The Hellhound vs The Booty Bullet- (D) Claudia Kwon vs Peach Cake!

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Re: The Hellhound vs The Booty Bullet- (D) Claudia Kwon vs Peach Cake!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*As her vicious stomp came crashing down against Peach's magnificent chest, Claudia heard an audible* "THWUNK!" *That signified her imminent victory was just over the horizon, the audience both mesmerized and captivated by the aerial finesse they had just witnessed. Meanwhile, the prostrated hound rolled onto her stomach, assuming an aggressive stance as a facade to conceal how genuinely exhausted she truly was.

*However, instead of ogling a conquered blonde sprawled out across the canvas, Claudia was instead greeted with Peach's impressive degree of tenacity, watching her attempt to stride across the ring before ultimately collapsing merely inches before her. The characteristically condescending Wolfmother was, for the first time in her life, incapable of conjuring up a snarky remark, and instead merely crawled towards her foe while gingerly lifting her leg vertically for a pin.*

"You were fantastic~" *The compassionate bloodhound whispered, attempting to keep her bodyweight perfectly perpendicular across Peach's, delicately stroking her glorious bouffant of hair while the presiding moderator slipped underneath the lowest hanging rope to make the pinfall official.* "Just stay perfectly still and this'll all be over with soon~"

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Re: The Hellhound vs The Booty Bullet- (D) Claudia Kwon vs Peach Cake!

Unread post by dddybee »

Peach lied nearly motionless on the mat, fully expecting her sadistic adversary to brag about how beaten down she was. However, she was pleasantly surprised by the sincerity in Claudia's voice, as the thoroughly impressed hellhound congratulated her instead. The princess felt Claudia pin her gently and respectfully, obeying the wolf girl's suggestion, as she couldn't move much anyhow.

With a pin count of three, the match had concluded. "R-Really." Ms. Cake mewled with a blush across her face. "S-Same. I suppose there is no shame in being bested by such a formidable opponent." Peach returned Claudia's newfound compassion with a kiss on her cheek, managing to bring her arm up to pull Claudia's face in for the sisterly gesture.

The residences of Nectarine Nation and the new fans she had made cheered particularly loud for Peach's performance. And Claudia had definitely earned a great deal of new admirers as well. "L-LOVE YOU GUYS!" The royal exclaimed, before resting her voice and body, not quite energized enough to walk out of the arena.

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Re: The Hellhound vs The Booty Bullet- (D) Claudia Kwon vs Peach Cake!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*Remaining perfectly sedentary as the presiding moderator made the win official, Claudia promptly lifted peach into her arms, scooping her slender figure horizontally as the audience ubiquitously cheered for the impressive bout they had just witnessed. Before completely hoisting Peach off of the ground however, she was treated to a tender smooch upon her face, causing her legs to tentatively quiver, her face illuminating the same shade of red as her flashy ensemble.*

"Mhh...I'll allow you to get away with that, just this once~" *She muttered through her clinched teeth, listening to the captivated spectators applaud while carrying her extra cargo. As the exhausted predator shook off whatever lingering torpor she was experiencing, Peach suddenly cried out to the audience, causing Claudia to skittishly recoil.*

"Hey, turn it down a bit would ya?" *She quietly suggested, trotting down the steps as the crowd began chanting* "Thank you both! Thank you both!" *As a means to convey their profound appreciation for the entertaining spectacle.*

Winner- Claudia Kwon.

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