Reiko vs Aigle: Mad Mud Match!

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Re: Reiko vs Aigle: Mad Mud Match!

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Rubbing breasts against Aigle, the sensual feel of it, Reiko had always wondered about competing in a more..passionate style of wrestling but was too a shamed to actually admit her interest in that style of combat. The mud definitely helped with keeping some level of dignity to protect her breasts from snap shots, ignorant of how the mud made it even more lewd as she attempted to take the arm. However, it wasn't meant to be as Aigle's legs snapped up and wrapped around her head, pulling her back into the mud for a headscissors! Her arms went up, pushing on the legs to try and free herself as she flailed about!

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Roy (abracy)
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Re: Reiko vs Aigle: Mad Mud Match!

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Aigle honestly hadn't really considered doing a more sensual style of wrestling such as what they're doing and as of right now she's totally focused as she's barely even noticing the fact that she's topless...right now anyways. She just...didn't really think much about it as if like she keeps forgetting it exists or even what the concept entails as she kind of always knew the serious stuff of fighting. The Nomad's snapped up and wrapped around the Zero Fighter's head and pull her back into the mud for a headscissors. Instead of just letting go and escaping, she had a rather...crazy idea she wanted to try out. She tries to roll their entire bodies over to where Aigle is on top and Reiko is at the bottom so that Aigle could grab the legs for a sort of Boston Crab headscissor combo

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Re: Reiko vs Aigle: Mad Mud Match!

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Reiko kicked her legs as she splashed in the mud, attempting to try and free herself from the strong legs that had snapped around her head, locking tight and keeping it trapped! The Zero Fighter attempted to find another way out of the hold, rolling from side to side to try and find another way out, think she had succeeded as she rolled onto her stomach. But then she realized that she was in a far worse position as Aigle caught her legs, pulling them back into a Boston crab, bending Reiko into a U! “Aaaaaaaaaagh!” She cries out, trying to keep her mouth above the mud as she planted her hands into it, trying to push herself up to try and find a spot where the pressure would ease up!

It did not.

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Re: Reiko vs Aigle: Mad Mud Match!

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Aigle didn't think that her strong legs could be enough to do something like trapping Reiko's head or even bringing her down and rolling their bodies over for that matter. She also had never really attempted to do something like a Boston Crab headscissors combination like that, she hasn't even thought of something like that before until now. She could hear Reiko's cries as she keeps her the way she is now, she would even tighten the hold a little bit "You give up!?" The Nomad would ask to the Zero Fighter as she thinks that Reiko can't keep this up for much longer

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Re: Reiko vs Aigle: Mad Mud Match!

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Reiko shook her head while between the legs, refusing to give up! "Noooooooooo!" she screamed out as she attempted to rock herself side to side, the head scissors meaning that Aigle couldn't plant herself to keep her on her back, attempting to get the two on their sides so that Reiko could try to pry off the legs from her head! If she was successful, she would attempt to roll away, knowing that her legs were still caught by the Nomad as she would try to kick off her opponent and send her back into the mud!

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Re: Reiko vs Aigle: Mad Mud Match!

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Aigle heard that Reiko isn't giving up and she does admire the Zero Fighter's determination to keep going but she doesn't see how that's going to help, after all she has the high ground in this. She was then rocked side to side as she realizes that being the side could be advantageous for Reiko, they both landed on their side. Aigle tries to keep Reiko right where she is by tightening the hold even more

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Re: Reiko vs Aigle: Mad Mud Match!

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"Nnnnnnnnnnngh!" Reiko growled out as Aigle refused to let go as they rolled in the mud, still locked in the dual hold as her bare muddy chest was forced to push out. She didn't have time to be modest and cover her chest, hands gripping tightly on those thighs as she fought to try and break out! Reaching up, she would grab on to the ankles of Aigle, trying to pull them apart and force those thighs to release! If she was successful, she would quickly try to roll again, this time on top of Aigle as she would try to sneak a pin with a straddle!

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Re: Reiko vs Aigle: Mad Mud Match!

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Aigle didn't entirely think that covering her own chest is being modest, but regardless Reiko's hands did gripped tightly on her thighs and ankles as well would kind of slowly come apart and eventually she was forced to release the headscissors. Reiko managed to escape from Aigle's grasp by rolling but then when she goes for a pin straddle, the Nomad would a kick to the Zero Fighter to try to send her to the muddy ground again and then she would try to pin her with an armbar

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Re: Reiko vs Aigle: Mad Mud Match!

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Reiko managed to free herself from Aigle's head scissors, allowing to breath again as she managed to pop up, easing the pressure on her stomach and back as she simultaneously got out of the boston crab. She was about to try and hook Aigle's legs to fold her up into a tight school girl pin, however her opponent was quick enough to fight out of the pinning predicament, kicking Reiko off to the side as she took a hold of her arm. Reiko rolled in the mud, landing on her back as Aigle's legs wrapped over her chest, trying to lock in an armbar! Reiko immediately clasped her hands, splashing in the mud as she attempted to get to her feet, trying to roll Aigle back on her shoulders and tried to sneak another pin!

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Re: Reiko vs Aigle: Mad Mud Match!

Unread post by Roy (abracy) »

Aigle managed to get her off before Reiko was able to apply anything to her. This is going quite smoothly for right now, at least she thinks so. She successfully got The Zero Fighter in an armbar which is another good sign until she starts to fight back. The Nomad wasn't sure this was going to work but she's going to try anyways. She raising her legs and slamming them on to Reiko so it could cause some damage as well as make her try to stay down.

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