Oil Pit Submission - "The Judo Fighter" Jenner Sky Vs Rosa “La Reina” Rodriguez

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Re: Oil Pit Submission - "The Judo Fighter" Jenner Sky Vs Rosa “La Reina” Rodriguez

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Jenner soon found herself struggling to get a hold of Rosa, but things only went from bad to worse for the judo babe. The oil made the situation even more challenging, but she continued to fight, trying her best to pry Rosa off her.

Despite her efforts, Jenner heard Rosa’s teasing voice and felt her position shift. Before Jenner could react, she was swiftly maneuvered into the inescapable love lock. Rosa’s large thighs wrapped around her body, causing Jenner to groan. She'd be lying if she said she wasn’t enjoying the sensation, even though her suit was tight and getting tighter as Rosa pressed in, working her womanhood with the aid of the oil.

There was no rule that Jenner had to cum; however, if she tapped out or verbally surrendered, the win would go to Rosa. Despite this, Jenner couldn’t help but flirt, her voice dripping with both defiance and pleasure. “You think you’ve got me all figured out, huh? Maybe I’m just enjoying the view.”

Rosa’s relentless hold earned some genuine moans from Jenner, who continued to struggle but was clearly reveling in the playful and intimate challenge. Despite her best efforts, Jenner found herself increasingly trapped in the oil, trapped in the woman’s relentless embrace.

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Re: Oil Pit Submission - "The Judo Fighter" Jenner Sky Vs Rosa “La Reina” Rodriguez

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Rosa continued to rub her opponent. "I mean, it is a nice view, is it not? And we all get to enjoy it."

Rosa then would take it a step further and grab onto the crotch of Jenner's swimsuit and pull it aside, revealing her intimate parts to everybody.

"Oh no, Mamasita! Looks like you're all revealed! For all the audience here and those watching at home! They all get to see your coño! If you want this humiliation to end, all you need to do is tap out!" Rosa used a teasing tone with her.

Then Rosa would shove all four of her fingers in and curl them up, trying to rub the muscular woman's g-spot. At the same time, she pulled on Jenner's legs harder, trying to maximize both the pain and embarrassment.

But something was bothering Rosa. It couldn't be this easy, right? Rosa may have been a college wrestling champion and the crown jewel of the Texas lesbian wrestling community, but this was a 10th degree black belt in both judo and BJJ. It couldn't be this easy to tie her up like this, right?

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Re: Oil Pit Submission - "The Judo Fighter" Jenner Sky Vs Rosa “La Reina” Rodriguez

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Jenner's suit was moved, revealing her and the fact that she was enjoying the treatment from her opponent. Despite the compromising position, Jenner wasn’t about to waste a fun time. She endured the assault by Rosa, who was hitting her G-spot perfectly with an expert touch. It didn’t take long for Jenner to moan and give the orgasm that Rosa had earned, her body trembling with the intense pleasure. However, Jenner hadn’t tapped out or spoken any words of surrender in this match—she wasn’t done yet. Her defiant spirit shone through her moans and gasps, though she did let slip a teasing remark. "Fuck... Rosa... next time better be in bed..."

Now, Jenner needed a moment to recover, unsure of what Rosa had planned next. The recent pleasure had left her weakened and disoriented, but she wasn’t ready to concede. As she struggled to get free, her movements were slower, more deliberate, each attempt to escape tinged with both determination and the lingering effects of her recent climax.

The fans cheered wildly, clearly enjoying the spectacle. Some of them seemed to watch with a knowing glint in their eyes, as if they were anticipating an unexpected twist or knew something that Rosa and her fans did not. The atmosphere was electric, filled with anticipation and excitement for what would come next in this charged encounter.

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Re: Oil Pit Submission - "The Judo Fighter" Jenner Sky Vs Rosa “La Reina” Rodriguez

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Rosa smiled and laughed as she felt Jenner's orgasm on her hand. She enjoyed the way the muscular woman writhed and bucked, her hips and legs twitching under her. "Wow, Mamasita! This is a good one!"

After the orgasm was finished, Rosa put her hand to her mouth and licked all of Jenner's wetness, as well as some of the oil, off. The taste of the two fluids together was divine. She grunted in satisfaction.

"Oh, Mamasita, is that an offer? Well, let's just say next time I would like to drink this water from it's source, if you know my meaning. But for now, it's time for you to tap and admit I'm the better wrestler."

Rosa would then put all of her effort into painfully pulling Jenner's legs wide apart, putting strain on both the legs, Jenner's hips, Jenner's back, and Jenner's tender privates.

"Come on, Mamasita. Tap out. I want to hear not just your cries of pleasure, but your cries of pain as well."

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Re: Oil Pit Submission - "The Judo Fighter" Jenner Sky Vs Rosa “La Reina” Rodriguez

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Jenner glanced back and saw Rosa savoring her small victory, licking her fingers clean with a satisfied smirk. Rosa’s comments about the match made Jenner laugh. “Careful what you wish for. I’ve knocked many women out that way,” she remarked with a teasing edge.

Moments later, Jenner felt the strain on her body. Despite the intensity of the hold, her advanced training and daily workouts made the stretch more tolerable than painful. In fact, it was somewhat invigorating. Jenner let out a sigh. “It wasn’t an offer; more of a demand. But right now, you’d better come up with something, because I’m getting bored.” She shot a playful yet challenging look back at Rosa.

Determined to turn the tables, Jenner decided to take matters into her own hands. She grinned as she reached for Rosa's legs. With a sudden burst of strength, she pulled herself forward and rolled over onto her back, positioning herself between Rosa’s legs. Using the slick oil to her advantage, she shifted her body upward to sit up, straining against Rosa’s still-tight hold of her legs.

With a calculated move, Jenner would try to deliver a hard right hook with her MMA glove, aiming to stun Rosa and force her to release the hold. The impact of the punch was aimed to break Rosa’s focus and create an opportunity for Jenner to escape and regain control of the match.

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Re: Oil Pit Submission - "The Judo Fighter" Jenner Sky Vs Rosa “La Reina” Rodriguez

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Rosa was disconcerted by the lack of pain Jenner seemed to be expressing. Back in Texas this move would have women crying and tapping out, especially when she was pulling this hard. But Jenner was still keeping up conversation. Almost as if this were just some warmup stretch to her.

Then suddenly, Rosa's control was lost. She tried her best to hold on, but she quickly learned that Jenner's muscles were not just for show. This woman had a strength like she had never felt.

Rosa tried to close her legs around Jenner to at least go for a bodyscissor, but Jenner struck her on the chin. Rosa, not used to strike fighting, let go to grab her chin. The punch left her feeling somewhat dizzy, and before she knew it Jenner was free and had the advantage.

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Re: Oil Pit Submission - "The Judo Fighter" Jenner Sky Vs Rosa “La Reina” Rodriguez

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Jenner had managed to free herself and quickly rose to her feet, rolling her shoulder after her right hook and laughing softly. “Oh, my sweet Rosa, this is just the beginning of a good friendship and maybe more with benefits. But there are no rules about choking you out, I’m going to choke you the fuck out.”
Jenner moved to stand over Rosa, her confidence evident in her stance. She then sat down decisively on Rosa’s chest, asserting her dominance. Grabbing Rosa's right arm and holding the wrist tightly, Jenner positioned herself with calculated precision.

She shifted her weight and maneuvered her legs around Rosa’s head, locking her legs into place. The mounted triangle hold was expertly applied, with Rosa’s head trapped securely between Jenner’s thighs. Jenner tightened the hold gradually, pulling down on Rosa’s head and applying controlled pressure.

“Let’s see you wiggle out of this,” Jenner taunted, her voice steady and calm. She leaned forward slightly, pulling harder on the hold to increase the pressure. Each subtle adjustment was aimed at slowly squeezing the air from Rosa's lungs, creating a slow, suffocating choke that should leave Rosa struggling for breath.

Jenner’s expression was one of focused determination as she maintained the relentless pressure, aiming to choke Rosa out slowly. Her grip was unyielding, ensuring that Rosa felt every bit of the pressure and the full extent of Jenner’s control.

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Re: Oil Pit Submission - "The Judo Fighter" Jenner Sky Vs Rosa “La Reina” Rodriguez

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In mere seconds, Rosa went from an overwhelming dominating force, making her opponent cum and stretching out her body, to being choked out underneath the muscular woman. In such a submissive position, too. Rosa liked to believe that her own thighs were strong, but right now she felt like she had a vice around her arm and neck. She was fading, and fast, and needed to think fast to get out of this.

Rosa bridged her hips and with enough effort was able to turn the two of them over. She was now on top, but still being choked. So, seconds from passing out, she would stomp her feet into the floor and throw Jenner backwards over her head. She would usually do a full suplex but the slippery floor didn't allow that, so she would settle for a snap suplex. She would start sliding before it was even able to really complete so she would barely any height out of it but she hoped the sudden movement would be enough to slide out of Jenner's thighs.

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Re: Oil Pit Submission - "The Judo Fighter" Jenner Sky Vs Rosa “La Reina” Rodriguez

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Jenner grinned as she maintained the mounted triangle hold, but Rosa proved to be resourceful. With a powerful surge, Rosa managed to flip Jenner over her head with a suplex. The maneuver briefly loosened Jenner’s thighs from around Rosa’s head. As Jenner hit the ground, she rolled out of the way, quickly recovering her stance.

Standing back up, Jenner acknowledged Rosa’s strength but noted that her skills needed sharpening. Without wasting any time, Jenner moved in on Rosa, determined to demonstrate that her build was not merely for show. She aimed to wrap her arms around Rosa, pulling her into a bear hug.

With calculated strength, Jenner began to lift Rosa, her muscles straining as she slowly but surely tightened the bear hug. The pressure increased incrementally, each squeeze designed to crush the air from Rosa’s lungs while making her spine crack and pop under the strain.

“Seems like you and I need to train more, Rosa,” Jenner commented with a smirk, her voice steady despite the exertion. “I guess you can call this an official invite to my dojo.”

Jenner's embrace was relentless, aiming to squeeze every bit of resistance out of Rosa and showcasing the power behind her training. Her grip tightened further, making sure that Rosa felt the full intensity of the bear hug.

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Re: Oil Pit Submission - "The Judo Fighter" Jenner Sky Vs Rosa “La Reina” Rodriguez

Unread post by Orca »

Rosa struggled to move in this new grip. She may be getting blood flow back to her brain after the triangle, but now lack of air was causing her brain to lose oxygen.

She listened Jenner invite her to her dojo. What did Jenner think she was, some sort of rookie? Someone who only uses her strength and no technique?

"Hey…I'm…no…oaf!" Rosa said and she did her learned escape from bearhugs, pushing her hands on Jenner's hips and pushing her own hips outward. The combined force allowed her to break Jennner's grip.

Rosa stood there, catching her breath, but still defiantly looking into Jenner's eyes. She had a playful smirk on as she gulped air.

"NCAA heavyweight champ, perra. You aren't the only grappler here."

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