Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

Unread post by Tybo226 »

Rio felt Lily grab her arms making it harder to escape the hold, not only that Lily was taunting her, shaking her hips and doing that Womp Womp she’s known for, Rio kept struggling trying to bridge up and relive some of the pressure on her neck if she could. But the main issue now is getting her arms free.
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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

Unread post by Phoenixgamer312 »

Shylily would continue to squeeze Rio as she let one of her arms go, she wanted to continue teasing her as she would start spanking Rio's ass "hehehe~ what are you gonna do now Rio~ give up~" Shylily would keep spanking Rio's ass to keep embarrassing her

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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

Unread post by Tybo226 »

Well if things didn’t get embarrassing before, Lily decided to let an arm go only to feel some hard slaps to her ass! The chick was spanking her in front of a large crowd and that made Rio both blush and get pissed. This made her struggles more furious as she wags a finger no at the ref signaling she won’t tap to being spanked of all things, the others at Berserk would never let Rio live it down if she did.
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Re: Rio vs ShyLily Kazuma has a Womping Whale of a time

Unread post by Phoenixgamer312 »

Lily enjoying the moment, she had a comfy chair, the crowd was cheering her name and she had a large spankable ass in front of her, her hand leaving a little red mark on it, it was nice...till Rio started to thrash around, mad from the spanking and making her start losing her grip.

"No, no, give up I'm not l-letting g-gooo!"
Shylily would try to keep Rio in her headscissor as she sat on her head to apply pressure

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