Bikini Catfight: Veronica vs Carina

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Re: Bikini Catfight: Veronica vs Carina

Unread post by Knight-Day »

Her chop was blocked by Veronica’s arms. Huffing Carina would scowl at the rich girl. “That won’t save you bitch!” Quickly she would then would attempt to slam her left knee into the other wrestler’s gut.

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Re: Bikini Catfight: Veronica vs Carina

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Veronica was able to block the chop with her arms , but it only saved her from one attack as Carina's next one would break her defense. As she cried out when she felt her opponent's knee drove itself into her gut as she leans against the other wrestler as an result.

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Re: Bikini Catfight: Veronica vs Carina

Unread post by Knight-Day »

Once Veronica leaned on her Carina wrapped both arms around the rich girl’s waist and dragged her to the ring’s center. “Time for a lesson in gravity.” She whispered in a taunting tone. Then Carina attempted to bodyslam Veronica onto the mat.

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Re: Bikini Catfight: Veronica vs Carina

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Veronica would feel Carina's arms around her waist as she got dragged towards the center of the ring as she heard her opponent whisper it was time for an lesson. An lesson she clearly should not want to learn as she tried to break free by grasping onto her opponent's arms in an attempt to pry Carina's arms off her waist before she end up being bodyslammed onto the canvas.

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