Patricia Alvaro Dos Santos vs Katherine Hart - Top Cats

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Re: Patricia Alvaro Dos Santos vs Katherine Hart - Top Cats

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Kat had turned the Powerbomb into a pinfall attempt! Pantha was caught by surprise! The crowd roared as the referee counter to 2! For a moment, it seemed Kat would get the flash pin on her fellow luchadora! But at the last possible second, just before the 3-count, the redhead kicked out!

"Ha! I guess you're right!" Kat would find herself being bucked off of Pantha. The Super Kitty caught herself on fall fours and answered Patricia!

"But maybe I can beat you with this!" Kat would run for the ropes and jump into the middle rope!

The SWAT Cat would try and time her jump with Patricia rising up to her feet! Hart would look to springboard off the middle rope and spin through the air to try and take the Pantha down with a Corkscrew Crossbody into another pin!
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Re: Patricia Alvaro Dos Santos vs Katherine Hart - Top Cats

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Pantha would manage to kick out just in the nick of time as everyone seemed shocked she had done so. As she intended to surprise them even more when she won as she would hear Kat talk as she rolled herself onto her belly. Since from there she planned on rising up so she would stand up as Kat was meanwhile running towards the ropes.

As she watched while the super kitty would jump onto the middle rope as she watched her opponent fly towards her. Going for an corkscrew crossbody that made the Mexican wrestler try to move out of the way in order to avoid being squashed beneath the incoming wrestler.

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Re: Patricia Alvaro Dos Santos vs Katherine Hart - Top Cats

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Kat looked to keep the pressure on and to try and bring Patricia down again! But the bigger woman didn't just go by the name "Pantha" because she was big and strong! She showed off some agility and some cunning and when moved out of The Super Kirrys way!

Kat twirled impressively through the air! Only to connect with nothing but the mat!

"Ouch!" The blonde luchadora landed and pushed herself up to her knees! Kat crossed both of her firearms over her core and grimaced in pain over her hurting core! Leaving herself wide open to The Pantha's next move!
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Re: Patricia Alvaro Dos Santos vs Katherine Hart - Top Cats

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Patricia had managed to avoid the other woman's aerial attack as she would move out of the way as the super kitty collided with nothing but the mat. This allowed for an opening as the masked wrestler would get to her feet as she made her way over towards the blond luchadora as she would bend over as she went to scoop the other woman up.

Should she succeed she would lift the blond up as she went to throw her down with an scoop slam , and then do it again in the hopes of softening the other heavyweight up.

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Re: Patricia Alvaro Dos Santos vs Katherine Hart - Top Cats

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Patricia capitalized on her dodge by bending over to once again scoop up the stunned Super Kitty and show off her size and strength advantage once again with yet another big Scoop Slam on Kat!

"Ugh!!?" Hart let out a grunt as she hit the mat! Pantha had leveled her with her sixth Scoop Slam in this match today! The damage was beginning to pile up! Kat was left laying on her back, staring up at the lights! Staring up at Pantha!

It seemed like Patricia was getting the better of Kat here! This time, the tag champion stayed down! But that didn't stop Pantha from pressing the attack! The big, brawny, masked redhead bent down to collect Kat from the mat to once again go for her favorite move in this match! Kat grit her teeth and braced herself as Patricia hauled her up and lifted her high once more to nail her with the seventh Scoop Slam of the match! The impact of this slam shook the ropes of the ring! Kat was left laid out at Patricia's feet with her arms and legs sprawled out and her eyes closed!
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Re: Patricia Alvaro Dos Santos vs Katherine Hart - Top Cats

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Patricia would pick up her opponent and slam her down twice in an row with an scoop slam as she heard the super kitty let out an grunt of pain. As the two wrestlers would share an look as Katherine was looking up at the light. After the 6th scoop slam of the match the masked wrestler would pick up Kat one more time as she slammed her down once more.

The sight of the blond laid out on the mat with her arms and legs sprawling all over the canvas filled her with hope that this was it. As she would go and pick the blond one more time as she would hoist her up into the air as she held her above her head as she figured this was the right moment to hit Kat with her finisher the Cat's final Leap as she threw down the other wrestler from around 6'1 or 6'2 feet as she hoped the fall would be enough to take her out as the ring would shake should her finisher connect as she then would quickly cover her opponent so she could win by pinfall.

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Re: Patricia Alvaro Dos Santos vs Katherine Hart - Top Cats

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Patricia had been dominating! Her parade of slams left The Super Kitty laid out and vulnerable! Pantha smelled blood in the water! The bigger luchadora knew that it was time to strike and put the famed Super Kitty away!

Fans gasped as they witnessed Patricia once again pull Kat off the mat and lift her up like she was nothing! Patricia showed off her insane strength when she carried Kat on her back and got her in position for a massive Razor's Edge Powerbomb that she called "Cat's Final Leap"! The strong redhead tossed Hart high into the air! Everyone in the arena winced with the expectation that Kat would come down with a mighty crash! One which would quickly result in a loss in the match, not to mention some time in the medbay! But Kat wasn't quite done yet!

"HA!" Kat roared out as she channeled her Super Kitty gimmick and landed on all fours, assuming a cat's stance and popping up to her feet! Panther had moved in quickly after throwing her, in order to try for a cover! And Kat planned to use that against her to turn things around!

If Pantha dashed in at Kat after she landed, Kat would meet her halfway and quickly zip around her! The Super Kitty would like to turn the tables by hooking one of her legs over Patricia's own from behind! Kat would try and hook her other leg over Patricia's head and secure a trip on The mighty Pantha's arm to try and trap her in a Flying Octopus Hold to stop her momentum and even the playing field in the match!
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