Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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*Incredibly weary after Allen had begun to assert her dominance Tess would rudely be reminded of just how defenseless she was once her aggressor ensnared her neck within a merciless chokehold!*

"Gggrrgh!" *Gnashing her pearly whites to try to minimize the pain, The Bounding Bombshell was suddenly tossed towards the canvas, her backside smashing across the mat with a humungous* "Thunk!"

*Not content to merely suffer at the hands of her opponent forever, Tess would spontaneously launch a rising knee towards Allen's face, trying to discombobulate her as best she could!*

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

After putting Tess into a side headlock, Allen then flipped her over and sent her down into the mat with a side headlock takeover. She was planning to keep the hold after bringing Tess down into the mat, but her opponent managed to bring her knee up, hitting the Brit right in her face.


This forced Allen to let go of Tess' head as she would move back, rubbing her face that was struck by her opponent's knee. Shaking her head, she would then rise back up onto her feet before attempting to close in, hoping to grab onto her opponent before she could recover.

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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*With the tincture of momentum she managed to generate, Tess launched herself sideways and planted the heels of her high tops against the canvas flooring. Whipping herself vertically upwards, the energetic blonde would subsequently attempt to propel herself forward, immediately launching her foot upwards for a frighteningly fast superkick!*
"This is what you get for underestimating me!" *The elated rookie shouted, eager to see if her kick would effectively meet its mark, or if she would put herself in even more peril than she was previously in!*

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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Making her way to Tess in her effort to grab onto her, Allen didn't expect her opponent to make a move right away, and before she knew it, she received a superkick right to her face!


Allen's head whipped back from the impact before she fell backwards, landing on her back. She had a look of disbelief on her face as she was laid out on the mat, spread eagle. For the time being, she became vulnerable to whatever her opponent would do next.

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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*As something that most would consider nothing short of a miracle, Tess's boot landed square across Allen's jaw, sending her spiraling backwards before inevitably smashing against the floor with a humungous* "THWUNK!" *As the audience collectively gasped at what they had all just witnessed!*

"T..that's just the start of it!" *The exuberant blonde clasped her hands together, formulating what she would do next on the fly. dashing towards the ropes, Tess would return to her opponent before elevating herself off the ground, crash landing atop of Allen while weaponizing her girth for a sit down splash!*
*Stretching her legs out to try and pin Allen's shoulders to the ground, Tess waved the ref over for an official count!* "ONE!" *The moderator announced, indicating that Allen was only a few seconds away from defeat!*

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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Allen was currently on the mat, her jaw aching after taking the sudden superkick from Tess. She struggled to regain her bearing, but it seemed that her opponent was going to continue with her offense as she dashed towards the ropes, rebounding from them before returning back to where Allen was. Once she was close enough, she leaped up into the air before landing right on top of Allen, butt first!


Allen lost her breath as she took the weight of her opponent on top of her. Wheezing, she could feel that Tess maintained her position on top of her for a pinfall, and she could hear the voice of the referee counting for the pin. Unable to breathe properly, she needed to act fast, or else she would end up losing. She could hear the sound of the referee's palm hitting the mat as she counted up to one.




Before the referee could finish the count, Allen would lift her right shoulder off of the mat, stopping the count. She still struggled to breathe, but now that the count had stopped, she would attempt to push Tess off of her so that she could properly breathe. She needed a little bit of space to recover, and hopefully, her recovery would be quick enough so that she could fight back against her opponent.

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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*Tossing her fingers up one after another, Tess was convinced that she had all but beaten her wounded foe. However, Allen had just enough vigor to throw her shoulder up, managing to stop the count in its tracks!* "W..wait! She kicked out!?" *More dumbfounded than irritated, Tess begrudgingly returned to her feet, contemplating what to do about her current predicament.*

"Wait! I've got it!"*Hatching a brilliant idea, the blonde bombshell snatched Allen's foot and dragged her towards a nearby corner, propping her against the highest turnbuckle before attempting to ram the strong end of her right knee up against Allen's midsection!* "This is what you get for kicking out when you should have lost already!"

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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Despite successfully kicking out of the pinfall attempt, Allen wasn't in a good condition at the moment, and as she tried to recover on the mat, her opponent decided to grab her by her leg before she dragged her towards the corner. Then, she was propped up against the turnbuckle, where she then took a knee strike into her belly, causing her to gasp out, her lungs emptied from the attack.


Thanks to the impact, Allen fell forward, ending up leaning against Tess. Still, she refused to fall down, grabbing onto her opponent's body so that she wouldn't end up on the mat. She struggled to breathe, and in her current condition, she couldn't do much except bracing herself against whatever her opponent would do next.

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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"Yeah!" *With an ecstatic cadence in her voice, Tess watched as her adversary instantaneously crumpled right before her very eyes!* "You shouldn't have taken me so lightly. Now you're going to regret it!"

*Ambling over towards her downed foe, The boisterous bombshell latched her hands around Allen's waist, attempting to hoist her skyward for the setup leading into a mega powerbomb!*

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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Wheezing painfully, Allen was then grabbed by Tess, who tried to hoist her up onto her shoulders, as if preparing to send her down with a powerbomb. Knowing the damage would be severe, the Brit would make a desperate attempt to reverse the move. The moment she was brought up onto Tess' shoulders, she would try to make use of it to bring her down with a hurricanrana, twisting herself to the side before attempting to send her opponent down onto the mat, thwarting her effort at the same time.

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