Aozora Yachi (D) vs Leah Knight

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Aozora Yachi (D) vs Leah Knight

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Aozora was now about to make her debut. Though she had shown up several times on LAW and even made a huge impact she was now going to take part in her first ever match. Unlike other managers who never took part in matches, she wanted to show that no one in rebellion was to mess with. She wanted to show even when in the ring on her own, she was a force to be reckoned with. It would make sure that everyone would think twice before messing with the stable or herself.

The manager would now make her way towards the entrance that lead to the ramp, staying just out of sight and wearing a new uniform. It was an exotic uniform, something to show off her body and caused some staff members to raise an eyebrow. Though most would not look for long, as they remembered what she had done to LAW recently and didn’t want to endure her wrath once again.
Her theme song would then start to play and the manager of Rebellion would come out, waving towards the crowd. Members of the audience would cheer for her. After all, she really knew how to entertain the crowd and often called them in to join her in all the fun. As she made her way down the ramp she would give some high fives with both hands to the crowd before making her way to the ring.

She would then climb up the steps and grab onto the ropes before striking a sexy pose with one leg wrapping around the middle ropes. The purple hair manager would then enter the ring and climb one of the turnbuckles, making her way to the middle ropes before blowing a kiss with one hand to the crowd and giving a wink. She would then jump off and make her way to the turnbuckle furthest away from the ramp, now waiting for her opponent to show up.

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