Swab the Deck: Scurvy VS. Bengal (Submission Match)

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Re: Swab the Deck: Scurvy VS. Bengal (Submission Match)

Unread post by BengalTheBlazeTiger »

Bengal's facebuster leaves Scurvy stunned and disoriented, but the Tiger isn't done yet. Seated behind her opponent, she folds up the other woman's legs and yanks on her wrists, painfully wrenching the Pirate's arms behind her back. Scurvy's body is bent into a C-shape as Bengal as Bengal locks the submission in.

Scurvy groans with pain and shakes her head, trying to clear the cobwebs. Bengal continues pulling, arching the Pirate's spine further and further with each motion. If the Tiger can keep a grip on her slippery opponent, she'll eventually transition to holding Scurvy by the chin, using the strap of her eyepatch to gain even more leverage.
Bengal knows that making Scurvy tap out is the only way she can win this match, and she's looking to accomplish that as quickly as possible. Still, that doesn't mean she can't toss in a few taunts along the way. Shattering her opponent's fighting spirit will be even more satisfying than breaking her body.

"What's the matter, sailor? You look a little bent out of shape," she snarks, as the Pirate struggles in her grasp. "If you scream for me, I might let you go." She smirks deviously, knowing that there's no way in hell she'll ever honor that offer. Still, if she can trick her opponent into humiliating herself here, that will make her victory all the sweeter...
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Re: Swab the Deck: Scurvy VS. Bengal (Submission Match)

Unread post by SweetHeart »

This wasn’t the first time Scurvy had been slammed, but it didn't exactly make the concept any less painful. The impact left her breathless, her mind reeling, her thoughts scrambled. That was until she came roaring back to consciousness when the tiger grabbed hold of her, locking her hands under her chin as she was suddenly folded up. She coughed and gagged, still dazed from the assault but aware enough to know it likely wasn’t over. Sure enough, “What…what’re you—AH!” Scurvy mumbled under her breath as Bengal pulled her into a tight modified camel clutch.

The pain shot through her spine like a lightning bolt, and Scurvy gritted her teeth, refusing to give Bengal the satisfaction of hearing her scream. Her arms felt like they were being torn from their sockets, and her back was bent at an angle that made her wonder if it might just snap. But Scurvy wasn’t one to give up easily. She thrashed wildly, her knees scraping against the mat as she tried to find some leverage, some way to relieve the pressure.

“You think…you’ve got me…already, you overgrown housecat?” Scurvy spat through gritted teeth, her voice strained but defiant. She twisted her body, trying to reach to one side, hoping to throw Bengal off balance enough that she could reach the bottom rope. Bengal yanked harder, arching Scurvy’s back even further, and the Pirate let out a strangled cry. Her vision blurred for a moment, but she shook her head, forcing herself to focus. She wasn’t done yet.

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Re: Swab the Deck: Scurvy VS. Bengal (Submission Match)

Unread post by BengalTheBlazeTiger »

Though Bengal kept smiling, inwardly she was furious at Scurvy's defiance. Even while trapped in her submission, the Pirate was still joking around, calling her a housecat. It was time to change her attitude. Releasing one hand from Scurvy's chin, she grabbed the strap of Scurvy's eyepatch instead, along with a fistful of her silvery hair, using her new grip to crank her opponent's head back even further.

"Have I got you NOW? What about NOW?" She growled, as she viciously twisted Scurvy's head, first to one side, then the other. Her opponent was bent so far back now that Bengal barely had to lean forward to whisper into her ear. "Just let me know when you've had enough, Cap'n Crunch. The Age of Pirates is done, and so are you!"

Bengal was so focused on mocking her opponent that she didn't notice the way Scurvy was straining for the ropes. The referee did, however. She got down on her knees, preparing to make a call - but whether it would be a rope break or a tap out, she wasn't sure. The two fighters continued to struggle, every muscle taut with exertion. The hold was taking its toll on the Tiger too - that much was obvious from the sweat pouring down her reddened face. Still, she wasn't letting up on the pressure. Would Scurvy be able to reach the ropes before Bengal's submission snapped her in half?
Last edited by BengalTheBlazeTiger on Thu Feb 20, 2025 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Swab the Deck: Scurvy VS. Bengal (Submission Match)

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Scurvy’s vision blurred as Bengal’s grip tightened, the pain radiating through her spine and shoulders like a wildfire. The modified camel clutch was brutal, and Bengal’s added torment—yanking her eyepatch strap and hair—only made it worse. But Scurvy wasn’t one to quit. She could feel the mat beneath her knees, the rough texture digging into her skin as she fought to stay conscious. With a guttural growl, Scurvy shifted her weight slightly, testing Bengal’s balance. The Tiger was too focused on cranking her head back that she had left one of her arms totally free. Scurvy’s free hand spun and twisted her wrist, her fingers clawing at Bengal’s forearm. It wasn’t much, but it was looking to dig enough to create a tiny gap in Bengal’s grip.

“You think… you’ve broken me?” Scurvy hissed, her voice strained but dripping with defiance. “You’re gonna have to try harder than that, CAT.”

With a sudden burst of energy, Scurvy slammed her free elbow into Bengal’s ribs. If Bengal was caught off guard by the sudden movement, she would use the chacne she lost her balance to carry her momentum carried into a roll, and grabbing at her lower back, Scurvy rolled over and landed on her feet, her chest heaving as she glared at Bengal, tumbling toward the ropes, clutching her back but refusing to show weakness. She grabbed the rope for support, her knuckles white as she steadied herself. Bengal was likely already back on her feet, her eyes blazing with fury, but Scurvy was ready.

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Re: Swab the Deck: Scurvy VS. Bengal (Submission Match)

Unread post by BengalTheBlazeTiger »

There it was again: that cocky, heroic attitude from Scurvy, even as the Pirate was practically bent double. It made the bile rise in Bengal's throat; she preferred her enemies begging and broken. "You want me to try harder? Be careful what you wish for, b-" she started, but her words were interrupted as Scurvy's elbow crashed into her side with the force of a cannonball. The impact sent the Tiger rolling backward, as the other woman surged forward at the same time, breaking her clutch. Inwardly, Bengal cursed herself for allowing the Pirate to get her arm free; she should have kept a closer eye on her wily opponent.

She did that now, glowering angrily at Scurvy as the two fighters got to their feet. The Pirate's position next to the ropes had given her something to brace herself on - but it also left her vulnerable to being trapped again. Bengal decided to try just that. She pounced forward, grabbing Scurvy's right wrist with her own left hand, attempting to wrap her opponent's arm around the top rope and secure her in place by the crook of her elbow. If she succeeded, she'd use her free hand to blast the Pirate with repeated strikes to the face!
Bengal's Roster Page. I'm open to match requests and ideas! You can also message me on my Discord: kestrelhath

If you want to see more pictures, or writing about Bengal's non-LAW matches, you can check them out on my DeviantArt page.

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