Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Michiko's quick wits worked out in her favor, as she was able to dodge to the side, allowing Mystik to fall forward and land on her face. This would help slow down her momentum in addition to saving Michiko from getting taken into an unfavorable position, both of which were things she could stand behind. She grinned, getting around Mystik in preparation to come down on her - but the match was still young, and Mystik was still quick to react. Before Michiko could capitalize, she was already back on her feet.

It was a bit disappointing for the lilac-haired girl, but either way, it wasn't something she was going to allow to slow her down. Michiko was still behind her opponent, and she could still strike back at her. She attempted to throw out with her arm, looking to get it around Mystik's neck and squeeze to apply a sleeperhold!
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Mystik suddenly felt arms around her neck and soon realized she was in a sleeper hold. The sleeper was held on fairly tight, tight enough for Mystik to temporarily subside and Alice to appear,"No one told me...this was going to be easy..." she said as Alice, somewhat ruining the illusion. Mystik, however, got a crazy idea to break the hold: She turned her head toward Michiko, and kissed her right on the cheek...Mystik was...different...

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Now with her arms wrapped around Mystik's throat and squeezing down, Michiko's teeth clenched and her gaze narrowed. She sunk in the hold, determined to steady her grasp on her opponent as she leaned back to keep the pressure on her. As she heard her opponent's protests, she smirked, chuckling from behind her clenched teeth. "Exactly...I'm gonna give you a good run for your money!"

However, Michiko was still approaching this as she would any conventional match, and Mystik as any conventional opponent. But Mystik was anything but - and that was why Michiko was taken by surprise when she suddenly turned to plant a kiss on her cheek! "Ehh..!?" The lilac-haired girl froze up entirely like a deer in the headlights as she wasn't prepared to deal with this, and she didn't know how to feel. At once, Michiko was forced to let go of Mystik and went staggering backward, her face red. She blinked a few times in confusion, totally baffled by what she was dealing with - and, regardless of that fact, open to a counterattack!
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Mystik smiled as her mind games seemed to have the desired effect. Mystik slowly and sensually walked toward her opponent and locked her opponent in a tight embrace. Mystik usually wasn't for power moves, but, this was more about psychology than anything.

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Even after Mystik had parted from her side, the blush hadn't left Michiko's face, as she stood there in shock. Soon, though, she shook her head, slapping herself across the cheek. Focus, she told herself! She didn't know how she was going to react to an opponent who was keeping her guessing like this, but doing nothing wasn't going to help anyone!

Mystik, so far, was keeping up her act, moving around Michiko slowly and teasingly. The lilac-haired girl raised an eyebrow to it curiously. But no sooner had she come in close that Mystik threw her arms around Michiko's waist, pulling her back! Michiko fell against her opponent, coughing as she clenched her teeth and tried to twist herself free. "L-Let go..!"
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Alice smiled as this particular move was a favorite of her husband's. Still her fond memories of the bedroom was quickly brought back to reality as Michiko was raising quite a fuss. As she did not possess the strength to hold on to this move on an unwilling victim. Mystik gave up on the bearhug and pushed Michiko away. No one knows it now, but, Michiko was slowly but surely chipping away Mystik and revealing Alice, the girl behind the paint.

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Although Mystik had Michiko held down, she couldn't keep things up for long. The fact was that Michiko was still larger and stronger than her, and her continued struggles were only making it harder for the lightweight to keep up. With a few more twists, she was able to power out of the hold well enough to force Mystik to let go, sending Michiko staggering forward as she caught her breath.

As she collected herself, however, Michiko turned around on her heel to look back at her opponent. A thought came to her, spreading a smile across her face as her old sense of bravado returned to her, and she shook her head, flicking her hair from side to side. "Nice try, but...I'll show you what a REAL bear hug looks like!" Wanting to demonstrate her own command of power moves, Michiko took off running to close in on Mystik and catch her off guard, moving to scoop her up for a bear hug of her own!
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Mystik didn't have a lot of time to think of what to do next as her opponent seized her in a bearhug of her own. More annoyed than anything, she looked down at Michiko with a disappoint glareThey call me Mystik, maybe they should call you Mimic...oof!" Mystik realized that she was still in a very powerful move, and her back started screaming for relief. Unfortunatly, it seemed the Michiko had a better grip than she did, and it was all she could do to let out a scream, "AHARGH"

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Michiko wouldn't let herself be bothered by Mystik's taunts. All she did was grin wider, confident that she was having an effect on her opponent and pleased with the results. "I just figured you might like to see how a move like this feels from someone who really knows how to hit hard!" she cheered, winking to Mystik.

Michiko gave another squeeze, looking to compress the woman's ribs in her hold. However, she wouldn't stop there. After a moment, she would transition her hold, letting up on the pressure just enough for her to throw her weight backward and swing Mystik along with her to deliver a German suplex!
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Mystik [D]

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Mystik was actually low-key enjoying this, she was used to being a dom in the bedroom, and being a sub so to speak was quite refreshing...and kind of hot. Still, Mystik's fun was short lived as she soon found herself racing toward the ground as Michiko was planning to suplex her. Mystik found herself hitting the ground with a thud, but, Mystik has a way of persevering, "Then live, Michiko, what do I have to fear in you?" This time quoting a paraphrased and edited version of a line in Macbeth. Mystic slowl got up to fight, but it was clear that Mystik was a bit dazed.

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