Experience comes with age: Seiko Ayase vs Marina Delmare

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Experience comes with age: Seiko Ayase vs Marina Delmare

Unread post by shanecawf »

Match type: Accepted Submissions match
Match rules: The winner is decided when the loser submits but the submission must be accepted.
Special Rules: The winner doesn't have to accept the submission and may continue the match for however long they would like if they feel like doing so. (Hentai allowed)

Seiko had waited for this moment for a long time. She had been a bit picky about who her matches were against and what the stipulations were, not for her own safety no, but for her desires. She wanted her debut at LAW to be special. An accepted submissions match was what got her noticed by Laura and what opened the door to LAW and The House Of Heels.

She had been offered many matches but none of them fit the bill. The rules were too restricting until finally this opportunity fell right into her lap thanks to Laura. An accepted submissions match, just like the one that made brought her here. She planned on making the same impression she did during her last match with these rules. She wanted to make a name for her self, and an example of her opponent.

Speaking of her opponent, Seiko had done some research on her. Her name was Marina and she was 23 years old. Seiko was double that, Nearly living Marina's life twice. She liked the idea of wrestling a fresh and young woman again. She saw pictures of Marina as well. Definitely easy on the eyes. A fit body, silver hair with cute blue streaks. Seiko couldn't lie that she hadn't had dreams about her once she learned she was facing her, fantasies about dominating her in all types of ways. The thoughts just made her excited.

Now here she was, backstage about to enter the arena. The stage hand would tell her that it was her time to make her entrance. She smiled and nodded as her music started playing before making her way out of the curtains and stood at the top of the ramp, taking in some cheers from the crowd.
She had a cigarette in the corner of her mouth that she puffed. She also wore her signature red eyed sleeping mask, that was mysterious to the crowd. She stood there, taking in the cheers before she leaned her head back and pulled the sleeping mask away.
The rest of her attire was quite odd, a very low cut top that showed off a large amount of her cleavage, a body warmer that wrapped around her waist and mid-section, some short gym shorts and thigh high leg warmers. Not the flashiest or most revealing outfit, yet she had quite the surprise once she got down to the ring.

For now, Seiko began walking nonchalantly down the ramp and towards the ring, smoking her cigarette and puffing out clouds of smoke, not caring about if it was rude or not to the fans.

When she made it to the ring, she would climb up the steel steps and climb between the top and middle rope. She would stand there in the center of the ring and finish her cigarette, dropping it on the ground and twisting it out with the heel of her boot. She would look around the arena, taking it all in. She had a plan to throw her opponent off already. She would walk to her corner where she would lean against the post, waiting for her opponent to make her entrance.

When Marina made it to the ring, Seiko would suddenly begin to strip from her attire into a much more revealing outfit. She wanted to see how her opponent reacted before they even made their introductions. She would rip off her tanktop and strip the rest of her clothes as well, leaving her standing in the middle of the ring in what could only be called one of the most revealing swimsuits in the world
She stood there as the crowd erupted in excitement. Her debut was going well so far as she studied Marina to see how she would respond, smiling at her mischievously, wanting to know what was going on inside her head.

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