Emma vs Louise Bélair: The Goddess vs The Berserker

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Re: Emma vs Louise Bélair: The Goddess vs The Berserker

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Emma finally lost control, she was no longer the same person who was kind and happy, she had become a monster in every sense of the word, all the other emotions of the white-haired girl such as fear, happiness, disgust and other emotions had completely disappeared and the only emotions that were inside Emma were only fury, hatred and rage, the eyes of the berserker girl could only see an immense anger, certainly there were two types of "bloodlust" with Emma's special condition which one was stable and the other was unstable, at this moment the white-haired girl was completely unstable and her mind was practically only a whirlwind of violence and unfortunately her brown-haired opponent was her target, her way of communicating had only been reduced to grunts and screams of anger, everything was indicative that she was a berserker in every sense of the word, Louise was going to experience that fear that people feel when they face someone who is out of control and full of anger.

Emma really didn't care in the slightest about inflicting terrible damage to her brown-haired opponent, she didn't care about her opponent's health, she didn't care about her opponent's opinion, she didn't care if Louise got badly hurt, the only thing Emma wanted at that moment was to destroy her until she couldn't anymore, the white-haired berserker had hit her fist against Louise's chin while she watched how her brown-haired opponent's head leaned forward but this was taken advantage of by the furious berserker who took her by the shoulders giving her a powerful headbutt that made Louise fall to her knees "GRRRRR!" Emma's ferocious growl was heard, Emma's anger continued to rise as without wasting time she quickly launched a kick against the chest of the self-proclaimed goddess, the berserk was really not in the mood for games at the moment, her angry grunts and gasps meant that Emma's anger was not going to disappear, then the berserker walked a little just to raise her boot and crush Louise's stomach with all her strength in the most painful way possible, although Emma did lower her leg at high speed so that the impact would be horrible.

The berserker's eyes only showed an abysmal anger, with the passage of time it would surely wear out but now Emma was really furious with the lack of respect of the French girl and that was what filled the patience of the white-haired girl who now yes, the berserker was going to hit Louise with all her strength, without any restraint whatsoever.
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: Emma vs Louise Bélair: The Goddess vs The Berserker

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Louise was in a very bad position and even if she was groaning in pain, Emma's groans were much more impressive. The Wildcat found herself facing a wild animal, and Louise didn't know how to react to this kind of situation... She had never been so cornered in her entire life!


She groaned again in pain when she took a full-on kick to the stomach, forcing her to lie on her back and have her stomach trampled by her opponent. The pain was immense but not enough to immobilize her completely! The Frenchwoman also raised her legs to push Emma with a kick to the hips before trying to get up.
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Re: Emma vs Louise Bélair: The Goddess vs The Berserker

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The berserker's eyes only stared with absolute contempt and anger at Louise's body, Emma's growls of anger were truly wild, like a beast that has just been released into the ring with a sole purpose, the devastation and destruction of her brown-haired opponent, Emma really hates hearing her French opponent's voice and couldn't come up with a better idea than to crush her brown-haired opponent's stomach so that he would simply suffer from immense pain, the white-haired girl had Louise at her mercy as she looked at her with contempt and rage "ARRRGHH!" The berserker moaned in pain as she stepped back from a kick that came towards her hips but this made the berserker's anger flare up even more and made Emma grit her teeth in pure rage.

Emma looked at Louise with her red eyes and then with a growl of anger she approached Louise to launch a strong kick to the side of her head so that she suffered a horrible headache, she was not going to have a moment to breathe, Emma was really going to hurt this girl in a severe way so that she would think things twice before doing them.
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: Emma vs Louise Bélair: The Goddess vs The Berserker

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Louise was starting to get up after managing to push Emma away with a kick to the hip... But barely straightening up in a sitting position, the Frenchwoman received a full-on kick to the head.


The Wildcat's entire body fell to the side, her two hands were raised high enough to protect her face if Emma tried to continue attacking her. The referee was a little destabilized by this situation, hesitating strongly to intervene.
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Re: Emma vs Louise Bélair: The Goddess vs The Berserker

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Emma was in no mood for fucking games, the white-haired girl was really furious and looked at Louise with absolute anger, her brown-haired opponent had made the speed demon lose control again, this was not the first time this had happened, since this was the third time that the white-haired girl had completely lost control of herself and now her mind was clouded with rage, anger and hatred towards her brown-haired opponent who had provoked her so much, did Louise really never understand the consequences of angering a person who was trying to behave nice? Apparently Louise didn't understand it and she was never going to understand it, god it even seemed like the brown-haired girl had fallen at birth for her to be so deceitful, foul-mouthed and someone completely hateful that Emma couldn't stand, she always played fair but apparently Louise didn't... and that would have very serious consequences.

The referee couldn't do anything, since Emma technically wasn't breaking any rules despite wanting to intervene, Emma would only watch Louise lying on the ground in absolute contempt while Emma's demon tail moved in a very erratic way and then the speed demon began to move away a bit to wait for her poor victim to get up to continue the brutal beating, since for the berserker it wasn't enough to hit her... oh no, since the white-haired berserker simply wanted to make her white-haired opponent writhe in pain, the berserker wanted Louise to suffer in this match, regardless of the cost or the consequences while her gasps and breathing were slightly agitated and her reddish orange eyes looked with great anger at Louise.
Last edited by the funny girl on Sun Mar 02, 2025 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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Re: Emma vs Louise Bélair: The Goddess vs The Berserker

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Louise was on the ground after taking many hits from her opponent. Pain ran through her body as the white-haired wrestler began to move away, letting Louise catch her breath and get up... What a mistake.

The Frenchwoman took her time to recover her strength before getting up, groaning slightly in pain but glaring at her opponent... This time, Louise was also angry and the Wildcat was not as lenient as the Berserker. The self-called Goddess began to get up to be on her knees but instead of standing on her feet she threw herself forward, grabbing Emma by the thighs to make her fall to the ground!

If she could do it, Louise would get on top of her opponent and clench her fists with all her might, throwing hooks at Emma's cheeks to get revenge for the blows she received and teach her opponent a good lesson. A brawl had just started in the ring.
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
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