Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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"Good Finella! I knew you could do it!",her sister cheered and the ravenhaired girl, driven by adrenalone enjoyed being on top of her cocky blonde opponent.
"Aaaw...want to leave so soon? I don't think so Sweetie!",Finella taunted as she released one arm just to slap Chelseas collarbone with a loud "SMACK!" that could be heard through the arena.
Then she decided that she had'nt humiliated the Liverpool enough and so she released the camel clutch only to grab Chelseas hair tightly and starting to slap her butt.
"Come on Horsie! Come on!",Finella laughed as she literally took a ride on Chelsea while the butt of the english girl soon became red from the constant slaps that drove her forward on all fours.
The crowd laughed and started to chant Finellas name, all in all it was a humiliation that Chelsea would'nt forget for a while...

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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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If Chelsea thought that she had it bad already, her torments were only just beginning. Not content with merely twisting at her spine, Finella decided to start bucking up and down, tugging at Chelsea's hair like the reins of a horse while she smacked at her behind, which jiggled and shook with every slap that landed! Chelsea gasped and groaned, thrown around in all directions. Her back was already aching from where Finella had twisted at it, and the pressure she was forced to support now made the strain even worse - but her pride had taken a beating even greater than her body had!

"STOP IT! GEROFF ALREADY!!" Chelsea cried, but no amount of protests would convince Finella to have mercy. Her behind, now nearly bare, was waving back and forth the more she twisted her body to and fro, much to the sounds of cheers and applause and the flashing of cameras. The elder Forster was hoping that by making it to her corner she'd be able to tag Molly in - but with Finella bearing down on her back, she collapsed on her face just shy of her, her outstretched hand falling limp at the mat below.

Molly looked up at this with a frown. Finella's teasing had gone too far, and she saw that if she was going to save her sister, she had to take matters into her own hands! "Hold on, Chelsea, I'm coming-!" she cried, climbing to the top rope, before she threw herself off, hurtling toward Finella with her legs outstretched for a missile dropkick!
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Finella enjoyed being the centre of attention and giving the humiliation instead of taking it.
Chelseas small and sexy slip was already unvisible and all the good people could see was Chelseas sexy, spanked rear.

Quite satisfied with herself she heard the cries of Chelsea and when she tried again to tag her sister, Finella just let herself on her,bringing her to the ground.
"We are not done yet...",she said as she grabbeeb one of Chelseas arms and twisted it behind her back.
"Torturing my ankle huh...lets see how you like this you bitch!",Finella snarled and sent a fist to Chelseas shoulder where her arm was bent.
Soon the crowd started to boo the Austrian too but like Chelsea she did'nt give a crap.

"Finella! Achtung!",Harmonia shouted in german as Molly came to the rescue of her sister by dropkicking Finella off of her.
But the time Molly wasted with that, Harmonia used to get one corner of their flag free.

Finella was shoved to the ground, hurting and Harmonia had ro stop her efforts, finally able to tag with her.
"You did great, now its my turn...",she said and walked in,preparing to meet Molly or Chelsea or even both...
And something devious came into her mind.
But for that she needed both of the sisters and seeing Molly looking for Chelsea the Ex-Model saw her chance for something rather...intresting lets say. But first she had to take Molly down and this she did with an attack from behind, grabbing for Molly and applying one of her favourites, a simple sleeperhold, but with Harmonias strength it was became something more than a mere submission, it became a torture...but for what she had planned, she needed both sisters down and in the corner...

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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Chelsea was in a desperate struggle to get back to her corner and tag Molly in so that her sister could cover for her, but with Finella on top of her, fighting against her the whole way, the distance felt practically insurmountable. Every twist of the blonde's hips as she wriggled and writhed only caused her panties to ride up more and more between her cheeks, until her behind was almost completely exposed. But the humiliation she felt paled next to the pain, especially when Finella slammed a punch down against Chelsea's shoulder! With the agonizing sensation rippling through her back, she threw her head back in a howl, collapsing onto her front!

Molly had had enough of this. She couldn't let the Austrians sit by and torment her partner any longer, and she had to settle things the way she knew best! She sailed down from the ropes, feet outstretched, to slam headlong into Finella, and with a smack, the dark-haired girl was thrown back by the sheer momentum of the strike!

Wth Finella sprawling to the mat, Molly ran over to Chelsea's side, tagging her with a slap against the back. "Chelsea! You all right?"

"...Been better," Chelsea gruffly noted.

"It's okay!" Molly smiled to her sister as she gave her an encouraging nod. "You just hold the corner for now, alright? I can take care of this!"

"Right, right..."

Chelsea turned back for her corner, in the process flashing her rear toward Molly and anyone else behind her, which caused the younger Forster to blush. "Hey, uh, Chelsea, your, uh..."

Not one to be reminded of what she'd unwillingly put on display, Chelsea whipped herself around with a glare at Molly. "Ye think I dun kun dat!?" she huffed in frustration.

Before Molly could say anything more, however, she would receive a painful reminder of how, in trying to give Chelsea advice, she had left herself open to retaliation! The next thing she knew, Harmonia had entered the ring - and she was upon Molly in seconds, throwing her arm around her throat! The Englishwoman let out a gasp, gagging against the growing pressure that kept coming down harder and harder against her neck. Bending herself backward, she attempted to grab for Harmonia's arm to try and pull it off her!

Her sneaky tactics caught Chelsea's eye, too - and she was not amused! "'EY!" she called out, turning back around at the sound of Molly's cries. "YE LET 'ER GO!" Her well-being and her modesty seemed to fall by the wayside, as Chelsea took off running to close in on Harmonia, looking to break up the hold!
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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The crowd was very pleased with the sight they saw and they definetly made their satisfaction some air as they cheered and wolfwhistled when Chelsea walked back into her corner.

Harmonia knew that the Bunnies were'nt pushovers so she reacted quickly, applying a strong and safe sleeper with a good stance, making it hard for Molly to get out of it.
Harmonia only added to her move as the younger Forster tried to get Harmonis arms away.

When Chelsea turned around to help her sister, breaking Harmonias grip, she was surprised by two arms that wrapped around her belly and soft breasts that pressed against her back.
"Don't you forget about meeee...",Finella sang into the blondes ear before the world turned around for Chelsea as she was slammed back into the mat with a devastating german suplex.

Now the Bunnies were in trouble and Harmonia was'nt in any mood to let Molly go....
All in all things looked bleak for the Brits at the moment in this match of national pride.

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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Hearing the wolf-whistles aimed her way, Chelsea stopped and glared at the fans. For a moment, both England and Austria had been united under the common banner of admiring Chelsea's ass, but the one person who was less than enthused was the elder Forster herself. Narrowing her eyes in a glower, she lifted a middle finger to the crowd, letting out an "Oh, sod off!" before trying to fix her panties. She grumbled to herself, wishing that she still had her shorts on hand, but that was a lost cause at this point. At least if the Bunnies were able to win this match, it'd be worth it.

But no sooner had Chelsea returned to her corner that she looked up to see her sister in trouble, groaning and whining as she struggled and writhed against the model's grip! As Molly's back bent backward in an arc against the pressure of the sleeperhold, her chest was thrust out forward, and her face twisted into a worried frown at the sheer force Harmonia was bringing against her windpipe. This was something that couldn't stand! Calling out to Harmonia, Chelsea climbed over the ropes, charging her opponent to try and break things up.

Little did she know, however, that she was running right into a trap. The English team weren't the only ones who could run interference!

Suddenly, Finella was behind Chelsea, her arms snapping into place around her sides. "Wot in the-!?" she gasped, only moments before Finella whipped her around to slam her shoulders into the canvas!

Chelsea let out a pained scream from the impact, her legs kicking back over her head, and Molly looked up with wide eyes at the sight of her sister going down. She knew they were in trouble now, with both Bunnies at the mercy of their opponents! Desperate to do something, Molly reached out with her arm, hoping she could find the ropes and get the referee to force Harmonia to let go! But in doing so, she would only inch herself closer to the corner...
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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When it comes to some gorgeous ladies everyone in every country becomes friendly with each other.
Finella was quite shaken from Chelseas anklelock and the sudden dropkick from Molly but when she saw that Harmonia made quite a statement she too was fueled with energy.
She grabbed the older Forster and slammed her with quick motion into the canvas.
"You know I promised this good people something...",she chuckled as she turned around and behind Chelsea.
Abd with that she tugged on her top, pulling the downed brit out of it and leaving her complety in underwear.
Her smug smiled face appeared over Chelseas view abd the wolf grinned.
"Skinned you bunny,you are ready for dinner.", she said and with a sudden wave of her arm, Chelseas top landed in the waiting crowd too.

Harmonia meanwhile had Molly in a steady grip but the brit thought tough.
"Going for the ropes are'nt we? Well why not?"
Abd with that the austrian shoved her opponent into the ropes and when Molly stepped back she delivered a superkick, intending to strike Molly down if it works while Finella had grabbed the halfnude Chelsea by her hair and set her up in the corner waiting for Harmonia but to ensure that her little friend would'nt get away she grabbed the top ropes and grinned down at chelsea.
"Ready for another ride?"
And then she would apply a bronco buster if everythif went right...

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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Finella had promised it, the fans were chanting for it, and the Austrian was about to deliver. With Chelsea dazed from her rough landing against the mat, she was still trying to shake herself back to her senses, panting and groaning - and she only came to moments later to feel her top pulled back against her chest. She let out a gasp, trying to pull herself forward to break loose, but she only ended up stalling the inevitable. With a few more tugs, her top was yanked over her head, and at last she dropped to the ground in - her boots and pads aside - nothing but a bra and panties.

Chelsea let out a squeal, rolling to her back as her face flushed red and she tried to cover herself. "Y-YOU..!" she snapped back at Finella, kicking her legs in a desperate gasp to steer the wolf girl back, but soon, she felt her hair being tugged up from her scalp. Chelsea let out a scream of pain, flailing in place and reaching to grab at Finella's wrists to pry her off, but she couldn't stop her foe from dragging her to the corner, where she jumped up to the ropes to ram her hips against Chelsea's chest! Hit by the bronco buster, her head snapped back, and she was thrown back against the turnbuckle with enough force to make her sink lower into the corner.

All the while, Molly had been desperately reaching for the ropes, hoping that if she got a rope break she could turn things around. But Harmonia pushed her forcefully against the ropes, the cables stretching against her back as she yelped in surprise - and then, the model's leg snapped outward in a flash, slamming straight into Molly's chin! Her head swung backward and her back bent in an arc, and she dropped limply to her knees against the mat before falling on her face. Things weren't looking good for the British Bunnies right now...
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Finella and Chelsea immediatly had caught each other on the wrong foot, there was no denying in that...
"Yeahaaa! Yeah,Yeah! Faster, horsie!",she cheered and the fans, seeing a hot girl jumping on another hot girl let them forget any animosity between each other.
The british fans were definetly in a pickle
since their wrestlers got a beatdown but on the other side the beatdown was hot.
So boos and cheers mixed when Finella finally stopped and looked to Harmonia who had just gotten Molly down.
"Alright, I think we are set...",Harmonia said an Finella grinned at her, giving her sister a thumbs up.
Harmonia dragged Molly to the corner and leaned her against Chelsea and then walked away.

"Ok Fin, as I showed you!", she said? grabbed her undies and pulled them in.
Meanwhile Finella bent forward and slipped out of her skirt!
The reaction of the crowd was strong as Finella grabbed her blue panties, kicked the skirt away and wedged it up too!
"In honor of my sisters debut we have prepared a new move! The Januskopf!",Harmonia said with a loud voice as the austrians took each others hand and walked back and then...stinkfaced their opponents together.
Harmonia did Molly and Finella took Chelsea, but instead of Harmonia who just wiggled her butt in Mollys face, Finella grabbed the back of Chelseas head and pressed her nowe deep in her butt while she wiggled.
"Like it?",she taunted and when the Austrians were through...and they took their sweet time, they released the bunnies, Finella walking over to the flac of the brits but Harmonia shaking her head.
"Not right now..."
Finella was eager to rip the flag down but Harmonia did'nt want a quick victory but to set a statement...which she was sure the Bunnies would get.
So she leaned in their corner, waiting for Molly to get up and resume the match.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Oct 31, 2021 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Her head still spinning from the superkick, Molly had lost her balance and fallen into a daze. She would give little resistance as Harmonia took her by the arm, hauling her to the corner where she threw her at the side of her equally stunned sister. The two of them crumpled into a heap against the post, their eyes glazed over and their chests rising and falling with labored pants. Neither of them, of course, had any idea of what they were in for!

In unison, the Austrian girls pulled up at their bottoms, making it quite clear what they were about to do - as well as showing off to the crowd, which was eager as ever to cheer on the sight! Just as they turned aside from the Bunnies, Chelsea and Molly were beginning to come around to their senses, blinking and looking up. But when they did, it was only to see two pairs of cheeks coming straight for them!

Their cries were muffled against the Edelsteins' rears - and drowned out too by the roar of the crowd, which had been worked up to new heights! Molly frantically tried to push Harmonia away, while Chelsea kicked her legs and flailed her arms, blindly aiming slaps along Finella's sides to try and get her to release the pressure. But nothing would stop them now, and it was only over when the Austrians so chose!

As soon as Harmonia and Finella stepped away from them, the Forster sisters collapsed to the ground, panting and gagging. Molly's face had turned as red as a tomato, but Chelsea had undoubtedly had the worst of it, as she clutched her chest and coughed, her nearly naked body shaking with each hacking wheeze. "God! Dat rags me..."

The Austrian team had everything in their power to end the match now - and yet, they weren't taking the bait. They still turned back to their side of the ring, giving the British Bunnies time to recover! Soon, Molly had recovered enough to get a foot underneath her, pushing herself back up to one knee to see their opponents waiting in their corner. At first, she raised an eyebrow curiously, unsure of their plan. But she soon realized this just meant they had another chance - as long as their flag still flew, they could win this match!

Straightening herself to her feet, Molly winced, the thought of her rough treatment at the hands - or butt, rather - of Harmonia still fresh in her mind. Still, she looked up with a huff and clenched her fist, narrowing her eyes in defiance. She was willing to go up against the odds if it was what she had to do, even if it meant taking on both sisters at once! "Don't worry, Chelsea! I've got this, I promise!"

Chelsea, too, was beginning to pick herself up, albeit lagging behind her partner. Still, she slowly lifted herself to her feet, trying to cover herself all the while, as she slipped through the ropes and behind the corner post. "Fine, fine...but save de one wit' de ears for me, like!" she muttered. For now, she'd leave this to her sister, but, as she narrowed her eyes on Finella, she still kept revenge on her mind.

Molly nodded to her, but soon she readied herself to jump back into the action. She climbed up to the middle rope, facing Harmonia down, before she would leap off, hurling herself toward the model as she kicked her legs out to land a missile dropkick!
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