Alicia Cromwell vs. Melissa Moon - Riding the Night

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Re: Alicia Cromwell vs. Melissa Moon - Riding the Night

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

With her lariat, Alicia managed to knock Melissa down at the corner, and the blonde saw an opportunity from there. Smiling, she would retreat to the opposite corner, putting some distance between herself and her opponent before she took a running start, charging towards Melissa who was seated against the bottom turnbuckle, looking to deliver an attack using her momentum.

When she got closer, Alicia would use her momentum to perform a front flip, looking to hit Melissa with a running senton, landing right on top of her body back first, sandwiching her between her own body and the turnbuckle.

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Re: Alicia Cromwell vs. Melissa Moon - Riding the Night

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Melissa remained sitting down with the back against the bottom turnbuckle after the Lariat, which made her feeling dazed for a while, at the point of not being able to recover quick, and gets hit with Alicia's running senton!

The impact of the senton makes Melissa to go completely down and laying on the canvas, near the corner where she was sitting before that attack.

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