Sheila Morgan vs. Kenzie Kraze II - Pleasure in the Pain

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Re: Sheila Morgan vs. Kenzie Kraze II - Pleasure in the Pain

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There was just no keeping a bad girl like Kenzie Kraze down. As long as Sheila was within her sights, there'd always be enough fuel in the crazed girl’s tank to keep her swinging and swaying with reckless abandon. Break a nose, send a tooth flying, bash a skull in—sooner or later, she’d have to hit something, right?


The moment seemed to freeze as the steel steps soared through the air, their cold shadow looming over Kenzie. Her fingers loosened, and the kendo stick slipped from her grip as her wild, feverish grin flickered.

The impact was brutal. A deafening clash of unforgiving metal colliding with flesh and bone. The steps crashed down on her upper body, delivering a shuddering, punishing blow that rocked through her small frame like a wrecking ball. Kenzie’s gasp of shock dissolved into a jagged cry, pain blooming like fire from her shoulder to her ribs as the sharp edges of the steel dug deep. Her limbs flailed instinctively, her fingers twitching open and shut as she lay sprawled, crushed beneath the weight and corners of the impromptu projectile weapon.

But somewhere, amidst the agony, the spark of hate still burned on. Even now, a faint, twisted smirk began to crawl across her face—a taunt born of stubborn insanity, speaking louder than any insult she could muster.

After several ragged breaths, Kenzie managed to snake her arm free from beneath the steel, fingers brushing against the edge of the kendo stick she’d dropped. For a moment, it seemed as though she might grab it—but instead, her trembling hand rose into the air, unsteady but deliberate. Slowly, her fist unfurled, her middle finger extending proudly, delivering a solitary, silent fuck you to her rival

"That all you got, bitch?" she rasped, her voice rough but laced with spite, defying both the pain and her opponent in the same breath as she shoved the steps off of her and clung to the side of the ring for support, staring daggers into Sheila's eyes.

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Re: Sheila Morgan vs. Kenzie Kraze II - Pleasure in the Pain

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This would work, right? It had to work.

Sheila wasn’t so crazy as to think that this would keep Kenzie down forever - she wasn’t even sure that was possible. She knew types like this, and had come across them more than a few times even in her short stint in LAW. Stubborn, unstoppable, psycho bitches who just refused to stay down, no matter what you did to them. Hell, she would even include herself in that category, though she wouldn’t say she was quite as insane as Kenzie

If something wouldn’t keep Sheila down for good, it damn sure wouldn’t do that to Kenzie.

But she was hoping the steal steps might at least make the bitch shut up for a little while. For a moment, it seemed like she’d even accomplished that, as the metal pinned her foe down and left her grasping for the kendo stick. Sheila was only able to enjoy the position for a few seconds, though, before she was gifted with a middle finger in the face. This bitch did just know how to quit.

Sheila stepped back and grunted as the steps were flung off, but her determined snarl returned soon after the shock had worn off. ”Not even fucking close.”

The Wild One returned to the attack, grabbing hold of a pigtail and yanking Kenzie back up to her feet. As soon as she was standing, Sheila dipped down and pulled her opponent over her shoulder, hauling her up in a fireman’s carry. She took a moment to steady herself, then ran forward, hurled her off, and attempted to send her crashing into the ring post ribs-first, making for a nasty impact and an even nastier landing.

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Re: Sheila Morgan vs. Kenzie Kraze II - Pleasure in the Pain

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The world swayed and blurred for Kenzie as she heaved the steel steps off her aching frame. Every breath was a battle against her ribs’ sharp protests, her body radiating pain with every movement. But Sheila wasn’t about to let her catch a break. The sharp yank of her pigtail sent a jolt of pain searing through Kenzie’s scalp, dragging her mercilessly back into the fray.

"AAACK! Lemme go, you fuckin' BI—EEEEEK!" Kenzie screeched, her boots scraping uselessly against the ground as she was hauled upright, swaying like a marionette under Sheila’s control. The punkette's half-lidded eyes snapped open as she realized her predicament, hoisted onto Sheila’s shoulders in a fireman’s carry. For a fleeting moment, she dangled helplessly, fury replacing fear.

"YOU STUPID BIMBO! I'LL KILL YA! I'LL KILL YA!" she shrieked, her voice shrill with rage. Her arms flailed wildly, nails clawing at Sheila’s skin and hair in a desperate bid to make the hold as uncomfortable as possible. But her feral tantrum barely fazed her equally pissed-off opponent.

Sheila surged forward, the ring post looming as an unyielding specter of punishment. Kenzie’s instincts screamed, but the impact came too fast. Her ribs slammed into the cold steel with a sickening thud that echoed through the arena.


The cry tore from her lungs as she crumpled to the floor, gasping and trembling. Each breath sliced through her battered ribs like a knife, and for the first time, Kenzie seemed too stunned to speak. No manic grin, no twisted laughter—just a sputtering cough and a groan as she clutched at her ribs. Her wails echoed across the arena as she writhed, one hand pressing weakly against the apron in an attempt to rise, her other twitching at the small of her back. Her eyes finally locked on Sheila, blazing with raw hatred, the fire in her spirit refusing to die despite her battered body.

What came next would be Sheila’s move, but one thing was clear— taking all this punishment only meant that Kenzie Kraze was gearing up to dish out a hell of a lot more.

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Re: Sheila Morgan vs. Kenzie Kraze II - Pleasure in the Pain

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Sheila was no power wrestler, and while she was strong enough to hoist a woman around her size, she rarely bothered. It might’ve gotten big results, but most of the time it was just easier to bash her opponent’s skull in. Faster. More efficient. More fun. Definitely in her wheelhouse.

But today, she was making exceptions. She suspected this wouldn’t be the last one, either. What could she say? Kenzie Kraze brought out the beast in her. Only the best would do.

Sheila soldiered through it, herced Kenzie up, winced as the manic pixie made her ears bleed with shrill shrikes, and enjoyed the satisfying sound of her colliding with the ring. She stepped back as her foe writhed about on the floor, looking like she’d nearly gotten cut in half. Oh, yeah, Sheila would be targeting that area many more times. ”What was that, bitch?” She dug a finger in her ear drums and cleared out some wax. ”All your fuckin’ crying’s doing a number on me, you’re gonna have to speak the fuck up.”

Sheila looked up to the ring as Kenzie started to rise, and her first instinct was to force her foe back inside, but better ideas quickly took over when she looked over her shoulder. This wasn’t some stupid standard match, this was hardcore, her specialty, the perfect chance to get creative. Why go back in the ring if she didn’t have to? Hell, why stay at ringside? It was time for a field trip.

Sheila rushed back in as Kenzie looked her way with venom and threw her body against the goth’s back, pinning her up against the apron—breast against back, hip to hip, legs sliding against each other. Familiar feelings.

She mashed their faces together, cheek to cheek, and gave her a quick lick on the lips. ”Let’s pick up where we left off, huh?” Kenzie would have exactly half of a second to figure out what Sheila meant before the Wild One grabbed her arm, dragged her away from the apron, got a running start, and attempted to send her hurtling over the barricade and into the crowd. ”Fly, bitch!”

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Re: Sheila Morgan vs. Kenzie Kraze II - Pleasure in the Pain

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Kenzie barely had time to register Sheila's sudden closeness before the world became a mess of heat, sweat, and suffocating contact. Sheila's scantily clad body pressed into hers, breast to back, the unyielding apron biting into her aching ribs as Sheila's weight pinned her there. The goth’s breaths hitched, caught somewhere between a snarl and a groan, her fingers twitching against the canvas as Sheila mashed their cheeks together in a grotesquely intimate gesture. The brawler's ample chest pressed deep into her skin, the bulbous breasts Kenzie had sworn to ravage now held her hostage against the ring. Then came the lick—wet, hot, and maddening as it trailed across her lips. Kenzie froze for a heartbeat, her mind reeling between lust and defiance, before Sheila's grating taunt slithered into her ears.

"You’re a dead woman..." she hissed, her voice low and venomous, but there was no time for threats. Sheila was already yanking her off the apron, the grip on her arm unrelenting as she was thrown forward, unable to catch her footing. She didn’t even have time to curse or scream; the barricade loomed, cold and unyielding, before her body smashed over it like a wrecking ball.

She collided with the crowd in a chaos of limbs and screams, her weight crashing into a cluster of unlucky audience members. steel chairs toppled like dominos, drinks flew, and bodies scrambled to get away from the wreckage. Kenzie sprawled across the pile of humanity, her battered frame writhing as her lungs fought for air.

"Ughh—fuck!" she groaned, her voice raw and strained, the words practically spat through clenched teeth as she rolled onto her side. Every inch of her ached, her ribs screaming with each shallow breath, but amidst the pain, there was a twisted glimmer in her electric eyes—a spark of vicious intent. Hidden behind the cover of the toppled barricade and a mess of disoriented fans, Kenzie’s fingers began to crawl. Her nails scraped over sticky plastic cups and discarded signs before curling around the solid, reassuring heft of a steel chair leg. A wicked grin ghosted across her lips as she shifted her weight, clutching the weapon close to her chest like a predator stalking its prey.

From her vantage point on the ground, she could hear the thunderous roar of the crowd and the familiar stomp of feet on the other side of the barricade. Sheila was coming. Kenzie’s pulse quickened, the thrill of vengeance drowning out the ache in her body. She didn’t move, didn’t flinch, her body limp and sprawled like a broken doll amidst the debris. But her grip on the chair tightened, her knuckles whitening with anticipation. As soon as that bitch peeked her head over the edge, Kenzie was gonna knock her head clean off her shoulders.

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Re: Sheila Morgan vs. Kenzie Kraze II - Pleasure in the Pain

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Sheila didn’t believe in love at first sight, but lust? That was a different thing altogether. As much as Kenzie royally pissed her off, there was no denying the side of her that wanted to fuck the little goth fairy into oblivion, and she knew the feeling was mutual. Those sensations flared up again when their bodies pressed against each, fitting so well you would’ve thought they were made for the purpose. The right size, the right weight, the right everything. Anything between them was going to end up with sex involved.

The only thing was that Sheila wanted to be the one on top when they reached that point. So far, so good, with the match still firmly in her control. She sent Kenzie off running, dumping her over the barricade and creating a mess of human limbs and spilled drinks in the process, a human catastrophe with her opponent at the center. As much as she wanted to feel bad for the fans caught in the splash zone, it was sort of their fault for not being ready to move - after all; they’d likely watch the last match between them. They had to know this was coming sooner or later.

Sheila threw a knowing glance to the referee, who was still in the ring as if she expected them to get back in anytime now. Not a chance, not if she had anything to say about. Brawling was her forte, and it had been far too long since she’d mixed it up in a crowd, not since she left home. She was more than eager to show Kenzie’s crazy arse how things went down in Outback Wrestling.

”Nap times over, Tinkerbell.” She started to make her way over the barricade. ”You and me, we’re going-”


Sheila had just started to make her way over the barricade, when her vision filled with black metal, followed by a white flash as all the sense was knocked clean out of her. Her face shot to the sky, spittle flew to the heavens, before she flopped forward like a lifeless doll. Her body hung on the barricade, still save for the occasional twitch, her arms and upper body flopping about on one side when her legs dangled on the other, her long mane tumbling down and pooling beneath her head.

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Re: Sheila Morgan vs. Kenzie Kraze II - Pleasure in the Pain

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Kenzie could barely could contain her excitement as the chair sliced through the air, it's trajectory unabated until coming into direct contact with that unfathomable bitch that was her opponent. Bystanders could barely hear the sickening crunch of steel on flesh above the uncanny laughter than emanated from between the vixen's lips.

The chair dropped to the ground with a clang, but Kenzie's laughter lingered as she worked her way up to her feet, swaying slightly before steading herself against the barricade. "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey, Sheila! Quite the scene, huh babes?" Kenzie whistled, yanking Sheila's head up with one hand, her other propped casually on the barricade. Between the groaning fans and wasted beer, they'd caused quite a mess alright. But the brawler's eyelids were half closed, still too out of it to properly soak it all in. "Pay attention bitch! I'm not through with you yet" she screamed, giving her rival a vicious backhanded slap across the cheek, making sure to keep the upper half of her body still propped up on the padded barrier.

The strike sent a familiar jolt of excitement coursing through Kenzie's veins. She'd been on the receiving end of this fight long enough, she'd almost forgotten how good it felt hitting this whore. Her fingers slowly closed in on themselves, forming a fist that she would soon send hurtling towards her splayed out opponent's face, once.. twice.. again and again! "STUPID... FUCKING... SLUT!" Kenzie screamed, punctuating each word with unhinged punches, before finishing it off with a brutal knee to Sheila's temple.

She stepped back, admiring her handiwork between huffed breaths. But Kenzie wasn't satisfied with just a beating. The Wild One had gotten her faaar too worked up to let the heat simply die down. Kenzie's fingers gripped onto Sheila's hair once again, flipping her over and dragging her body over the barricade so that her lower back rest on the middle. With Sheila draped over, face up and at crotch level, the crazy pinkette could finally take this match where it needed to go.

Her hand snaked down to the front waistband of her own wrestling briefs, her thumb pushing down inch by inch until her glistening, shaven pussy revealed itself to her greatest rival. "All that grindin' must of worked worked up some appetite huh? Here, maybe this'll fill ya up you fuckin' bimbo!"

She ground her hips forward, her pussy slapping against Sheila's open mouth, her thighs clamping around her head like a vice. "C'mon now, eat up, bitch," Kenzie growled, her fingers tangling in Sheila's hair, holding her in place. She thrust her hips forward again, her pussy smothering Sheila's face, her damp slit sliding back and forth against her lips and chin. Kenzie's body moved like a wild thing, her hips bucking and grinding, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fucked Sheila's face without restraint!
Last edited by DropKix on Tue Dec 31, 2024 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sheila Morgan vs. Kenzie Kraze II - Pleasure in the Pain

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That laugh. That fucking laugh.

It wasn't the most annoying sound Sheila had ever heard - no, that would be the scream of a koala, the worst animal in all of Australia. But Kenzie’s high-pitched, shrill laugh was a close second, tingling Sheila’s ears in all the worst ways. If she had to describe it, she would say it reminded her of the noise of a drowning cat stuck in a burlap sac, and it said volumes about her personal life that she didn’t need any guesswork to make that comparison.

It was the exact last thing she wanted to hear right now, as she reeled back into conscious while she laid across the barrier, but there was Kenzie, assaulting her senses. It honestly made her want to go back into unconsciousness, just so she wouldn’t have to suffer through the sound, but a sharp slap across her face ensured that she was stuck in the waking world.

She glared up at Kenzie - this woman was way too cocky, considering she’d just spent the last two minutes beating her pillar to post. She was about to tell her as much, too, when a sharp punch rattled her across the skull and left her loopy again. Another one followed after that, with a knee for the finishing touch. At least, Sheila thought it was a knee. Frankly, hard to tell.

Whatever the case, it knocked the fight out of her for the time being, and made her easy prey as Kenzie flipped her over. At first, she thought it was just a setup for some move, like her rival was getting ready for a coup de grace, but no, should’ve known better. The psycho had a particular itch that needed scratching.

Sheila knew what was coming when Kenzie brought her pussy out into the open air, but there wasn’t much she could do about it except take a deep breath and prepare for the oncoming storm. And on did it come - Kenzie captured her head and started humping away, driving her moist folds hard into the Wild One’s mouth. Aggravating as it was - she wanted to be the first one, damn it - there was also an opportunity here she couldn't ignore. Getting Kenzie to pop would weaken her, maybe take some edge off, buy her some time to recover. So…

Out came the tongue. Weak at first, as her fog was just starting to clear, but she picked up steam with each passing moment, driving deeper with every thrust, pushing Kenzie to the climax she was craving.

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Re: Sheila Morgan vs. Kenzie Kraze II - Pleasure in the Pain

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The roar of the crowd was deafening, the camera flashes blinding as audience members fought to capture the debauchery taking place on the barrier. But Kenzie was oblivious to it all, her eyes too busy rolling into the back of her head as Sheila's tongue snaked out, lapping at her wet folds. A low moan escaped her lips, her grip on Sheila's hair tightening as she ground her pussy against her mouth. "Fuck, yes," she hissed, her voice ragged with desire. "That's it, you little slut. Eat that pussy up bitch, 'cause it's gonna be your your last fucking meal - HAHAHA!"

Kenzie's hips moved in a wild, erratic rhythm as her laughter raged, her body consumed by a lust unrivaled in her fighting career. She could feel the heat building, the pressure coiling in her core. "This is what it's aaaall been about, right Sheils?" she panted, her breath coming in delighted, ragged gasps. "Me cuming all over your pretty little face, right?" She reached down, her fingers tangling in Sheila's hair, yanking her head even deeper into the crazed girl's slick pussy. "THEN WORK FOR IT!"

Her thighs clamped around Sheila's head, her pussy grinding against her mouth with a ferocity that didn't seem humanly possible. She could feel Sheila's tongue kick it up a notch, that naughty little muscle lapping at her clit, teasing and torturing her in ways she'd craved ever since she'd first laid eyes on her rival. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Kenzie screamed, her body twitching like a demon.

Kenzie released her grip on Sheila's hair, one hand moving to her own breasts, massaging and kneading her titty through the fabric of her bralette. The other moved to give Sheila a similar treatment, fingers slipping beneath Sheila's bra and squeezed onto her nipples, hands clamping down onto her rival's breasts and groping the tender flesh within. Her thighs kept Sheila's head pinned in place, entrapped between pillars of hot, thick flesh, pale skin that glistened in layers of sweat and precocious pussy juices driveling their way down into the woman's waiting lips.

She leaned back, her body arching as she rode Sheila's face, her pussy sliding back and forth against her tongue. Kenzie was dead set on making Sheila earn every single drop of the psycho's prized nectar. And as Sheila's tongue found that sensitive spot, that perfect little button that made her see stars, Kenzie knew she was close, oh so fucking close to making Sheila drown, cough, and sputter in a wave of sticky sweet serum of her own making!

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Re: Sheila Morgan vs. Kenzie Kraze II - Pleasure in the Pain

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Was this the hottest fucking thing Sheila had done since coming to Japan? Maybe. It was hard to say, since one of her earliest actions on the island had been hooking a certain serpentine Native American. But that had been a private affair for the most part, something that happened behind closed doors. Personal. When it came to public displays of wanton fuckery, there wasn’t much competition to speak of.

Sheila was taking in mouthfuls of Kenzie, her juices flowing over her tongue and sticking like honey, a heady taste that would be with her for days. She didn’t fight it, not that it would have mattered if she did - no, she welcomed the invading pussy with an eager tongue, putting her years of experience between legs to good effect. She’d gotten mixed reviews in her time, and she was not always a perfect lover, but it seemed like Kenzie was a fan of her technique. That figured. Neither of them was big on subtlety or foreplay. Fast, hard, direct.

Ugh. Sheila could’ve been so into this woman if she wasn’t such a goddamn psycho.

For now, she just held on and enjoyed the ride, picking up the pace as Kenzie’s crazed thrusts grew increasingly insistent, getting lost in the moment, even more than she was by default. Sheila let out a long, hungry moan as the woman fondled her breast, gripping and grasping like it belonged to her, and her own body began to buck in response, eager for the touch. The dam was breaking, Kenzie was on the verge, just a little more…

…damn. Would be a hell of a shame if something interrupted this moment, wouldn’t it?

Sheila waited, bided her time until she was sure Kenzie was about to explode, then drew her upper body up and brought her leg a wide arc, trying to kick her opponent square in the head. At the same time, she gripped Kenzie’s creamy thighs, pushed hard, and tried to rip the woman away from her mouth all at once, knowing the sudden shock would drive her absolutely insane.

More insane.

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