated. Cheers die in throats as the Irish wrestler swiftly dismantles Alizeh's defense, brutalizes her, and then hurls her halfway across the ring. An agitated silence settles over the arena. A member of the audience near the barricade begins to jeer at Wyvern, but a swift look from the wrestler strangles the cry as he realizes how close he is to the vicious fighter.

As Wyvern gets closer to Alizeh, she can feel the anger draining out of her. The pause she had created in the action by separating herself from her opponent leaves her without an outlet to continue pouring aggression into, and the satisfaction of her one-sided assault eased the fury that had built throughout the match so far. By the time she reaches the fallen American, she has fully reverted back to her usual, more neutral state. Without any hesitation or embellishment, she reaches down and grips Alizeh by one of the straps of her top, attempting to haul her up into a sitting or kneeling position.
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Re: Roaring Into The Storm: Wyvern vs. Alizeh Midori 2

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Unlike many in the audience Alizeh had definitely noticed the change in Wyvern from the first fall ending and the second beginning and as a result was planning on being more cautious initially. But no amount of caution could have defended her from the sheer animosity and vigor of Wyvern's attacking and ruthless aggression as she swiftly dismantled and tore apart Alizeh. Left defenseless and hurting in some of her most vital areas it was then easy for Wyvern to knock her over before lifting her up, well over the Irish girl's head before being tossed away like a rock across the canvas and landing roughly on her back, earning a quiet yelp of pain from the green haired girl as she rolled over onto her back, looking up at the ceiling with a dazed expression on her face, clearly stunned and somewhat exhausted after the absolute mauling she had just been subjected too.

However that wasn't close to being over. There was a slight reprieve, but it wasn't resting, nor was it anywhere near enough time for Alizeh. Quite the contrary in fact it felt much more like the calm before a storm came and destroyed everything in sight. As Wyvern approached and grabbed the strap of her top Alizeh was lifted up rather listlessly, not having the strength at the moment to stop the dark haired girl from doing so. In fact all Alizeh could do in resistance was reach up to grab Wyvern's wrist, but besides that Alizeh was lifted up cleanly and evenly to a sitting position, vulnerable to whatever Wyvern had in mind next.

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Re: Roaring Into The Storm: Wyvern vs. Alizeh Midori 2

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Her fury ebbed, Wyvern's expression has returned to its usual, more neutral, state. Now more sensitive to shifts, even the silent crowd notices the change in Wyvern's body language as she closes with Alizeh and lifts the fallen wrestler partway off the ground. Nobody watching dares make a noise. Something was about to happen, even if they didn't know what. For the two wrestlers in the ring, however, a degree of far more sophisticated, if silent, communication continues to flow. In some ways, Wyvern is more dangerous now than she was in the depths of her earlier rage. Before she was efficient, but the violence was ultimately the goal, not winning the match. Now, she can actually pursue victory. And as Alizeh knows, Wyvern doesn't need extra motivation for brutality in the ring. Neither of them do. They are warriors. When Alizeh's gaze meets Wyvern's tinted eyes, there's a mixture of feelings conveyed. Respect, even admiration, but also resentment. Hunger. A starving predator desperate to supplant the position of another.

"You're the first in Japan to see this. Congrats."

With Wyvern's dry statement, she breaks her hand free of Alizeh's grip and releases her top. Before the Texan wrestler can fall or even try to catch herself, Wyvern spins like a hurricane. The motion is reminiscent of of the Black Talon, but rather than realligning her body as she moves to strike forwards, the Irish wrestler moves to deliver a single, clean strike. If Alizeh isn't able to defend herself in time, Wyvern's heel will strike the back of her neck like the blade of an executioner.

The Drochspor. Wyvern's finishing move.
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Re: Roaring Into The Storm: Wyvern vs. Alizeh Midori 2

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The flow of this match had been a roller coaster for all those watching, be it from the back, in the crowd, or at home, and none more so than those in the ring. During the first encounter between the two women it had been a long, grueling affair where both had absolutely destroyed each other with intense strikes, brutalizing holds and strikes. Battering each other non stop all throughout before Alizeh emerged victorious with her vicious submission finisher hold. Unlike their first match between each other however this one had started off in a far more technical, grounded way, that once again saw Alizeh win the first of the three falls via submission again.

Yet from the very start of the second fall there had been a total change in not only Wyvern's demeanor but also her fighting style, completely dismantling and breaking apart Alizeh's defense piece by piece with ruthless efficiency until Alizeh was left laid out on the mat, prone and at Wyvern's mercy. Grabbed by the straps of her top Alizeh was lifted up until she was up onto her knees, looking up at Wyvern with half focused, dazed eyes. In the tinted irises of her foe Alizeh could tell that the burning anger she saw had dissipated, but unlike their first bout there was something new, an even more intense desire than that to just fight, but one to win, one that didn't feel as present as their first match.

Whatever may have been the cause of it however would be left unknown to Alizeh, because before she could even process what Wyvern had said she saw the black blur of Wyvern's body moving in a pattern she had seen before. 'Oh shi-' The train of thought Alizeh had was run off the rails the moment Wyvern's foot crashed into the back of her neck and head. "GUAH!" Alizeh cried out, everything going dark for a moment as her head rolled around from the impact. Staying kneeling before Wyvern everyone held their breath for a moment before Alizeh tilted forward slowly, dropping down face first onto the mat in a heap and unmoving, seemingly out of it.

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Re: Roaring Into The Storm: Wyvern vs. Alizeh Midori 2

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If anything, the Drochspor is even smoother than the Black Talon. A kick practiced and refined thousands of times over multiple years, the motion is as fast as lightning and the impact no less devastating. No matter how tough the opponent, the Drochspor is powered by a single biological truth: a strong enough blow to the back of the neck will put anyone out of commission. Wyvern's finisher has been kicked out of before, but never when properly delivered, and the hit she lands on Alizeh could (and in the future, would) be used as a showcase of the technique's purest form.

Feeling the familiar resistance of bone under her heel, Wyvern wastes no time. Unconscious or not, Alizeh won't stay down for long. And even if she did, Wyvern isn't one to take chances in situations like this. She aims to win, and the opportunity has come to advance that desire. Nothing can be allowed to come in the way of that goal. Quickly repositioning her foot, Wyvern flips Alizeh back onto her stomach before dropping to her knees. Hooking an arm around both of the American wrestler's legs, Wyvern drops back first onto her opponent's chest and lifts the lower half of her body into the air, rolling the pin so deeply that Alizeh's toes can nearly touch the floor. The referee, already prepared, immediately begins the count.


The arena is still silent, waiting with baited breath to see what happens next.

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Re: Roaring Into The Storm: Wyvern vs. Alizeh Midori 2

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Alizeh was barely conscious after that heavy blow right to the back of her neck, everything feeling blurry and numb for the first few moments after the impact. Laying on her stomach and unable to really do anything in the wake of the blow it wasn't a wonder to anyone but the most diehard of Alizeh fans or Wyvern haters what was about to happen next as the green haired girl soon found herself roll over onto her back by the dark haired Irish woman. Legs seized and hauled up Alizeh was curled up like a armadillo, her body forming a near wheel shape, ass stuck into the air but even that sight wasn't able to be enjoyed by the fans as the ref dropped to make the pin count.


Unsurprisingly the Drochspor had done its job and left Alizeh down for the count, giving Wyvern a well deserved point on the board. Though that latter point may be contentious among fans who began booing and jeering at the ring, most not willing to give Wyvern any credit for the absolutely dominant sound fall she had now took with ease. Among the negative reception however there were a few cheers and whoops of excitement thrown in from those who could at least appreciate Wyvern's skill, or really those that just wanted to see the match go on longer.

But that raised another question. Would Alizeh be able too? The kick from Wyvern did a number on Alizeh, and some fans around the arena, along with the ref were wondering if she would need to be wheeled out or left time to recover. Something that would undoubtedly look bad given Wyvern didn't need anything more than a minute after the first fall. Soon any discourse on how things would continue would be stopped when Alizeh raised an arm up. Shocking many the green haired girl would force herself up to her feet, groaning and wincing in pain as she did so before locking eyes with Wyvern. "Guess this is for all the marbles huh?" She asked Wyvern with a small grin, despite how banged up she looked, one thing was clear, and that was that Alizeh Midori would fight despite what had been done to her not even a few minutes prior!

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Re: Roaring Into The Storm: Wyvern vs. Alizeh Midori 2

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A surge of elation rushes through Wyvern's body as the referee finishes the pin count. She had won. Not the match, perhaps, but she had successfully pinned Alizeh. The green-haired wrestler's victory over her in her debut match had eaten at her ever since. Although she would be loathe to admit it to anyone else, Alizeh's win that day had been neither a fluke nor a lucky break. The Emerald Storm was, simply put, a better wrestler than her. Four times out of five, or even nine out of ten, Alizeh would win in a straight match between the two of them. Wyvern has her pride, but few delusions within her own mind. To achieve even this small victory is a validation of the hard work she has put in to improve.

As per usual, none of the complicated emotions Wyvern is currently experiencing show on her face. As soon as the referee confirms the pin, she immediately releases Alizeh and gets to her feet, slowly pacing back and forth across the ring while the referee confirms her opponent's ability to continue and Alizeh is given a few moments to recover. Even the jeers of the crowd cannot elicit even the faint annoyance they usually do; her thoughts are turned inwards, and the outside world barely registers. As the seconds wear on, she also becomes keenly aware of her creeping exhaustion. The battle so far had been physically and mentally taxing, and the human body simply isn't built to function for this long at such a level of effort. Wyvern runs the back of her thumb across her brow to clear away some of the sweat that threatens to run into her eyes. She is determined not to let her exhaustion slow her down, but grit can only go so far when it comes to physical limits.

When Alizeh gets to her feet, Wyvern's full attention immediately goes back to the American. Letting her mind wander had already cost her in this match. That was a mistake she refused to repeat. Alizeh's quip, however, gets only a blank stare in response-an actual one, not Wyvern's usual lack of emoting. She cocks her head to one side.

"Marbles? Is that some kind of innuendo? I can never tell around here."
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Re: Roaring Into The Storm: Wyvern vs. Alizeh Midori 2

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Alizeh had really been taken for a ride that entire second fall by Wyvern, the first fall definitely seeming to have lit a fire under the dark haired girl's ass and made her really go for the most dominant win possible that she could get. One that Alizeh wouldn't deny that she had gotten. It was as one sided as things could get and Wyvern's skill in striking and brutal efficiency was laid out before all to see. Yet people were still booing and jeering the woman heavily. Something that made Alizeh somewhat annoyed actually. Annoyed enough that, if she wasn't as hurt and tired as she was she'd have said something.

For now though Alizeh would have to focus on the woman before her. Managing to get back up on her feet Alizeh would look at Wyvern and see the girl seemed much... calmer. Not as angry and intense as before when Wyvern was kicking her ass not even a couple of minutes ago. But now she was not only more normalish, but also quite a bit more ragged and tired. Clearly the tolls of the match had been taking their dues on her just as they had Alizeh, so even in spite of the beating she had taken, Alizeh still believed she could beat the woman before her. It would all just come down to how the next few minutes of the match played out between them both. Putting up her fists and making a little verbal jab at Wyvern the green haired girl would blink at what the dark haired girl asked... before bursting into snickers at the honestly innocent question.

"Hehehe sorry sorry, It's just a turn of phrase Wyv." Alizeh said, opting to call Wyvern by a nickname for her nickname, partially to just tease her a bit, but also to show how familiar she now considered the Irish girl. "Now... come on." Alizeh said, giving the 'come at me.' Gesture to Wyvern as she tensed herself up, preparing for the girl to come in and bracing herself to act the moment she did.

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Re: Roaring Into The Storm: Wyvern vs. Alizeh Midori 2

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A click of the tongue reveals Wyvern's childish annoyance at being laughed at for not recognizing Alizeh's idiom, disliking the concept of the older wrestler getting one over on her even in completely meaningless ways. The days where she would have identified herself as noncompetitive are long past; turns out she just didn't have anyone to be competitive with. Now that she'd found it, even the pettiest comparisons have started bother her, at least between the rings of the bell. Forcing herself to let go of it, Wyvern rolls her neck and shoulders to loosen them, simultaneously forcing her breathing to regulate itself. This match was far from over, and she was not going to let endurance be the cause of her downfall.

"You know, at that point you might as well just call me Saoirse. Or...Doyle? I'm still not 100% on name etiquette here. Not like anyone can hear us at this distance."

Whatever other issues she might have with pride, Wyvern certainly doesn't seem to have any problems admitting when she doesn't know something. Linguistically, at least. As she speaks, she begins edging in, slowly enough to give her plenty of time to react if Alizeh tries to seize the initiative. If she's able to get within striking distance without being attacked, she'll do just that, launching a few experimental jabs to test Alizeh's defenses without committing.
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Re: Roaring Into The Storm: Wyvern vs. Alizeh Midori 2

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Just like how there was a noticeable change in between the first and second falls there was another change between the second and third and it was definitely one Alizeh preferred. This Wyvern standing before her felt a bit... lighter, and even slightly more amicable? It was hard to tell with all the minute signs of the girl's movements and expressions but Alizeh could tell, they were a bit beyond just mutually respected now. Sure they were each laser focused on victory, but at the same time things felt... slightly more friendly than when the match had first begun, and Alizeh liked it that way, and as if to punctuate it, the green haired girl even learned Wyvern's real name!

Eyes widening slightly at what she learned Alizeh couldn't help but grin in excitement at Wyv- Saoirse rather. "Heh, not at a problem at all then... Saoirse." Alizeh said, not able to stop herself from saying the name herself to start getting used to it now that she knew it. Still as nice as that may have been the two were still in a match and they needed to decide an outcome, sooner rather than later.

Already Saoirse began to edge in closer while the two spoke and likewise Alizeh began to take some slow steps forward as well, like two outlaws taking pace before a duel. Refraining from taking the initiative off the start Alizeh knew she would have to be careful if she wanted to win, so that's exactly what she would do. Seeing the first few jabs from Wyvern coming she would bob and weave out of the way, wanting to avoid damage in the least strenuous way possible. "Come on Saoirse is that all ya got?" Alizeh asked goadingly as she began to step back, preparing to launch a plan of attack and shift gears.

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