Laura patiently yet excitedly waited backstage, watching a monitor as her opponent made her entrance. Laura couldn't help but find the girl cute, even if she was far over dressed, there were things that Laura could do to fix that. Laura didn't mind stripping her opponents.
Once Marina was finished making her entrance, it was now Laura's turn. She also seemed to be a bit over dressed, at least more than usual, however this was just a gimmick. She usually would have stripped before her entrance however, she wanted to surprise her opponent.
Laura's music started, and she made her way out of the curtains, stopping at the top of the ramp.
She sported a long sleeved brown sweater along with an extremely short skirt. She would strike a few poses, getting cheers from much of the crowd while others booed due to her reputation.
She would make her way down the ramp, keeping her eyes on Marina the entire time. She would climb up onto the apron and step over the top rope, showing off her height. She would stop with one leg on either side of the ropes and give her rear a few teasing shakes before stepping all the way over.
Laura would go right to the center of the ring where she would rip her skirt off and lift up her top, exposing the small, black micro bikini she planned on wrestling in.
Laura would than approach the corner that Marina was in, not being shy at all. "Welcome to LAW you cute little thing... Even sitting on the top of that post, We're almost the same height..." She teased as she reached out to ruffle Marina's hair. After doing so, her hand would trail down to Marina's face, softly caressing her cheek, her thumb would gently trace over the piercing she had on the side of her mouth. "Interesting... This is going to be fun." She said with a voice dripping with sensuality.
She would turn around and walk to the center of the ring again, putting a lot of sway into her hips. She would than turn around and do the finger motion for Marina to join her in the center where the ref would explain the rules.
Laura of course didn't listen. She knew this was an accepted submission match, and that was all she needed to know. She planned on making this girl beg and plead, and even in that case, she still may not accept. Laura loved nothing more than breaking down her opponents, especially ones that come out so modestly dressed.
The bell would ring and Laura stood there before offering a lock up. The size difference was put on a pedestal as they stood in front of one another. Laura was nearly half a foot taller than Marina and out weighed her by 100 lbs. It was like a david and goliath match.
Laura stood there with a toothy grin stretched across her lips as she waited for Marina to accept the lock up, however if she did, Laura would be quick to go full force and hopefully push Marina back first into one of the corners where she could start their "real fun".