Princess Flavored Ice Cream: Viola Celestial Vs. Seraphina Kane

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Re: Princess Flavored Ice Cream: Viola Celestial Vs. Seraphina Kane

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Viola was still clutching her knee in pain, the worries about her jamming and basically having a less then functional leg against Seraphina really worried her.

Soon though she had Sera’s foot pressed on her back. “GET OFF ME!” Viola said in a voice that mixed her feelings of both determination and fear. Though soon enough, she would see that Seraphina had even worse ideas for her.

Seraphina then grabbed Viola’s leg and pulled it back in a Single Leg Boston Crab, making Viola’s already hurt leg hurt even more. “AAAAH!” She yelled.

Using her arms and her good leg, Viola knew exactly what she had to do as she used them to crawl towards the ropes, hoping to grab them and initiate a rope break.

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