Clown College - Brielle (D) v Trixie Hart

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Clown College - Brielle (D) v Trixie Hart

Unread post by Blau<3 »

Match Type: No DQ
Win Condition: Victory decided by Knockout or Submission

Tonight was the night, Brielle's first ever match at the LAW! The former footballer was full of excitement as she was about to have her first professional match! Which was wild to think about that just about a year ago she had really picked up the sport, but this also made her feel confident in her ability to have been scouted so soon! She adjusted her outfit, taking pride in her body she wanted to make sure everyone would get a good look of the work she put in. A black and white sleeveless crop top with some tasteful underboob for eye candy, a form fitting black nylon skirt with a white thong underneath to accentuate her curves, her impressive abs on full display, black arm sleeves for accessory, and black knee high wrestling boots with white laces.
Brielle's Outfit
After getting her outfit in check, she looked over her match report for her debut. A match with no DQ and win by a KO or Submission, something a little wild for a debut, but this is what Brielle asked for. She was told to consider the rookie program, but her confidence played a little into her ego choosing to go right into the fray! She was sure like everything else in her life, she would be a natural force! She then looked over the profile of her opponent, her name and headshot. Trixie....that's a cute that a clown nose!? No fucking way haha! Brielle giggled to herself as she assumed this must be a silly joke for first match. She then heard her name called from backstage for her entrance, a smile on her face as she made her way to the ramp and her upbeat music began to play.
"Tonight's match features the debut of LAW's newest talent...Coming from California...the former footballer turned wrestler...coming in at 5'10" and 155 pounds...BRIEEELLLEEEE!!!"

The blonde came walking out with a big smile and arms raised high, comfortable in front of a crowd from her football matches. The arena lights bright and the cheers loud as they showed their excitement for the radiant rookie. Waving to the crowd as she soaked in the moment. She made her way up the apron and bended over the middle rope giving the crowd a playful booty shake, wanting to give the crowd what they want. She entered the ring and made her way into the corner as she stretched and shook herself loose, eager to see her first opponent, curious if that headshot really was a joke or not.
Last edited by Blau<3 on Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Clown College - Brielle (D) v Trixie Hart

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Considering the veritable fiasco that transpired the last time Trixie was scheduled for a match, LAW producers had assigned a small contingent of backstage personnel dedicated to keeping track of the clownette ever since first entering the arena today. Apparently however, it was an unnecessary precaution as Trixie seemed to be on her bestest obedient behavior while skipping throughout the hallways and locker-room, Trix now taking it upon herself to swivel her sparkling pink lipstick upon her lush lips in the mirror in the waning few minutes before her match tonight. Why she even went to the trouble of acquiring her own legitimatized wrestling grappling gear or whatever that accentuated her natural curvature with a joyous bounce to her ballooned bust. The confused personnel wondering if Trixie's loose screws had been straightened out after getting her clock cleaned in her last match until one of them started speaking up. "Oh,'s the profile of your opponent tonig-" The folder he offered to Trix was swiftly snatched out of his hand by the clownette, scrambling through the offered file with papers flying around everywhere until Trix found Bri's headshot. Trix inspecting with the furrowed brow and tapped index finger on her chin of a contemplative detective, before kissing it firmly to leave lipsticked smooch. "Mwah!!! Alright I'm done!!! Make sure she gets that back when the match is over!!!" Trix flipping the headhost over her shoulder on her way towards the gorilla position, the personnel picking up the folder and following close behind her all the way.

"Coming from The Marvelous Masters of Mayhem Traveling Circus...The Madcap Harlequin...coming in at 5'8" and 125 pounds...TRIXIE...HART!!!"
The World Revolving
A bedazzled celebration of shimmering colors overcame the monolithic screen and arena in general. Rainbowed chromacity showcasing every color underneath the spectrum albeit with pink being the predominant shade overtaking spotlights to the pulsating orchestral and electronic remix blaring from the speakers. Undeniably upbeat and boundless in its exuberantly joyous energy, reminiscent of the madcap theatricality underneath a big top circus with festive jubilation at its very core...albeit with a shade of devolving madness interwoven within it as well. The audience's boredom being summarily upended with their attention fixated upon the psychedelic presentation and the screen in particular with images of cotton candy, balloons, Ferris Wheels and other carnival themed iconography around the name "Trixie Hart" within its center. Trixie cartwheeling out from behind the curtains before transitioning into backflips down the ramp, culminating with a spring vault off of her hands back onto her legs with arms extended to take in any applause. A beaming Trix then taking it upon herself to skip around the ring while juggling several colorful balls, catching them all and bowing before ducking underneath the bottom rope. "Well how dooooooo you do, Bri? OH, I heard this is your debut!!! Don't you worry none, I'm practically an expert at this wrestling hoohah and I know just how to handle newcomers. First things first,whaddya say we start off with a traditional handshake. PUT ER THERE~..." Trix smiled jubilantly while offering her gloved hand to Bri...
Trixie's Outfit

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Re: Clown College - Brielle (D) v Trixie Hart

Unread post by Blau<3 »

" actual fucking clown!? The rookie blonde giggled to herself as the stadium lit up in tomfoolery and intense bright and vibrant colors. Her opponent popping out seemingly straight out of Cirque du Soleil as the cartwheel was followed by an obnoxious, and impressive, amount of back flips down the ramp. Brielle looked on in amazement at the performance as the pink clown landed a clean vault with a nice pose, the crowd cheering in appreciation! The rookie's entrance was nice, but as expected and appropriate was subtle in comparison to the lively and eye catching showmanship showed by her opponent. Brielle's eyes widened as she followed the clown parading around and juggling before finally making her way into the ring.

The rookie thought to herself that this was a welcome pairing for her. She assumed that she was put up against this character of a wrestler to help her get on the right foot with a fun opponent to show off her skills. After all, while very entertaining the footballer couldn't fathom this woman being a serious wrestler. She knew wrestling clubs hired performers like this for the purpose to show off another competitor's skills in a way that was entertaining. Not a worry, as this was her debut she would gladly take this opportunity. Especially when her opponent greeted her with such a joyful tone!

Brielle eyed up the clown before her as she blushed slightly, no amount of makeup and theatrics could take away the incredible physique of the pink haired woman. The rocking hips that were accentuated by the pink singlet and up to the INCREDIBLE bust that looked like it was seconds away from bursting out their covering, the cleavage looking bottomless. Then back up to her pretty face with thick pink hair, sparkling eyes and lush lips. Brielle's heart raced slightly before shaking her head to re-focus.

Listening to the fun tone of her introduction, Brielle relaxed a little as she felt welcome and eager to have her first match, especially against such a fun rival. "Pleased to meet you love, good to hear you're an expert. Let's have some fun and maybe I'll learn a thing or two!" Her opponent seemed respectful and a treat so with a big smile Brielle went in for a firm handshake into the gloved hand just as the bell rang!

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Re: Clown College - Brielle (D) v Trixie Hart

Unread post by killcarrion »

The acrobatic tumblerina actually thought her extravagant entrance ceremony was rather tame in comparison to her performances back in her traveling circus days. Trixie recalls cartwheeling with the same balance and precision, except while chained lions swipe their claws at your arms alongside a belching fire breather whose flames could very easily make ashen toast out of your frilly skirts. And that was just the pre-show warmup. Noodle your noggin on that and you'll start comprehending what circus life is like on a daily basis and probably gain a better understanding in regards to how cartoonishly unhinged a girl can become growing up in that manic environment all her life~...but anyhoo, enough about a certain cotton candy hair colored pinkette's daredevil lifestyle. Trixie was looking towards her psychedelic future now that she's been officially bitten by the wrestling bug. And that little sucker latched himself onto her like a tick on a clock. The clownette being tickled pink and pleased as punch to meet...

"Brielle, hang out with me long enough and you'll learn that fun is my favorite F-word. I'd say what the others, but the censorship clauses in my contract forbid me to do so. I'll perform a trapeze act over a tank of carnivorous alligators, but take on a team of contract lawyers? Nyoooo thank you..."
Trixie guffawed to herself after taking a firm hold of Brielle's hand, beaming jubilantly as she wobbled both arms vigorously up and down in exaggerated repetition as the bell ring clanked in the distance. Acknowledging beforehand that Brielle was such a cutey pooty, and fit as a fiddle with a jacked physique, tasteful underboob window, and friendly persona that honestly kinda shocked Trixie. Oh, that reminds her. "Say Brielle, got a joke for ya. Why did the light bulb fail his math quiz?" Trixie queried with mirthful glee, an expression that some would notice become tinkled with sinister menace as the joy buzzer would send continuous jolts of electricity throughout Brielle until the handshake would be released by the harlequin!!

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