"Mmhh..hmhm~" *With a mischievous smirk stretching across her face, Jess was tempted to maintain her liplock until Kiwi collapsed from oxygen deprivation, but the faint retaliation from her subdued victim was enough to convince her to take another route to claiming victory. So, begrudgingly, Jess broke the kiss, a bridge of saliva connecting them as she locked eyes with the enamored rookie.*
"Don't take this personally honey, but it's high time I finished this little tussle between us!"
*Showcasing her phenomenal strength for the world to see, and for the bewildered novice to experience, Jess forced the emerald giantess to bend at an angle before wedging her between her knees, giving Kiwi an up close and personal view of Jess's curvaceous thighs. However, she wouldn't linger in that spot for too long, as The Ginger Titan wrapped her arms around either side of the dazed novice and immediately hoisted her high into the sky! The audience collectively gasped before the inevitable transpired, that of course being Jess dropping her against the ground for a massive powerbomb!*
"WHAM!" *Was the reverberating noise that bounced off of the surrounding walls of the packed arena, as Jess loomed overtop of her defeated prey while the referee initiated his count.*
"ONE!" *His voice reached every inch of the capacity crowd, and while it was abundantly evident that Kiwi was on the precipice of defeat, Jess refused to stop her tormenting the energetic rookie by slipping in a solitary finger through her jumper and swirling the tip against the outer walls of her vaginal region, quietly reminding her who the dominant force truly was.*