Michelle Bennett vs. Chloe Valentine - Twisting Fate

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Michelle Bennett vs. Chloe Valentine - Twisting Fate

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

This wouldn't be her first match here in LAW, but it would be her first match facing a female opponent. Looking forward for the match itself, Michelle was already in her tight leotard, readying herself at the locker room. Once she was ready, she made her way to the gorilla position and waited for her cue to make her entrance. Soon, her music was played, and the British seductress made her way down the ramp, receiving mixed reactions from the crowd.
Strutting down the ramp, showing off her voluptuous body, Michelle made her way down to the ring where the match would be held. While the reactions of the crowd were mixed, she was sure that there were people loving the sight of her curvaceous figure, and she was never shy to show off her body for all to see. She flicked back her hair as soon as she arrived at the ring, and after showing off her plump backside to the crowd, she would climb up the apron, entering the ring.

Doing some poses in the middle of the ring, she would then head over to a corner, leaning against it so that she could wait for her opponent to show up. She hoped that whoever she was to fight tonight, it would be someone who would satisfy her whenever she got her opponent screaming out in pain.

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Re: Michelle Bennett vs. Chloe Valentine - Twisting Fate

Unread post by Veinlash »

Chloe didnt have the best record here in LAW, but she was optimistic for sure! Every time she lost, she got closer to achieving something. And who knows, before long, she would find herself on a winning streak! Tonight, her opponent was a certain Michelle Bennett. She hadnt heard that name before, but admittedly, she didnt know a whole lot about any of the girls around here.

Soon enough, it was her turn to come out. She made sure that her bottoms were covering her butt nicely before slapping her cheeks (face) and pumping herself up. "I got this! Yeah, totally!" And so, once her theme song started sounding on the loudspeakers, she knew it was time to go.
Despite her losing streak, she seemed happy and upbeat as always. She highfived fans as always. She hugged fans as always. Nothing was gonna bring her spirit down! She joined her opponent in the ring, taking a quick lap around it with her arms up, the crowd getting more and more used to seeing her and loving what she brings to the ring. "Hello! I hope you're nice, 'cause I'm bringing all the hugs tonight!" She exclaimed cheerfully at her opponent.

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Re: Michelle Bennett vs. Chloe Valentine - Twisting Fate

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

From what Michelle had heard, her opponent for this match had suffered quite a losing streak ever since her debut, though she was unsure whether it was due to bad luck or the lack of skill. Well, either way, Michelle was planning to make this match interesting for her, and she directed her gaze at the entrance as a music was played. A cutie clad in revealing, bright-colored outfit made her entrance, and the British seductress couldn't keep herself from smirking in anticipation.

Michelle would wait for Chloe to enter the ring, and once she was in the ring, she would step away from the turnbuckle, taking a good look at the girl before her. Listening to what she was saying, she chuckled before replying, "Oh, please do not worry, dear. I love hugs, and I'd love to give you some in this match..." Her eyes twinkled as she looked at Chloe as she would wait for the referee to call for the two of them to the center of the ring to get the match started.

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Re: Michelle Bennett vs. Chloe Valentine - Twisting Fate

Unread post by Veinlash »

Hugs! Michelle was willing to give them, and Chloe would be more than happy to accept them. Though there was something suuuuper shady about the tone her opponent used. The way she stared at her made her wish she had a rape whistle. You know, just in case. "Yay! Bring it on!" She exclaimed as excited as she could, trying to send her worries to the back of her head.

Soon enough the referee called for them to meet at ring center... and without further delay, the bell rang loud and clear. *DING!* The match was on, and Chloe instantly jumped into a stance, bending her legs at the knee for a slight crouch while her hands came up. "I'm super sorry, but I'm like, 98% sure I give better hugs! So lemme handle that!" She said, a little confident.

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Re: Michelle Bennett vs. Chloe Valentine - Twisting Fate

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Michelle kept smiling at her opponent as they were prepared for the match in the middle of the ring. Soon, the bell was sounded, and she took a stance, mirroring her opponent. She let out a chuckle when she heard from Chloe about her giving better hugs. "Oh, I'll be the judge to that..." she said as she eyed her opponent like a juicy slab of meat that she would feast on shortly.

For a while, Michelle would move a bit to the side, gauging her opponent before rushing forward, looking to lock up with Chloe in a traditional collar-and-elbow lock up. She would plant her feet on the mat as she would try to exert her strength in order to ascertain her opponent's, as well as to see if she could overpower her opponent with her strength while grappling with her.

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