Exposure Therapy - Dr. Mina Takemi vs. MIO

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Re: Exposure Therapy - Dr. Mina Takemi vs. MIO

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"Such cute panties." Mina offered as Mio presented herself. Her slender lower half nearly completely exposed. It was just a matter of time...

The younger fighter was spurred to action by Mina's taunting. Good. She couldn't focus, and so in her confusion she rushed recklessly towards her larger opponent. Foregoing any speed or agility advantage she might have had.

Mina braced herself, accepting the girls shoulder tackle. "Ugh!" She'd grunt, wincing as the smaller wrestlers should impacted with her stomach. However, she didn't go down! She was pushed back slightly, but secured a headlock on Mio. With her other hand she'd grasp the little girl's panties and bunch them tightly into a wedgie! Using them as a leverage point she'd pull the girl off her feet and fall backwards, spiking her head with an elevated DDT.

If her mind was hazy before, she would certainly have difficulty thinking straight now!


Re: Exposure Therapy - Dr. Mina Takemi vs. MIO

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Mio's tackle connected with her opponent, but as it turned out, Mina's larger size wasn't just for show. The woman managed to stand her ground, even locking a headlock on the raven haired girl who realized it too late that she made the wrong move. The wedgie drew a cute squeal from Mio, her lower half wriggled in discomfort, making her not even thinking about pulling Mina's arm away from her neck. Not that she had the time to do it either.

As The tall beauty fell backwards, there was a thud on the ring as Mio was sent crashing down the mat with the DDT, causing her lithe form to bounce a bit on the canvas before she lied sprawled, panting and groaning from the rough landing. In her current state, she's pretty much a sitting duck to her opponent as she's left pretty dazed after her fall.


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Re: Exposure Therapy - Dr. Mina Takemi vs. MIO

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Mio's head struck the mat as intended. Her cute body sprawled out on the canvas. It was a cruel manuver, perhaps. But would Mio truly have wanted anything less than Mina's best? Afterall. This therapy was about emmersing her in the world of LAW. And Mina wasn't certain the submissive girl didn't also value a little bit of pain.

Mina would saunter over to the beautiful unmoving Mio and kick her over onto her belly. "What a cute little butt you have Ms. Mio. I can't wait to play with it!" Mina would follow the compliment by descending onto the small of Mio's back.she'd slide her fingers under the stunned woman's panties and slide them down her thighs. Once they got to her ankles however, she would use them to bind Mio's feet together.

Then, assuming the smaller wrestler hadn't stirred, she would grasp those slender legs and begin to pull back! Putting the tiny fighter in a boston crab. And to add Humiliation to injury, she would sit such that her feet cradled either side of Mio's face.

"Perhaps if you're a good girl and worship them I'll go easy on you. What do you say my little one?"


Re: Exposure Therapy - Dr. Mina Takemi vs. MIO

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Mio was flipped over by a nudge of Mina's foot, and she couldn't really offer too much resistance as the woman sat on her back and pulled down her pantie. Eventually, she'd start squirming a bit under the tall beauty, but by then, her legs were already bound together by her underwear, not to mention that her opponent then pulled her lower half backwards, bending her lithe frame in the boston crab position!

"Aagh...!" the smaller girl cried, feeling a surge of discomfort from the stretching that served as a wake up call after the slam.

Mina then presented her feet on the sides of her face, demanding them to be worshiped. A part of Mio was pretty happy to oblige, her blushing cheeks at least showed that she entertained the idea of getting intimate with the woman's soles and toes. However, she shook her head instead, and began to try crawling towards the ropes in a show of defiance.


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Re: Exposure Therapy - Dr. Mina Takemi vs. MIO

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As Mina pulled Mio's lower half in an arch the crowd was treated to a wonderful sight. The camera zoomed in and displayed the tiny girl's delicate flower in huge, full, HD. Her slit was once again exposed to her adoring fans. And as Mina lustfully gazed upon it with her eyes, she felt herself amongst them.

However, she was awoken from her hunger by Mio's defiance. The two women were slowly being dragged towards the ropes by her efforts. A consequence of Mina's foot smother. "No!?" Mina practically barked with indignance!

"I've been calling you miss, haven't I?" Mina asked as she began to put more of her strength into the crab. Torqueing the woman's body with her herculean might in an attempt to stop her struggling and enforce compliance. At the very least, if Mio made it to the ropes she would be more malleable for whatever deviance Mina had planned next...

"But that would imply that you're a lady. You're not though. Are you?" She asked as she continued to bend her backwards, threatening to touch the soles of Mio's own feet to the back of her head.

"You're just a little girl. You're -my- little girl! Aren't you, little one?!" She demanded an answer then as she stretched Mio out! Simultaneously, she thrust her feet against Mio's face. If the girl screamed in agony, Mina would use the opening to force her toes into her mouth.


Re: Exposure Therapy - Dr. Mina Takemi vs. MIO

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The progress Mio made was minimum because of the size of Mina, and she realized that she might not be able to reach halfway to the ropes without exerting herself. The woman then cranked the hold, drawing a louder grunt from the poor girl, and the pain made her had to pause her escape attempt for a moment. Hearing what Mina said, she could feel her face heating up, even more with the woman's feet being pushed closer towards her.

"N-no... I... aaghh...!" her attempt to protest only ended up in another cry of agony, however, which then allowed Mina to shove her toes into her mouth! "Mmgghh...?!"

Mio shook her head weakly, her struggle intensified, although she no longer made an attempt to drag herself towards the ropes as she's a bit occupied with other things right now. "Mmmphh...!" she groaned, still refusing to worship Mina's feet, although what she's doing made her inadvertently sucking lightly on the toes inside her mouth.

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Re: Exposure Therapy - Dr. Mina Takemi vs. MIO

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"Mm. That's more like it my little girl." Mina praised, her voice dripping with self-satisfaction! She loved forcing the little slut beneath her to worship her feet. Especially against her will. Her moans causing her tongue to vibrate against and between her toes.

As Mio's struggles ceased, Dr. Takemi reduced the pressure on the hold. Once again conditioning the little girl. Resistance meant pain. And since she was being such a good girl, Mio deserved a reward.

Mina grasped Mio's legs with one hand, using the underwear that bound her as a grip. Then, she slid her free hand down Mio's exposed thighs. "You don't mind if I show everyone a better look at your cute little pussy. Right little one?"

Mina didn't wait for permission of course. She brought her thumb and index finger in a slow line down the center of the girl's sex. A single, torturously long stroke. And then, she spread her fingers. Spreading Mio's pussy for the camera. Revealing her best kept secret in all of its sopping pink glory.


Re: Exposure Therapy - Dr. Mina Takemi vs. MIO

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The hold was eased a bit after a while, and Mio wheezed, her breathing brushed the foot of Mina. What the woman said made her eyes blinked again, and she froze for a moment when she felt a finger brushing on her sex in an agonizingly slow pace. A shiver immediately ran through her back, and she let out a moan into Mina's toes, inadvertently sucking on them again in the process. "Mmmhhfff..."

The raven haired girl felt her womanhood was being spread and her lower half wriggled. It was an act of protest, but to some, it could also look as if she's happily wagging an invisible tail. Right now, Mio was feeling a mixture of embarrassment and excitement flowing inside her, something that she hadn't felt in a long time because she's been away from the scene. It's such a sweet, yet torturous feeling that made her face turning a little silly.


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Re: Exposure Therapy - Dr. Mina Takemi vs. MIO

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

"Mmm. There's the reaction I was looking for. I like hearing you make those slutty sounds while you worship my feet. I wonder. Will you make more for me?" The fingers that spread her womanhood began to knead and tease her now. The tips of her digits circling her wet entrance. Threatening to explore her while she was being controted in a painful submission. Her thumb threatening to stimulate the hardened bud that was her tiny clitoris.

"Sing for me. Let me hear my little girl's voice!" She demanded as she pleasured her submissive slut. However... The moment Mio would grow close to bubbling over, Mina would suddenly release her. Unceremoniously dropping her legs and withdrawing her feet from Mio's mouth. Withholding her affections entirely! Mio would only be allowed to cum when Mina wanted her to!


Re: Exposure Therapy - Dr. Mina Takemi vs. MIO

Unread post by Nicia »

"Hnnggg..." Mio moaned again as she felt Mina's fingers teasing her womanhood, circling around it, threatening to touch her clit but never did. She bucked herself a little, partly in an attempt to get the touched she wanted, but the hold kept her in place to her frustration. With the doctor then began to stimulate her, Mio couldn't help but to let out one muffled moan after another into the feet of the woman. "Mmmmbbhhh... mmmnnhh...!"

Then all of a sudden, everything stopped. The fingers on her nether region was withdrawn, and so did the toes in her mouth. Her legs were dropped, leaving her pretty much unattended apart from being sat on by her opponent. Mio let out a rather frustrated grunt, but she tried not to show too much of her feelings, try being the key word. "Nnnghhh..."

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