Bengal vs. Betsy Lincoln - Red, White, and Blaze

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Re: Bengal vs. Betsy Lincoln - Red, White, and Blaze

Unread post by BengalTheBlazeTiger »

Betsy had gotten her bell rung by the headbutt too, and she took a few seconds to compose herself, giving Bengal time to do the same. As the All-American closed in, the Tiger stopped reeling and stood steady once more. When Betsy jumped up and seized the back of her neck, trying to set up a Codebreaker, Bengal was able to counter, lifting her lighter opponent into position for a Powerbomb!

The Tiger threw her own body to the canvas like she was tackling a grenade, slamming down Betsy as well. If the move was successful, she would follow up by seizing Betsy around her narrow throat, jackhammering her head repeatedly onto the mat!
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Re: Bengal vs. Betsy Lincoln - Red, White, and Blaze

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

‘It seemed like a good idea at the time’. That was the story of Betsy’s life, summed up in nine words.

It had seemed like a good idea to strike on Bengal while she was still reeling, but it seemed like she had misjudged just how worn out her foe was. She still had enough energy to counter her move, as it turned, and promptly planted Betsy into the canvas with a thunderous powerbomb.

That would’ve been bad enough on its lonesome, but then the woman had to go and compound things by getting on top and choking her like a madwoman, even ramming her head into the canvas. A bad position to be in,and Betsy went into overdrive to escape, throwing rapid, frantic punches into her foe’s face, desperate to escape before she did permanent damage.

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Re: Bengal vs. Betsy Lincoln - Red, White, and Blaze

Unread post by BengalTheBlazeTiger »

Bengal continued her attack on Betsy, but for every slam she got in, the All-American landed two or three quick jabs to her face. The Tiger was clearly losing this exchange; her jaw already ached, and she had to twist her head away from Betsy's fists to avoid a blow to her eye. Battered and overwhelmed, she rolled off her smaller opponent. For a moment, it seemed like she was abandoning the fight - before she suddenly transitioned into an armbar, placing her legs across her opponent's chest and wrenching Betsy's elbow!

It seemed like a mistake by Bengal, considering the match couldn't be won by submission. But getting a tap-out here wasn't the Tiger's goal. She simply wanted to wear down Betsy's right arm, so the American couldn't unleash so many of those punishing punches. And the longer she could keep this hold locked in, the more damage she would do.
Last edited by BengalTheBlazeTiger on Sun Mar 09, 2025 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bengal vs. Betsy Lincoln - Red, White, and Blaze

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

This was a bad situation - on the ground, getting pounded, having the snot knocked out of her skull. How could things get worse for Betsy?

Well, getting caught in armbar was one way. Definitely.

Betsy growled, both in pain and frustration, as Bengal caught her arm and fell to the side with it, trapping her in the debilitating hold. This wasn’t a match where you could win by submission, but they both knew that didn’t matter - if she couldn't use her arm, she couldn't win. Even a few seconds in a hold like this could effectively end the match. She needed to take action. Major action.

Betsy twisted one way, then turned hard into Bengal and attempted to stack her, looking to lessen the pain in her arm. At the same time, she drew back her free arm and rained down punches towards the woman’s face, looking to give her some added incentive to let go. ”Get! Off! Me!”

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Re: Bengal vs. Betsy Lincoln - Red, White, and Blaze

Unread post by BengalTheBlazeTiger »

Bengal and Betsy struggled for control, the Indian woman wrenching back on her opponent's arm, while the American turned inward to relieve the pressure - and launch more punches with her free arm. Despite her best efforts, Bengal just couldn't seem to escape from those star-spangled fists. And with her own hands still gripping onto Betsy's arm, she had no way to protect her face.

It was time to switch things up. Without warning, Bengal released her opponent's arm and somersaulted backward toward the edge of the ring. Kipping to her feet and springing off the middle rope, she attempted to crush the All-American with a Diving Crossbody, just as Betsy was starting to rise. Now was the moment of truth - would the blonde boxer be able to counter? Or had the armbar already worn her down too much?
Bengal's Roster Page. I'm open to match requests and ideas! You can also message me on my Discord: kestrelhath

If you want to see more pictures, or writing about Bengal's non-LAW matches, you can check them out on my DeviantArt page.

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