Lawless Title Match: Nightmare On Law Street Aftermath

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Lawless Title Match: Nightmare On Law Street Aftermath

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It was the night after Nightmare on Law Street, to which those that viewed or were in attendance watched Rylie defend her LAWless championship against Natalie McCathy. It was a rough match held in Natalie's home turf of a roller derby rink and the epic clash between the two ladies involved food fights, and throwing each other around at the nearby arcade set-up and eventually led to the locker room where Rylie managed to hit her finisher to knock Natalie into a detached locker which fell over and prevented Natalie from getting up at the 10 count.

As soon as her music hit, her fans roared for her as Rylie walked out from the curtain. She was wearing her purple latex spaghetti strapped dress that was thigh slit down one side, showing off her thigh high strapped boots as she also wore a belt with a skull for a buckle and wore fingerless purple opera length fishnet gloves. Above that, around her waist was the Lawless belt that she wore proudly. She also held a long cigarette holder with a brown cigarette attached to the end of it as she paused at the center of the entrance, closing her eyes as she took a slow drag from her cigarette holder as she pulled it from her lips and exhaled the smoke into the air as she then opened her eyes to scan the crowd as she grinned and gave an excited shout in response to the crowd as she began to strut her way to the ring, albeit a bit slowly, still feeling the effects from the pay per view match from the day before. She gave high fives to the fans, trading which hand held her cigarette holder to be able to reach out to the correct side as she made sure to get to both sides of her fans equally. Also stopping for hugs, selfies, and to affectionately nuzzle her little critters of fans as she made happy racoon chittering noises as she acted like a pet racoon for the kids as her racoon ears twitched and her tails swung back and forth happily.

She eventually made her way up to the steps, wincing a little with each step before she walked down the apron of the ring to make it to the center as she stopped to rest her back against the ropes as she looked out at the crowd again, giving them a wink and a wave before she slowly entered in between the middle and the top ropes before strutting over to the opposite side of the ring to lean through the ropes to grab the microphone. She then took another drag and exhale from her cigarette holder as she strutted back over to the center of the ring before bringing the mic close to her lips. "What's up my critters?!" She called out with a smile as she raised the mic up towards the crowd to catch their pop before bringing the mic to her lips once more. "I hope you all are having a rocking good time tonight!" She then allowed the pop again as Rylie took another drag and exhale from her cigarette holder.

"Phew, I knew that match was going to be rough last night, she really did a number to my lower back and guaranteed that if I wanted to have kids I need to wait a few years, but o/I'm still standing! Yeah yeah yeah!o/" She chimed in with a little Elton John song before resuming. "I made history by being the first person to allow a male opponent to challenge me and taught Drake a lesson for hurting my friends. I took on Natalie for the public humiliation she gave to my bro, thus concluding my revenge tour as I stand before you, LOUD AND PROUD, as YOUR Lawless Champion!" She walked over to hand her cigarette holder to a nearby event staff member before walking back to the center of the ring. "Speaking of Natalie, I do have to address this. As you may have seen after the match, Jonathan and his new...student I assume, attacked and dragged Natalie off to torture her in some way." She mentioned as she frowned and heard a few boos. "I assure you, I didn't mean for any of that to happen. All I can say is...Natalie...I hope you're ok." She then shrugged her shoulders a little. "I don't know if Natalie did something to Jonathan to make him and his new student do that to her, but what I witnessed is not the Jonathan I know. The coach I know, is family friendly, but I would be lying if I haven't seen clips of him doing some heinous activity and that's not cool, but he is my coach and hell, more of a father then my real dad ever was, so until I have a moment of having to curse his sudden and inevitable betrayal, I will continue to be his student." She mentioned with a pause as there were a few boos before she brought her mic to her lips. "But I will still do all of what I do, for you." She called out to the fans to get them cheering for her "As far as I'm concerned, what he is doing is part of his own path and right now I need to focus on my own path and with that being said." She undid the belt from her waist, holding it up to the air as she looked towards the entrance.

"Now that the revenge tour has come to a halt, I want to continue to be your fighting champion. There's people in the back that love to pretend that this belt doesn't mean shit, to which I have to say, what kind of ego drink have you been sipping on? This belt right here is for the badass of the badasses. This belt tells the norm to shove it up their ass! This belt goes beyond the basic. It's literally a belt that proves I will fight you anywhere, anytime, and with any object in my possession." She then lowered into a crouch as she draped the title on the ground as she rose back up and took a step back and did a Vanna White like pose to model it off. "To those that do care about this belt, and I know there are some of you out there that would love a fuck the rules kind of belt. I am opening up a new chapter. This is an open challenge, if you have the passion that I do for this glorious title, then walk out that curtain and challenge me for it."

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Lawless Title Match: Nightmare On Law Street Aftermath

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Hazel hadn't been on the nightmare on the Nightmare On LAW Street card, but she was coming off of a non pay per view match against Alaina Sanders for her title, a match that Hazel had lost despite the back and forth battle with the Amazon. The Scotswoman was still kicking herself for losing despite being a newer signing to LAW and clearly achieving a lot in just a short time. Hazel had something of a chip on her shoulder as she stood backstage, she didn't feel wronged or angry at others, though she was angry at herself for not beating Alaina despite all of her training and experience on the independent scene before joining LAW.

Hazel looked up at a TV screen hanging in the hallway, trying to focus on something else, immediately noticing it was the feed from the ring, and a blue haired woman was entering it with the lawless belt around her waist. Hazel then recognized the woman as Riley Marshal, the champion who had defended her belt the previous night, something that Hazel could hear the woman recounting over the television along with the rest of her so called revenge tour.

Hazel groaned, hearing Riley also state that she was still going to remain loyal to someone who had beaten up and snatched her defenseless opponent after the match. Loyalty was important to Hazel, but being loyal to someone who would do such a thing without even questioning it annoyed Hazel, and it clearly annoyed the fans as well, as they booed before cheering as Riley continued to speak. "Sheep," Hazel mumbled to herself as the fans once again cheered at what the champion said before she watched the woman take off the belt to hold it in the air for everyone to look at before laying down a challenge for anyone.

Hazel chuckled to herself, she had done hardcore matches plenty of times in the past, and they nearly always ended up with both parties feeling it for weeks after. But who was Hazel to turn down a challenge and deny Riley a match that Hazel planned to make the last of the current Champion's reign?

Rolling her shoulders, Hazel let herself loosen up before heading down the hall with the staff giving her glances and having a rough idea of where she was going after the open challenge had sent echoes backstage. Getting close to the curtain a staff member immediately noticed her and knew the drill and quickly turned Hazel's entrance music on!
Entrance Music
Hazel patted the staff member on the shoulder as she walked past them and towards the curtain. Taking a deep breath Hazel stepped out onto the stage clad in her usual green attire and the short brown skirt that fit just over the bottoms. The crowd immediately went wild as the Highlander stepped up to accept the Lawless Champion's challenge. Not wasting time Hazel didn't stop on the stage instead she went straight down the ramp, extending her arms to the sides to give everyone along the ramp and the champion a look as her muscular and toned figure as she made her way to the ring before making a quick detour at ringside to grab a mic of her own before climbing the steal steps and joining the Champion in the ring, Hazel took a lap around the champion, studying her and her dress. "Interesting choice of outfit for a fight" Hazel thought to herself before stopping and raising the mic to her lips.

"You know... I wasn't expecting to have another opportunity like this so soon" Hazel started. "I bet many didn't expect you to defend that belt again so soon either. But here you are, confident, maybe a bit sore, making mistakes like trying to convince the fans that you're not wrong from standing by someone deplorable like Jonathan, but that's not why either of us are here tonight" she continued. "Your biggest mistake tonight, was not noticing a Nielson was in the back waiting for a challenge!" Hazel shouted, praising her family name while getting the crowd hyped up. "Only one woman has beat me since I came here and the second woman to beat me won't be Rylie Marshal!" The Scotswoman continued, showing off her confidence before lowering her mic to give Riley a chance to speak.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sun Mar 02, 2025 3:26 pm, edited 9 times in total.


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Re: Lawless Title Match: Nightmare On Law Street Aftermath

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As Hazel's entrance music activated. Rylie had a look of interest as she stepped back from the edge of the ring, stepping behind her Lawless Title to crouch down and pick it back up to hold on her shoulder as she stared down the entrance ramp. She couldn't help but to nod her head slightly to the music. This would be the kind of music she jams to away from the stage. When Hazel posed at the ramp she couldn't help but to exhale slowly, for this woman definitely was a lot bigger in real life then she anticipated. As Hazel got the mic, entered the ring, and started to circle her sizing her up. Rylie kept in place, her tail swaying slowly as her head would turn to keep track of Hazel as she bit her lower lip gently and winked at Hazel as her hand that wasn't holding the belt rested on her hip.

She then listened to Hazel, and what she first mentioned made her noticeably squint her face and nod her head slightly as if she just cursed herself. She was hoping her promo would lead to something like a build up to a pay per view, but Hazel was right, her belt was to be defended at all times, and what a better opportunity to do it now after just coming off her own grueling pay-per view. She knew she had no choice but to own up to that mistake. Nielsen then talked smack about Jonathan, and while this did make Rylie narrow her eyes a little, but her eyes wondered slightly, definitely conflicted about Jonathan's actions. She then heard the challenge and a competitive grin formed on her face.

When Hazel lowered her mic, Rylie picked up hers. "First of all, I have to say damn, I'm getting lucky encountering gorgeous redheads. I have got to introduce you to Moira." She teased, referring to one of her first friends and now her girlfriend. "Second of all, you got me all wrong. It's not like I'm supporting what he's doing, not one bit, but he's not what's important right now. This is." She then pulled the belt off of her shoulder to raise it in the air as she stared at Hazel with intensity. "Congrats on your impressive record, but I started off with the worst record. I even was hospitalized on my first match here, but I have climbed to the top to reach my goals, and sore or not, I will continue to stay on top of this mountain and if I have to keep my boot pressed against your pretty face to keep you from my baby, then so be it. So take a good look at this belt, because this is as close as you are going to get to it. Now, let's get a ref to the ring and let's entertain the crowd tonight!" She called out as she began to back step as a ref ran to the ring she gave the belt to the ref to circle the ring to hold it high in the air for the crowd to get a good look at as Rylie was at her corner of the ring, doing some stretches with a noticeable look of discomfort as she warmed herself up.

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Sigma Morgan
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Re: Lawless Title Match: Nightmare On Law Street Aftermath

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Hazel was often a woman of few words, though when she had something to say, she wasn't going to hold back or keep it brief, something Riley found out as the Scotswoman joined her in the ring and responded to her on the mic, letting her confidence show, determined not to let another shot at a title match through her fingers like it had against Alaina! Hazel spoke her mind, not letting her opponent's flirtatious gesture get in her head, she was already seeing someone after all.

Lowering her mic Hazel placed her hand on her hip as Rylie raised hers to respond. Hazel sighed and shook her head hearing her opponent still making flirty remarks with her. It wasn't that Rylie wasn't attractive, far from it, but Hazel was only interested in one woman, and she was hopefully at home ready to watch her bring the title home though the current champion definitely had other plans that she quickly proclaimed!

As the purple haired woman raised the title in the air Hazel looked up at it for a few moments before looking back down at Rylie, matching the woman's intense stare as she continued to speak, explaining her struggle to the top and how she intended to stay there even if it was at the Scotswoman expense before ending things off for the two of them! It was fine by Hazel as she backed up to her corner, having nothing left to say, ready to let her skill in the ring do the talking, her eyes never leaving her opponent even as she tossed her mic outside of the ring and the referee got inside of the ring to collect the title.

Hazel squatted up and down a few times, loosening up her legs before moving onto her arms, stretching them across her body one at a time, making sure to give each one at least a few longer moments before rolling her shoulders, making sure she was nice and loose, watching as her opponent did stretches herself though the woman was noticeably sore as she did. Hazel almost felt bad for Rylie not being one hundred percent and truthfully she would rather have fought this woman when she was at her best but she wasn't getting that and if Rylie wanted to fight, the Highlander was going to give her that and more!
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sun Mar 02, 2025 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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