And for matches like this? Oh that just made it so much sweeter. But even as the final hand of the referee touched the mat signalling the bell, The conqueror knew her campaign was far from over. Bit even so, why not soak in the feeling a bit. Smirking as she laid atop the hidden gem, the conqueror leaned down and whispered in her ear 4 simple words. 4 little seeds that could leave her calm and collected for off her game.
"One point for me." As finally, after a few seconds of pinning Edith in a, we'll, suggestive manner, Reina returned to her feet, and waited for Edith to rise. Watching near the ropes like a shark smelling blood in the water as she waited for Edith to get in position. Squatting down with her hands on her knees, Reina awaited for Edith to get up so she could instantly claim a second point.
Because the moment Edith rise to her feet, Reina was going to attempt to use another finisher against the hidden gem. Her Fallen crown.
Fallen Crown