Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Rosie had kicked things into a new gear. She was all business and while Noloty was as well she would have expected some kind of friendless, course in a fight that was asking a lot. Rosie recovered quick enough and lunged at her with both of her hands slamming into her chest to force the air out of Noloty's lungs and drop her to the floor holding said hurting chest and more or less flopping about with the lack of air. She couldn't quite move yet and that meant she wasn't left to endure what came next.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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There was a sense of pride that swelled inside Rosie as her fists connected with Noloty's chest and took her down. Looking fired up, Knuckles stood over her fallen opponent and grinned out to the crowd, keeping her hands clapsed and then using then to pretend she was swinging an imaginary baseball bat. "And she's outta here!" yelled out the cotton-candy haired girl to a resounding mixed reaction.

Knuckles would then turn and look down at Noloty and grinned down at her. "No hard feelings, but I don't want you getting up yet. I'm here to win, you know," said Rosie, sounding only very slightly sorry for what she was about to do. Lifting her boot up, she would then attempt to repeatedly stomp all over the darker girl's body, which Rosie almost thought was a shame because it was such a rocking body, and then she would try to place her boot on Noloty's throat to try and choke her. All was fair in this sort of match and Rosie would do everything it took to win.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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As her chest was turned to a baseball for Rosie's double fist bat Noloty was left on the floor recovering for the painful hit. Rosie was not a girl you expected to to have that kind of firepower behind her, nor did you expect the mean streak that followed as she was subjected to stomp after stomp from her boots. "Ouuggh! Hhuuuhh!" Noloty's body jumped with each stomp Rosie's boots stamping on her body over and over again and eventually Noloty's hands went to cover her tummy just as her throats was stepped on, leaving the star a gasping mess who pushed agaisnt the girls boot and desperately fought for freedom.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Rosie's mudhole stomping was a standard for her, as it was relatively easy and always pumped the crowd up. But the choking with the boot was more to just try keeping the other girl down and out. Were it a regular match, Rosie Knuckles probably wouldn't have tried to choke the life out of Noloty. But this was a Falls Count Anywhere match! Rosie was going to do whatever she could to win one of these! So as her boot cruelly choked out the darker skinned girl, Rosie was thinking up her next idea.

Then it came to her. Knuckles lifted her boot up and then immediately grabbed a hold of Noloty and helped her up before she could recover. "Let's take this match places, babe," said Rosie with a grin, winking at her recently choked opponent. Then, the petite brawler would grab Noloty by her shoulders and head and attempt to run her to the barricade with the intent of heaving her up and over it with the hope that she would land right in the front row!

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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The choking had its effects. Keeping Noloty down and struggling for as long as Rosie pleased. Only stopping for a change of scenery, which entered forcing her up and pushing her back first into the barricade! Noloty arched over the top for a second before the rest of her flopped to the outside landing slightly in her head at first and then being left prone on her back, gritting her teeth and comforting her back.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Rosie had undershot the toss a little bit, which was fortunate for Noloty (as fortunate as it could be for her, at least). She watched the girl get stuck halfway and then flip right over. With a cheeky grin, Knuckles got on top of the barricade, holding her arms out and arrogantly showing off over her hurting opponent. "Let's get freaking loud in here!" shouted the pink-haired girl before glancing down at Noloty, the crowd getting loud at her behest with more of a mixed reaction.

Knuckles then held up her arm and pat her elbow before stepping off the barricade for a short fall in an attempt to hit an elbow drop on her dark-skinned opponent's chest, hoping to keep her down as they brawled so close to the crowd. If anything, Rosie was willing to be reckless to put on a good show.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Noloty looked up and saw Rosie playing off to the crowd, she looked amazing but Noloty couldn't help but feel she'd look twice as good up there, still that just meant she had to do something to show it besides get knocked around like this. Rosie telegraphed her big elbow by raising and tapping it giving Noloty the incentive to move once she jumped avoiding her elbow to keep her from being flattened like a pancake.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Rosie had felt confident so far, but as she was coming down for the elbow drop, her eyes went wide when she realized Noloty was moving! She tried to pull her elbow back before the brunette rolled out of the way, but she could only pull it away so fast and ended up cracking her arm against the hard pavement with a loud shout of pain. "Aaaah!"

Almost instantly, Knuckles flopped on the concrete outside, holding her elbow and started to shout of obscenities, which was quite a sight from what was such an adorably cute appearance. "Shit! God damnit! Mother fucker!" Her voice even squeaked on the last syllable, adding to the odd contrast of adorable and crass. As she held her elbow, groaning in pain before slapping the cold floor with her non-hurting hand. She couldn't afford to let her arm be hurt so early in this match with how rough she knew it would be. But she was too wrapped up in the shock and pain of the surprise impact.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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The change in the arena was almost instant. Having gone from Rosie being in control to her being at a potential disadvantage of her arm was truly hurt. And all it took was a well timed dodge! Noloty was smirking as she slowly stood up looking at her opponent who was feeling the pain of her big mistake. Finding her footing again she approached the cutie and grabbed her hair to force her up to her feet. “You seem to be in a bit of a pinch, let me help with that.” Noloty grabbed her shoulder and forced Rosie to walk forward a bit before she would throw Rosie bad arm first into some railings.

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Re: Brawl across the Arena-Noloty vs Rosie

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Rosie grit her teeth, resisting the urge to keep shouting curse words at the world right now. She then heard Noloty speak and was forced up to her feet. She tried to fight out, despite the added strain it would have on her arm and shook her head. "Don't you freaking--AGH!" Rosie was cut off by being thrown into the railing, but she had managed to turn her body enough for her back and shoulder to take most of the brunt, even though her arm didn't get through it unscathed.

The rough n' cute brawler growled through grit teeth as she fell to her ass, leaning against the railing and kicking a foot on the concrete to try and resist the pain. But right now, Knuckles was feeling in pretty rough shape, and it was looking harder for her to strike back to try and get a breather.

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