A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Well her cheap shot successful Anastasia would keep up her attack with more shots to the back, she’d want to grind her opponent under her heel. She then follows up with a kick to the leg to try and get Daniella off balance, if the kick was successful she’d go to scoop up Daniella in a crushing bearhug trying to squeeze the fight right out of her. If she could but Daniella is Willy as she showed she can turn the momentum around in an instant. The goddess could snap back at any moment.
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Daniella would end up falling onto her knee before being scooped up into a bearhug, causing her to scream in pain, before retaliating with multiple blows to Anesthesia's head in an attempt to escape the bearhug, if successful she would end up pulling her into a quick snapmare in an attempt to catch Anesthesia off guard and get her into prime submission hold position
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Well trying to crush someone’s back leaves you open for counterattack and Daniella wasted no time in hitting the nurse to force her to let go then she got snapmared onto a seated position and set up for whatever hold Daniella had in mind. Anastasia cursed under her breath wondering what drives this goddess into her rubber band like comebacks.
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Daniella would end up smirking as she set up her opponent into a headlock, with her own personal twist, Daniella crawling up and placing Anesthesia's head between her legs before wrapping them around her head, flexing her arms as she held her opponent's head with her thighs

"Feel free to give up, I'll just be here showing off my toned legs~"

Daniella said with a boisterous laugh, clearly enjoying dominating the nurse
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Anastasia grunts as Daniella was showing the crowd her strong toned legs by applying a standing headscissors and basking in the crowds cheers, she found this insulting and was trying to pry the legs off her neck, when that didn’t work she’d try to punch the goddess’s foot in a chance to make her hobble around and let go.
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Daniella would grunt in pain before attempting to punch Anesthesia in the face before attempting to slip away from her in order to recover, unfortunately her opponent's hits caused her to wobble a bit before she could get to ropes
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Anastasia takes advantage of her stumbling and tried to floor the goddess with a clothesline. If that worked she’d then run off the ropes and try to hit a leg drop. If that hit she’d go for the cover and see if she could get a pinfall on Daniella.
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Danielle would end up getting hit by the clothesline from behind, causing her to yell as she was hit by a leg drop immediately afterwards, with Anesthesia immediately going for the pin, but Daniella would go down that easily


Before the referee could finish one Daniella kicked out
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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The nurse huffs, she knew she’d be stubborn but this nut was hard to crack. However it makes it more fun when they do, so when the lockout happened, Anastasia acted quickly trying to lock a crossface submission hold on the goddess and try to bend the fight right out of her.
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Danielle would end up getting locked into her opponent's cross face, growling as she grabbed at Anesthesia's hands, clawing at them in an attempt to escape as her body thrashed under her, using all of her bodyweight in order to orchestrate an escape from under the sadistic nurse
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