A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Well the kiss opened her up for the chop which made her grunt and her chest burned a bit from the shot she took. However Daniella after her snide remark showboats for the crowd and with Anastasia, you don’t turn your back to her, as she demonstrates by trying to get Daniella in a full nelson before trying to lift the goddess for a dragon suplex to spike her on her head.
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Daniella would end up being grabbed by her opponent with the goddess of nobility struggling to escape unfortunately she would end up escaping too late as she was lifted into the air before crashing down onto the mat, with Daniella gritting her teeth as she rolled away from her opponent as she attempted to get back to her feet before Anesthesia could do anything else to her
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Anastasia tried to keep on the attack as she rushed at Daniella and tried to spear her to the mat, if successful she’d try to get the goddess in a figure four leg lock and try to wear down the goddess maybe even force her to submit. But that’s if she spears her Daniella could dodge or counter her.
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Unfortunately Daniella wasn't fast enough to recover as she was speared back onto the mat, holding her head before feeling Anesthesia put her legs into a figure four lock


She screamed as she clawed at the mat, trying her best to claw her way to the ropes as she felt Anesthesia's figure four lock bad, and if she didn't escape then Daniella knew she was in for an awful time
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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“Oh how quickly your tune changes goddess! Keep singing for me.” She said in a cruel tone as she tried to keep Daniella from the ropes and thrusts upward to put more pressure on the hold and make her squeal!
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Daniella would end up gritting her teeth as she attempted to flip herself over in order to make her opponent regret her decision, if successful she would put the nurse into a reverse indian deathlock

"How about you sing for me instead?!"

Daniella growled as she tried to lock the nurse in so that she could give her the most amount of pain, she was gonna make Anesthesia regret saying yes to this match

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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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Well it was in Anastasia’s favor till she got flipped over like a pancake and locked in a Reverse Indian Deathlock or for some fans out there the Muta Lock. Whatever you want to call it Anastasia calls it painful but grits her teeth “I won’t give you the pleasure!” She spat in the goddesses’ direction, trying to inch herself towards the ropes. She’s had to take hits before in Rumble Roses, and despite what you might know it for, they don’t pull punches there. I mean one of them did the substitution Jutsu to set up a hard chop to the back of the neck. To say Anastasia is used to seeing weird things in the ring is an understatement.
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

After a moment Anesthesia would make it to the ropes, causing the referee to break up the submission hold, forcing Daniella to have get up, but not before delivering a stomp to Anesthesia's back before walking off, causing her fans to cheer before she walked away, the referee would see this and immediately reprimand Daniella for it as Anesthesia was still getting to her feet
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

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The nerve of this woman, not only is she turning her own tactics against her, she’s getting cheered for it as well. Like the crowd gave a verbal stomp to go with the actual stomp. Getting back to her feet and while she was jaw jacking with the ref Anastasia would run and tried to club Daniella in the back for a cheap shot.
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Re: A Nurse’s dilemma: Anastasia vs Daniella

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

As she was talking with the referee Daniella would suddenly end up getting hit from behind, with the referee letting out a frustrated

"oh god damnit!"

He yelled in annoyance, causing the crowd to end up letting out a bit of a laugh, while Daniella would end up slowly getting back to her feet, holding her back in pain as she attempted to pull through, she knew that Anesthesia wasn't gonna stop at just one attack and she had to be ready for when she attempted another
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