Eileen S. Vs. Origa X. - Honed Weakness

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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Origa X. - Honed Weakness

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Eileen had little in mind for how to escape her predicament, given she simply couldn't muster a chance to think clearly for even a second. Origa was seemingly looking to cut her in two, with Eileen's lungs having never felt so deprived of air. Ontop of the absolutely brutal pain from being compressed so tightly in the first place!

Legs seemingly rising, with her feet looking to press to Origa's thighs and balance herself out, whatever Eileen had in mind for her escape would seemingly go unseen, as all her limbs went limp yet again with the giants thrashing. Thrashing done purely to turn Eileen around, and have her be face first with the nearest corner. Before Origa opted to simply sprint forward, carrying Eileen yet still with tremendous ease, before crushing her against the turnbuckle padding!

Curves compressing against the padding, Eileen's limbs spasmed and near enough hooked around the corner purely from the momentum of which she hit it. Limbs soon coming back to her, the giant was free to turn the completely ragdolled redhead around, and further punish her with hard shoulder blows straight to her midriff. With such a brutal assault right after a crushing compression upon her waistline, Eileen felt as though she could have heaved! And near enough did, as her top half fell upon Origa's own, arms draped down her back right up until the giant finally deemed her barrage to be enough!

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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Origa X. - Honed Weakness

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With the redhead in her hands, Eileen was more like a wet paper towel than a fighter. All the amazon could hear from her was her desperate wheezing as she crushed her between a rock and a hard place. Or more specifically, between her caramel body and the turnbuckle. Eileen would have any chance of rest either as Origa wasted little time in turning her around so she could ram her shoulder into her defenseless belly.

The redhead stayed arms draped over the top rope for the first two rams, but by the third she folded like cardboard and Origa could feel her soft front fall across her back. Only instead of before with her seductions, there was no softness or distracting touches. Now there was only the feeling of hot air brushing against her back as Eileens panted, her arms hanging limply from the amazons sides.

But even then, such a position only gave Origa an idea as she bent down lower to put her head between Eileens thighs and grabbed onto her legs. Such a position if reversed would have been embarrassing for the amazon but right now all she saw was an opportunity as she stood up to her full height. Eileens body would be draped on Origa’s back upside down, her thighs hanging off of the amazons shoulders. Origa would then turn around to face the ring before yanking down on the redheads legs, forcing her to flip over her head and crash onto the canvas in an Alabama slam!
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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Origa X. - Honed Weakness

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Eileen had never been put in such a position; or if she had, certainly not so quickly. Had viewers looked in on the match a moment ago, they'd of believed Origa was being paid off with how easily the redhead was handling her. Only to tune in now and see the redhead completely at her mercy?

It was how things should have been, given the scale difference between them, but such a turnabout was shocking to say the least. Even more so given Eileen's reputation of picking her opponents with the utmost picky of attitudes.

Finding Origa seeking to further the damage, Eileen could but grip on as she was hoisted up yet again. The redhead wasn't aware of a time she'd ever been lifted so easily and so often, even considering the fact she was only a middleweight. Dangling down Origa's back as she was carried from the corner gave her a chance to fight back, however, if but in yet another crafty manner.

Still needing a good long breath before committing herself to more spectacular, exhaustive moves, Eileen instead opted for a move as simple as could be. That being - a massive butt grope!

Her teeth bared as she gasped and grasped alike, Eileen's hands came to Origa's wide rear as she dangled against it, to squeeze and grope those cheeks as if she were a cat kneading a toy. Evidently aware of Origa's response to being handled in such a manner, the redhead wasn't intending to be simply dropped there and then by a unnerved giant. Such a fall straight to her head would have surely have hurt just as much as whatever Origa was planning. If not more so!

No, instead, Eileen would look to tighten her thighs around Origa's skull the moment the giant even began to respond, in hopes that Origa's frame would turn to jelly. From there, Eileen would seek to pull around the giants thighs in tandem with a pull of her legs.

To yank Origa back, into a spectacular if desperate sunset flip powerbomb!

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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Origa X. - Honed Weakness

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For many in the crowd, the start of the match was a reverse of what they thought would happen. Eileen may have been notoriously picky about her opponents but many thought that with the way that the match was set up that she didn’t have a choice. Many thought the smug smile she usually wore was this time hiding an understandable fear of her opponent and the match ahead. Either that or she had some ace in the hole.

And to the audiences surprise it looked as if the second theory was more likely than the first. Did Eileen do something to Origa before the match? Did she pay her to take the fall for the redhead. Many theories went through many heads as the redhead played with the giant for the beginning of the match. That is, until Eileen made a grave error.

An error that put all the early theories to rest as Origa finally gained the upper hand and proceeded to thrash the smaller woman like a dog with a chew toy. From a German suplex to a crushing bearhug, Origa was relentless in her brutal domination. The squishing into the corner was the cherry on top and Origa was prepared to continue with even more punishment such positioning Eileen for a brutal Alabama slam.

But it was in that moment of positioning that the match turned once more. For as rattled as Eileen had become from Origa’s devastating offense, she hadn’t forgotten the amazons weakness. Origa froze and stood straight as she felt a pair of hands grab and grope her dark rear through her shorts. Hands that moved in distracting motions that delivered tingling sensations up the amazons body and to her brain.

”Iyaahh! H-hey! St-stop that! Mmmm!” Origa gasped, the blush that had gone down only moments ago returning with a vengeance as the amazon tried to silence her embarrassing moans. With a growl she figured that she’d put a stop to it by going through with her slam. But the distraction was enough and suddenly Eileens thighs had closed around her head like a vice. Origa muffly shouted and moved to pry them off, but before she could do more her legs were shoved forward and her head pulled backwards. Her world spun and her back hit the canvas with a bang! The wind left her and she was left stunned with Eileen looming over.
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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Origa X. - Honed Weakness

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Eileen had wrestled back control of the match, but damn if she wasn't close to Origa gaining permanent control of her. In her state, whatever slam Origa had in mind might have just put Eileen out of it entirely, never mind simply leaving her as a easy toy for the giant to wrangle and handle.

Thoughts of which only made Eileen's teeth bare, given how close she had just come to being utterly done in. Eyes briefly to the side in which she knew her jacket was hung upon, Eileen slyly held a grin as she moved up to her feet. Knowing full well she'd require the contents of her jacket sooner or later, whatever they may be, the redhead opted for one final stamp on the moment to make sure Origa wouldn't be rising as she left to get it.

Or rather, not a stamp. A literal stomp.

Kicking off her feet in an at-first unsteady fashion, Eileen looked to pace to the ropes before her before returning with speed. Kicking off one leg and then the other as she closed in on the downed giant, Eileen was looking to give Origa reason to stay down for a long while by bringing both feet up and then down. Directly into the giants core!

A motion done with the intent of not only making Origa scream, but to empty her lungs out! All the whilst Eileen would seek to roll forward following the brutal stomp, as to get onto her side. So that in one big fluid motion, she could then slide her legs out of the ring, to leave herself on the outside!
Last edited by Devilish53 on Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Origa X. - Honed Weakness

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Origa wheezed as she stared up into the lights of the arena, Eileens reversal had knocked the wind clean out of her and she was doing everything she can to get it back. Internally the amazon kicked herself for letting a grope and a rub on her ass to distract her so much. It came out of nowhere but if she just resisted it for a few seconds, she could have completed her move and essentially cemented her place in the match.

In only a few power moves, Origa had turned her redheads opponent into a ragdoll. All she had to do was finish her and the match was hers. But Eileen managed to escape at the last moment and in doing so had stunned the amazon onto the mat. Origa could feel her legs thud against the canvas as Eileen let her go and stepped away. What for she didn’t know, because she was too buy trying to get air back into her lungs.

It seemed however that Origa should have cared because the next thing she knew, Eileen was running back to her before jumping into the air with both knees bent. What came next was an explosion of air and spit followed along by a silent scream as Eileens feet slammed into her defenseless belly. Any air that the amazon had regained was immediately lost and forgotten.

A mix between a grunt and a wheeze left the amazons mouth as she rolled onto her side and instinctively began to curled up into a ball. Her arms moving to wrap around her midsection as she coughed onto the mat. All the while, Eileen had used the momentum of her stomp to roll on out of the ring. The referee wasn’t far behind to order the redhead back into the ring before she began to slowly count. Plenty of time for whatever the devious redhead had planned.
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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Origa X. - Honed Weakness

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Already halfway out of the ring, Eileen's overconfidence had yet again gotten the better of her. Pacing around the long way, Eileen had taken her time in reaching for whatever she held within her jacket. Despite the fact that a downed giant was in the ring, most likely with fury and rage building up, the redhead was seemingly happy in working the crowd. As if she was simply assuring them, that all past moments where she had lost control where mere slipups now corrected. And had she pulled off her next little stunt, she'd be right to say the least...

Reaching into her jacket, seemingly knowing already which pocket to search through, Eileen had found what she desired in no time at all. Clambering back upon the ropes, with the referees attention too split between an attempted count out of Eileen and checking in on the gut-stomped Origa to register why Eileen had even exited the ring in the first place, the redhead slid between the top and middle ropes with a stance soon to her as if she were a naughty schoolgirl.

Hands behind her back (with whatever she held naturally alongside them) Eileen tilted her top half forward as if to peer in, and gauge the reaction of a giant now likely ready to rise.

"Are you enjoying yourself Origaaaa..." She'd hum again, as if this were a mere playdate, and not a serious wrestling match...

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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Origa X. - Honed Weakness

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Origa’s chest heaved as she coughed against the canvas. The feeling of Eileens boots against her belly refused to leave and the referee was asking if she was alright. Origa waved her off with one of her hands, the blow may have been strong but with enough time and Origa would be back on her feet and ready to deliver swift and brutal vengeance to Eileen.

Speaker of the redhead, like the devil she appeared as Origa rolled onto her back. The lights that blinded her darkened as Eileen peered over her, her eyes displaying a smugness that made the amazons blood boil. A low rage filled growl escaped her lips in response to the redheads elites question. The way Eileen acted was as if the giant wasn’t just thrashing her from one end of the ring to another. That’s fine, Origa was more than ok with reminding her.

Still keeping her eyes on the redhead, Origa rolled away and up to one knee. The pain in her belly persisted, but she was able to get enough air back in her lungs to refocus on the match. Her eyes glared angrily at Eileens form and noticed that the redhead had her hands behind her back. Another growl leaked out of her mouth as she assumed that was nothing more than another insult to the amazon.
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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Origa X. - Honed Weakness

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Eileen kept her innocent posture - her hands were behind her back seemingly at all times now, a fact that alluded the completely oblivious referee. With her following actions going unbeknownst to the official too, despite the crowd around them roaring out calls of foul play!

"This oughta put you on the back burner..." Eileen muttered entirely to herself, as she haplessly watched Origa rolled away, if only to rise with a little distance from the redhead. Letting Origa get upon one knee, the moment it looked as though she was ready to go further, Eileen shot in!

Her hands coming from behind her back, with her left hand constantly closed, Eileen swung to Origa's rear side with her arms hugging around her head. A headlock attempt apparent, it was only Eileen's right arm that made any actual conscious effort at restraining the considerably larger figure. For the left hand went higher than her neck clinching right; directly into the lower parts of Origa's good looks. Had it clinched on, she may have been able to aid in her right arms motion to stop her rise.

Instead, her hand simply went straight for Origa's mouth. With her now flat palm rubbing directly over her lips, as if trying to force something into the bigger woman's mouth...

Against her will, naturally...

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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Origa X. - Honed Weakness

Unread post by Ringropes98 »

Pain can be a wonderful motivator sometimes, especially when you can add a smug face to the reason why you were in pain in the first place. So surprisingly to everyone, Eileen was actually a great motivator. Who woulda thought huh, Origa though as she rolled to one knee and prepared to go back onto the offensive and wipe that smile off of the redheads face.

But it was in that small moment of weakness that Eileen struck. Her lithe frame suddenly shot forward and around Origa’s body in an instant. Origa could barely react in time before the redheads arm wrapped around her head in a headlock. Oddly though, the elites opposite hand didn’t come to reinforce it. Because of that, Origa’s arms already began to pry the limb away as she slowly climbed to her feet.

But the reason why became apparent, for when Origa opened her mouth to ask what her reasoning was, her mouth was suddenly covered by the redheads hand. ”Mmm! Mmmm!” She muffledly shouted as she began to pry at this offending limb as well. Though it didn’t take long for the amazon to feel something foreign enter her mouth. And in her haste to shove Eileen away, she swallowed the mysterious object, and object that felt like a pill.

Finally having enough, Origa wrenched Eileens hands away and shoved her off, the amazon now rising to her full height as she glared furiously at the redhead beneath her. “What the hell was that.” she angrily asked. So focused on the woman in front of her, the amazon barely noticed how the heat inside her slowly began to rise.
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