A frisky debut - Yuuka Umui vs Ruri Ayase

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Re: A frisky debut - Yuuka Umui vs Ruri Ayase

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Yuuka grunted as Ruri locked up once more. She knew that, despite the advantage she had, it would be tough to win this match. Especially when Ruri came at her even more aggressively than she did previously.


She groaned as her head was yanked into Ruri's chest area, moaning as she took in the smell of her opponents sweat, as well as the arousal of being breast smothered. Yet she couldn't do anything sexual, and Ruri's hand was preventing her from escaping, so she had to use her free hand. What she did was that she grabbed her opponents hair in turn and yanked it, meaning both women's scalps were burning. Meanwhile, she would use her body to try and battering ram her opponent to the floor.

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Re: A frisky debut - Yuuka Umui vs Ruri Ayase

Unread post by Aifumi »

Even though Ruri tried as best as she could, the two petite wrestlers were somehow on par in strength and neither of them moved. Especially when Yuuka shows the feat of her strength, trying to overpower the bluenette with her hand and body, making Ruri's tenacity starts to decrease. The blue star was afraid of fighting on the floor, so she had to stand her ground as she kept grasping on Yuuka's long hair and her bare chest engulfed Yuuka's cute face.

"If it's not working.. then.."

Ruri came up with a solution, to be kind of submissive. If she couldn't overpower her opponent's body, why not lie down on the bed and relax as she keeps her opponent in the hold? The Rigel would then try to lock Yuuka's head with both of her arms wrapped around it while her legs tries to wrap around Yuuka's body, before lying down on the comfortable mattress as she smothers her opponent with her cute breasts.

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Re: A frisky debut - Yuuka Umui vs Ruri Ayase

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Yuuka had thought that she could outlast her opponent and manage to get the upper hand after a lengthy struggle, but Ruri clearly had more tenacity than she first thought. A few moments after they initially grappled, Ruri grabbed Yuuka by the head and caaually leaned back onto the bed, pulling Yuuka into a breast smither, with the purplette laying on top of Ruri.

She let out a muffled moan, before sticking her tongue out and onto Ruri's nipple briefly as a distraction, before struggling a little bit to free herself.

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Re: A frisky debut - Yuuka Umui vs Ruri Ayase

Unread post by Aifumi »

Ruri moans, as her opponent unexpectedly stick their tongue out to lick on her nipples and sensitive. Even if Yuuka was under her grasps and embrace, Ruri somehow felt even more aroused with the gentle and soft squirming and rustling, while her sensitive nipples were also stimulated. It was clearly a disadvantage since she's the only one who had her breasts exposed as of right now.

The embrace starts to get loose more and more as Ruri pants and moan softly, not letting Yuuka go even though she's currently in a clear disadvantage. The bluenette would then wrap her legs around Yuuka's midsection, now their bodies are fully tangled with each other. The bluenette then attempts to roll them over so that Ruri would end up on top and able to continue the match in her advantage.

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Re: A frisky debut - Yuuka Umui vs Ruri Ayase

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Ruri was clearly sensitive on her nipples, a weakness that Yuuka decided to continue to manipulate, licking and sucking away on her nipple as she tried to figure out a way out of this situation. She decided that the best course of action would be to try to reveal her opponent's womanhood, difficult as that may be. She reached down to Ruri's bottoms and simultaneously tried to slip the bluenettes bottoms down to reveal her womanhood, while grunting from Ruri's legs bodyscissoring her.

"Nghh..." Yuuka groaned in pain as Ruri continued to sap Yuuka's energy reserves, hoping that eventually Ruri lets her go, either to defend herself, or through the pleasure that she was making Ruri endure.

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