The Fated Battle and Ultimate Rivalry Born: Hana Tanaka vs Skylar Jones!

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The Fated Battle and Ultimate Rivalry Born: Hana Tanaka vs Skylar Jones!

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Standard match

Sliding into her pristine white attire, tight fitting around her perfect body, Hana Tanaka would finally dawn her boots before leaving the locker room. Having had less matches lately, Hana enjoyed the downtime with her family, friends and girlfriend, but the shy-gal had trained relentlessly as always, in preparation for her return to the ring. A feeling deep within her gut, told Hana this would pay off tonight, that this would be her biggest fight yet.

Hana knew nothing of her opponent besides a vaguely familiar name. "Skylar Jones." Frequently studying the roster, the greenette figured she had probably spotted Skylar before, but beyond that she didn't know anything. But once State of Mind began to play throughout the arena, Hana's determination shined through her shyness. Hana didn't need to know who her foe was, especially with her adoring fans behind her. On her way to the ring, Hana didn't do anything out of the ordinary. The greenette did her best to wave and be friendly, taking some photos, despite her face being beet red.

Arriving in the ring, the shy-gal found her foot impatiently tapping on the canvas of the ring. Hana hoped her gut feeling would turn out to be true. A tough fight that she may lose was better than an easy battle she wouldn't learn anything from. Ultimately, though, Hana had faith that this would be an exciting return to the ring.
if you don't like smother fights you won't like this roster

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Re: The Fated Battle and Ultimate Rivalry Born: Hana Tanaka vs Skylar Jones!

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Dang, they really like this chick, huh, Skylar thought to herself, wrapping her fists in the locker room. It made her a little excited. There was a certain joy in beating down the girls the fans loved, and she was certain that was exactly how tonight would go. After all, she'd been on a tear through LAW lately. She'd won a fair number of matches since returning from injury a couple months ago, and had been dominating the mixed division in her title reign. But, there was a strange feeling in the back of Sky's head, one that told her this fight would be more significant then she could possibly imagine... She snickered, shaking her head as she stood up and cracked her knuckles. This match would be as insignificant as they came. This Hana Tanaka girl would be crushed just like every opponent Sky'd faced before her, and after tonight, her name would probably never even cross her mind again.
The lights in the arena suddenly went out, the screens playing static as everything was plunged into darkness. Skylar's music began to play, and once the beat dropped, the lights came back on to reveal Skylar standing at the top of the ramp, arms outstretched as she gazed at the crowd with her classic shit eating grin, the crowd showering her in boos. The people seemed to hate Skylar just as much as they loved Hana, and Sky embraced it, walking down the ramp with an arrogant strut. At the foot of the ramp, she threw her arms out, bouncing and spinning on one foot, dancing in the fans' vitriol. She climbed onto the ring apron and stepped through the ropes, finally looking Hana in the eye. She couldn't help but snicker looking at her. This timid little bitch should be easy...
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Tue Mar 04, 2025 5:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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