Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by godjacob »

"The winner of the final fall and the match is Amaya Shizuko by knockout!"
With the second of three falls claimed as hers, Amaya had done it. She managed to win her L.A.W. debut, it was a grueling effort but in the end the struggle had been worth it and she got the job done. Immediately, she released the hold on her slumbering opponent as she worked to get back to her feet as she stood tall as the referee raised her hand in victory.

As the crowd cheered, both in respect to her efforts and simply for the thrilling spectacle both women put on, Amaya turned her attention back towards Haruka as she scanned her fallen opponent while the gears began to turn in her head.
Last edited by godjacob on Fri Mar 22, 2019 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

As Amaya celebrated her win Haruka started to drool, her body looking completely out of it on the mat once she was let up. Her mouth agape and her cheeks a bright pink, with it still trying to regain some air after being knocked down in such a manner. Though there was nothing to be done now that she was out cold, Haruka could only hope she didn’t wake up to something embrassing.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by godjacob »

What she would wake up to remained to be seen, but it appeared for the moment Amaya was not done with Haruka. Even as her theme played to the crowd, Amaya walked over to the prone Amaya as she would work to gently pick up the girl by her hair so she'd move into a sitting position. Amaya would take this chance to pose with the KO'd Haruka if successful by flexing with one hand as she struck a pose and holding Haruka's head up with her free hand for all the crowd to see her slumbering face.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Haruka’s body was propped up a bit to let Amaya bring her to her but. Still completely out and no signs that she was going to wake up before the women proceeded to start posing with her. Showing herself off while Haruka remained out and a drooling mess for everyone to mock. It would have been embrassing and it wasn’t almost a mercy that Haruka wasn’t awake to endure the fallout of her loss. Though it would be something to deal with when she woke up.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by godjacob »

"Be sure to smile for the camera my dear. Let's give this lovely crowd a fitting send off. Be sure to wave to the L.A.W. faithful..." Amaya said with a whisper to Haruka and as smirk. As she seemed to have taken great pride in this display and would add to the humiliation as she propped her up by picking up one of her limp arms and then trying to wave with it to the crowd to further puppet the slumbering nurse.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

While Haruka was understandably unresponsive to her behavior, she still let out a moan in her unconscious state when Amaya whispered in her ear. Pulling her arm and made her wave to the crowd as she remained on display. Her beaten and unconscious body being put on display to show just how serious the new girl could be when she was dominant. Haruka owned her in the early going and there was little doubt she could have beaten Amaya but Amaya showed everyone just how good she was at turning a bad situation into gold and taking the day. It would be hard to underestimate her. No doubt something she wanted.

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Re: Haruka vs Amaya (D)-A Battle of Will!!

Unread post by godjacob »

And as Haruka had been held by Amaya as a display item for all intents and purposes, her point was made crystal clear to everyone watching as the crowed was awed if only slightly by the rookie who came in and knocked the nurse out to such a degree. Though soon enough Amaya seemed to grow tired of holding her limp frame as she would let go of her head and move her knee away to let her body flop back down. Though Amaya had one more display in mind as she would simply aim to place her bare foot on one of Haruka's sizable breasts as she flexed on the slumbering nurse and struck one more pose for the flashing cameras of the crowd and the L.A.W. facility as she made her emphatic victory pose.

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