To the Beat of Wings - Phoenix Vandrake vs Anna D'Amore (D)

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Re: To the Beat of Wings - Phoenix Vandrake vs Anna D'Amore (D)

Unread post by Malkavia »

Now that she had her, she had one primary objective: Inflict as much pain on this assclown as humanly possible. That meant targetting a joint. God made bones to test mankind with agony and tribulation, so let's grind this cocksucker's knee to fucking chalk.

Anna flailed, kicked, did a lot of writhing and twisting to get out, but Phoenix weathered it like a steamtrain through a storm. It took a long count to grind to her feet, and the whole shaky way up she stared Anna down.

"I'm going to make your femorotibular joint into pudding."

That would come soon. First, however, was the takedown. With the leg already captured, all she had to do was pull and attempt to put this bitch on her back.
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
Madilyn Mei


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Re: To the Beat of Wings - Phoenix Vandrake vs Anna D'Amore (D)

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"NO you wont babe i still wanna dance!" (No bella voglio ancora ballare!) Anna tried to not panic but She was a bit scared or Phoenix rage. She feared that She wouldn't be professional and would break her leg! So She tried to squirm around to push the bigger girl away but It was useless, since Phoenix was way stronger while Anna was a Speedy type.

The only thing Anna could Hope was that the next thing Phoenix did wouldnt hurt too much! "Get off me babe! Its not the end yet!" (Lasciami stare bella! Non è ancora la fine!)

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Re: To the Beat of Wings - Phoenix Vandrake vs Anna D'Amore (D)

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Phoenix shifted until her legs splayed over either side of Anna, at which point she slid her hand on her opponent's neck and pushed down on her collar. The way Lady Dance-A-Lot was bucking and wriggling, Phoenix was going to need all the control she could get for what came next. "Alright. Yeah. Great, great. Shut up."

What came next was simple stuff—ground and pound. With one hand clamped on Anna's throat, Phoenix drew back a punch and aimed it at her opponent's snout. If she hit, she'd snarl. Not enough. It would never be enough, and she'd keep going until her shoulder was exhausted, Anna went still, or God Himself came down to grab her arm.
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
Madilyn Mei


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Re: To the Beat of Wings - Phoenix Vandrake vs Anna D'Amore (D)

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Anna tried her best to guard from Phoenix punches but some went in sadly for the italian girl. "OW! OWW!!...........Ok... you asked for it." (ok.. lo hai chiesto tu.) Anna expression completely changed she know that she couldn't be nice, not to Phoenix since she was just angry Anna started to "counter" with seriousness.

"You girl, don't inspire me anymor... OWW UGHH" (Tu ragazza, non mi ispiri più) Anna started to squirm more to get the bitch off, she was starting to get pissed from this treatment, the girl just wanted to smash her.. why she just don't go out and smash thugs?

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Re: To the Beat of Wings - Phoenix Vandrake vs Anna D'Amore (D)

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You might think smashing knuckle to snout allayed some of Phoenix's ire, if you didn't know Phoenix. Every second she spent in her attempts at annihilating this woman's face was another second she kept moving.

Fuck this. There were timetables to move, and every second she spent here was another second Severa would make her wait when it was over, bound and gagged on the bed. If this bitch would just—

Abruptly, Phoenix shifted tactics. In second one, her leg hooked under Anna's and both hands went to the dancer's throat. Then she rolled, aiming to flip homegirl on her gut. With miss moves-like-a-butterfly prone, Phoenix would clamber atop her, sliding her choke until it was a chinlock and she could pull back on a crossface hold.

It was a transition hold. Nothing deadly, but it gave Phoenix control.

"OK chickenshit. This your one opportunity to save face for Mommy and tap with some dignity. You got one second."
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
Madilyn Mei


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Re: To the Beat of Wings - Phoenix Vandrake vs Anna D'Amore (D)

Unread post by Albentes »

"ARGHHHH!!! No." Anna face was in pain but she kept calm, she knew that the girl was driven by anger and eventually she will made a mistake... she just needed to endure and that was her plan after all she just now started to take some damage!

"You will not win like this, i will not give into your first submission.. NGHHH" (Non vincerai così, non cederò alla prima sottomissione) Anna was enduring and she would do it until Phoenix would try something else. This fight wasn't fun anymore it was just a catfight now and she couldnt tolerate this anymore.

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Re: To the Beat of Wings - Phoenix Vandrake vs Anna D'Amore (D)

Unread post by Malkavia »

"Alright, well." Phoenix grit her teeth and shook her head. She released her hands' grip and shifted forward to choke with a single arm, leaving her left hand free. When she spoke, it was through a filter of barely contained irritation, heavy with breath and sharp at the edges. "Let it not be said that Phoenix Vandrake didn't give you an out."

The next step towards annihilation it was, then. She'd need dominant control over arms for this, but she also needed the bitch on her feet, so planned to slip her free arm around Anna's armpit and up to her neck, forming an S. She would release the choke completely, then, and mirror the setup on the other side, locking in a full nelson if successful.

From there, she'd wrench and roll and get her boots on the mat and begin to pull Anna to her feet.
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
Madilyn Mei


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Re: To the Beat of Wings - Phoenix Vandrake vs Anna D'Amore (D)

Unread post by Albentes »

"Nghhh you... BITCH." (tu.. PUTTANA.) Anna for the first time lost character and sweared on Phoenix, she was mad now that the angry girl was getting better and made her a bit pissed to losing against an angry girl without skills.

Anna started to squirmed around but Phoenix hold was strong and she was fading little by little.. but she had no intention of giving up. No way she would lose to this bitch, she needed to teach her a lesson and will do it by punching her with seriousness, playtime was over. As soon Anna would get free from Phoenix grasp in any way she would retaliate and make her know true pain... in a nice way <3

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Re: To the Beat of Wings - Phoenix Vandrake vs Anna D'Amore (D)

Unread post by Malkavia »

"You can take those noises your mouth's making and shove it," said Phoenix as she forced the top of them from the ground to a seat, and from a seat to standing. "Or, once this is over, I can stomp your face once for every second you've wasted blathering. Your choice."

Finally, they were in a position where Phoenix could do some real damage. The instant she got there, she bent her knees and bridged her core. She didn't waste a second in her attempt to lift Anna by the shoulders, arc her overhead, and smash her blithering, obnoxious little Italian-spouting shit-eating face into an unforgiving blue mat.
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
Madilyn Mei


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Re: To the Beat of Wings - Phoenix Vandrake vs Anna D'Amore (D)

Unread post by Albentes »

"A suplex uh? Too bad for YOU!" (Una suplex uh? Male per te!) Anna, the moment she was lifted was speedy enough to go behind Phoenix when lifted, and from there she punched and kicked the bitch from there trying to push her as much away she could to charge her with a rush of punches!

"Now you angry bitch since you like pain so much how about YOU feel it!" (Adesso puttana incazzata visto che ti piace così tanto il dolore perchè non lo senti tu?) With that Anna was ready to deliver as much pointed punches as possible, wanting the bitch on her knees so she could give her a good stretch!

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