Reina Izara Vs. Edith Una-A Priceless Contest

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Re: Reina Izara Vs. Edith Una-A Priceless Contest

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Closed pained eyes with the sound of counting in her ears was a familiar sensation for Reina. The rush of the Slam, the rising fever pitch of crowd with every count on the mat was a feeling she'd never get tired of. Slam, after slam, and pin after pin, that electricity, that surge of destined victory never left her no matter how many times she pinned an opponent.

And for matches like this? Oh that just made it so much sweeter. But even as the final hand of the referee touched the mat signalling the bell, The conqueror knew her campaign was far from over. Bit even so, why not soak in the feeling a bit. Smirking as she laid atop the hidden gem, the conqueror leaned down and whispered in her ear 4 simple words. 4 little seeds that could leave her calm and collected for off her game.

"One point for me." As finally, after a few seconds of pinning Edith in a, we'll, suggestive manner, Reina returned to her feet, and waited for Edith to rise. Watching near the ropes like a shark smelling blood in the water as she waited for Edith to get in position. Squatting down with her hands on her knees, Reina awaited for Edith to get up so she could instantly claim a second point.

Because the moment Edith rise to her feet, Reina was going to attempt to use another finisher against the hidden gem. Her Fallen crown.
Fallen Crown
So, if Reina was successful, she would attempt to grasp Edith once more and hoist her up into the air. Holding both her arms behind her back, before dropping down to the mat in a thunderous slam with Edith falling face first into the mat. As afterwards, Reina would flip her on her back, and take a seat on her face as she awaited the referee to count to three.
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Re: Reina Izara Vs. Edith Una-A Priceless Contest

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Edith blushed and squirmmed as Reina teased her, before rolling over after she was finally free. As Edith struggled to rise, the arena buzzed with anticipation. Reina, eyes fixed on her opponent, as she was ready to execute her next move. With Edith finally on her feet, Reina swiftly moved into action, grabbing her and securing both arms behind her back. Edith was lifted into the air, before being slammed face first into the mat with tremendous force, executing "The Fallen Crown." The impact echoed through the arena, leaving the audience in awe. Was Edith losing already? The conqueror, relishing in her dominance, swiftly flipped Edith onto her back, looking to capitalize on her weakened state and confidently took a seat on her face.

Edith's muffled groans were drowned out by the cheers and gasps from the electrified crowd. The atmosphere in the arena was charged with a mix of excitement and disbelief as Reina's provocative move played out, her triumphant posture and the intentional positioning on Edith's face were designed to add an extra layer of humiliation.

The referee began the count:



Just when it seemed like the match was about to end in a decisive victory for Reina, Edith, fueled by a surge of determination and also wanting to get her butt of her face, summoned her strength and kicked out at two! The crowd erupted in a mix of shock and admiration for Edith's resilience, the girl groaning and rolling over to the ropes, wrapping on of her arms around it to try and keep from Reina going after her more as she'd try to recover from the beatdown!

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Re: Reina Izara Vs. Edith Una-A Priceless Contest

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Oh, how Reina loved it when a plan came together. Sitting near the ropes like a viper ready to strike, Reina waited for her prey to rise to her feet, and when she did, her fangs were out. Snatching Edith's arms and pinning them at her back, the conqueror hoisted her up, and let gravity do the rest. Feeling the ring rattle beneath her, Reina knew she had this match won. Not one, but two finishers back-to-back was all she needed, and as she sat on Edith's pretty face, she held up her hand, and counted with the crowd.

"ONE!" she said, raising her finger.

"TWO!" She cried, raising another, and now,

"THREE-?!" But no! It wasn't time yet for Edith to lose. Right at the last second, right when the referee's hand was coming down for the three, Edith Una kicked out! Leaving Reina pushed forwards, kneeling in confusion, and begrudging respect. So much so, that even as Edith rolled her way to the ropes, the conqueror refused to advance.

Raising to her feet with a grin on her face, Reina would let Edith catch her breath. For after that performance, even she had to give Edith her props.

"Impressive as always, Una." She huffed, "go, catch your breath, give me your best for round 2."
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Re: Reina Izara Vs. Edith Una-A Priceless Contest

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As Edith rolled towards the ropes, the determination in her eyes became evident. Catching her breath, she seized the opportunity to mount a counterattack against the unsuspecting Reina, who would show some respect for Edith's efforts. Edith sprang to her feet, her movements swift and deliberate. Utilizing the ropes for momentum, she would attempt to spring off them, dashing towards Reina, before ducking past her and comically slapping her in the back of the head. If this worked as she inteaed it to, she'd make her chase after her as she spun around onto the apron. herself into a springboard maneuver, flipping off the ropes with grace. Reina, momentarily caught off guard, turned just in time to see Edith descending upon her.

With impeccable timing, Edith executed a jump over Reina as she charged at her, attempting to catch Reina off guard and cause her to fall out of the ring. But Edith wasn't done. With lightning speed, she sprinted across the ring, bouncing off the ropes with incredible momentum. In a daring move, Edith executed a Fosbury Flop, flipping over the top rope and attempting to land one top of Reina with a massive highflying dive!

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Re: Reina Izara Vs. Edith Una-A Priceless Contest

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Watching Edith get to her feet, Reina almost expected a prodding offense from the hidden gem. But no, despite their opening dance in the match, it seems Reina's actions lit a fire in the professional. Because as soon as she got to her feet, Edith was off like a bullet!

Wasting no time herself, Reina went to try and smother the comeback as soon as it began with a merciless lariat! Hoping to tag Edith in the face once more! But as she ran to give the clubbing blow, all the ebony beauty felt was air, the ropes at her back, and of course, the stinging slap to the back of her head courtesy of the woman she just gave her respect. Nostrils flaring and temper rising, Reina went after the pinkette like a bull seeing red. Charging at Edith as fast as she could go, Reina saw Edith on the apron, looking like she was about to springboard.

Hoping to give her to jump, Reina attempted to clip Edith's wings with a baseball slide to feet! But sadly for her, Edith had that scouted and flipped over her in an amazing showcase of agility while Reina slid down to the outside. Trying to stop whatever ideas of flight Edith had in their tracks. Though, as the conqueror got to her feet abd looked at the ring, all she saw headed towards her was a back flipping Edith coming in hot, leaving her no room to dodge or catch her. Leaving Edith a Reina shaped crashpad, while Reina crashed to the unforgiving floor, groaning in pain from Edith's dive.

"Urgh, mmmm"
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Re: Reina Izara Vs. Edith Una-A Priceless Contest

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As the echoes of the high-flying dive lingered in the arena, Edith Una quickly rose from the wreckage, showcasing both resilience and determination. The hidden gem wasted no time, her eyes locked on the fallen Reina. In a swift motion, Edith reached down, grasping Reina and effortlessly hoisting her back to her feet, before she would then toss her under the bottom rope, ensuring that the massive dive wouldn't be wasted as she quickly rentered the ring, waiting for Reina to get back up, before attempting to them hit a springboard dropkick! If successful, she'd slide into a cover, attempting to pull her legs over into a deep cover to make kicking out more diffcult for the conquer!

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Re: Reina Izara Vs. Edith Una-A Priceless Contest

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Laid out in a mangled heap with a chorus of winces and oooohs at her back, Reina felt her everything hurt. But then again, being the crash pad to 138 pounds will do that to you. Writhing and groaning on the floor, Reina tried to get to her feet as quick as she could. But apparently she was too slow for the resilient gem. Because before she knew it, Reina felt a sharp tug drag her up, and with it, tossed her back in the ring.

In pain both physically and mentally, Reina drilled herself to get up, to hurry to ger feet and meet whatever had in-store next. Hoping that just maybe if she got herself together quick enough, she could stop the hidden gem's momentum. But as the ebony beauty rose to her feet, she heard the sound of running and whipped her head up to see Edith in mid flight! Launching off the ropes and she falling like a missile to an unsuspecting Reina who once more felt Edith's flying embrace take her off her feet. Crashing her into the mat, scrambling her brain.

"Agh!" She groaned, the world was spinning, the crowd was cheering, and for some reason, she felt warm. And heavy, there was something-someone on top of her, what's happening?

"ONE!" the referee counted!

'one? What?' Reina thought

"TWO!" The referee counted again.

'Two...wait, no!' Before the referee could even send down her hand to count, the fog in Reina's mind cleared as she gave a determined kick out before she lost her advantage.
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Re: Reina Izara Vs. Edith Una-A Priceless Contest

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The crowd was on the edge of their seats after Reina's forceful kick out, a testament to her resilience, even Edith herself had to compliment her, as she would quikcly get back up and grab a handful of her afro, quietly whispering "Not bad." To the girl. However, before Reina could fully process the compliment, Edith swiftly delivered a brutal kick to her spine, stunning her, many in the crowd winced in pain. The kick was simply to keep the girl in place, as right after the loud bang of the kick rung out, Edith made her move!

Seizing the opportunity, Edith skillfully locked Reina up, putting her head under her arm and grabbing the waist band of her trunks, showing off her despetively large amount of strength, deadlifting her into a suplex position. With impressive strength, she would walk in a circle before then quickly she executed a jackhammer, slamming Reina down with authority. The ring shook from the impact as the crowd erupted in cheers for Edith's display of power. However unlike normal Jackhammers, Edith wasn't just slamming her, as on impact, Edith would preform a cartwheel as Reina smashed into the canvas, before using the moment to leap up wards, hoping to catch Reina as she sat up, hitting a dropkick with precision that was to be expected from the Hidden Gem herself! The AppleJack Buster, Edith's signature move, was executed flawlessly, looking to keep Reina down!

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Re: Reina Izara Vs. Edith Una-A Priceless Contest

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With a ragged breath and an aching body, the conqueror didn't know what to feel right now. Elation, relief, tiredness? Everything was in a haze and the only thing Reina knew was she was safe. She managed to keep her lead alive despite everything that happened. But at a tug of her fro, with a compliment in tow, it seems the hidden gem wasn't done with her yet.

Because as Reina raised to her feet, a whipping kick to her back that rang like thunder, all Reina could do was groan in pain.

"Ack! Ngh..." Feeling like a brand of hot iron hit her spine, all Reina could do was seethe as she felt herself pulled forwards. Feeling warmth in a familiar embrace around her skull before a tug to her tights made her fear rekindle. As in one smooth motion, the conqueror felt the ground leave her feet, while gravity met her head.

Step by step, Reina felt her blood go to skull as she lazily tried to move, or shift, or so anything but he an ebony rod held in the air. But sadly, as the old saying goes: "what comes up, must come down." And when it came to Edith, this meant in more ways than one.

Because as the ring shook with the jackhammer while Reina raised up from the fall, all she saw was Edith, and next all she felt was was a kick. Nailing her back to the mat as the arena cheered for what may be coming next.

"Ugh..." While for Reina, all she could do was try to gather all her scattered thoughts as she shifted, trying to raise herself off the ground.
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Re: Reina Izara Vs. Edith Una-A Priceless Contest

Unread post by SweetHeart »

After the massive slam and dropkick, Edith had the momentum back in her favour. With the girl on her knees, Edith would perform a handstand, flipping backwards as her thighs would suddenly lock around Reina's head, locking in a headscissor! She'd slide down to her chest, locking in headscissor as her hand grabbed, causing Reina to lose her base and causing her to squeeze her neck.

It might not have been her most conventional submission hold, but there was a method to Edith's madness, as with her losing the first fall, she needed to drain her energy, making it so that she couldn't overpower or outpace him. The conquer needed to lose her energy for Edith to get ahead, and few things would take her breath away like a pair of muscular legs taking your breath away. Reina would likely agree If she could speak, but At the moment, however, she was finding such things difficult, due to the fact her thighs were squishing Reina's face into a puckered smooch, making her accidentally kiss Edith on the rear, which suit clad girl felt was a bit provocative, I mean, maybe DONT do something so lewd mid match.

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