Alison Seong vs Grace Kenning

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Fairy Dragon
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Re: Alison Seong vs Grace Kenning

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Grace had been pushed back a bunch of times in tough contests, but a headbutt was always the most difficult to endure. And Alison for the lack of a better word had a very thick skull that really bashed Grace's brains in, leaving her to stagger and try to hold herself up after the painful move, giving the sight of the two big fighters sanding around trying to recover until Alison pushed forward through pure rage and lack of care for her self. She came at her and went for a big boot but lost her foot mid kick, putting herself in danger but not in a way that stopped the kick from connecting.

"Uugggh!" Grace screamed, her face bashed by Alison's foot and pushed back, this time Grace couldn't stay on her feet after a powerful kick like that on shaky legs, and she crumbled to the floor right beside Alison who came down after her dropkick. Grace blinked, but couldn't shake the growing headache that made moving harder, she was left to lay there and try to slowly recover.

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