Reiko's Welcome to the Big Leagues

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Reiko's Welcome to the Big Leagues

Unread post by Kookio »

Match: Hentai Ironman

Rules: Wrestlers will compete for points for an hour and thirty minutes. Points are earned to wrestlers when they manage to make the other orgasm. Additionally, they will will be rewarded with one extra uncounted minute to dominate the other wrestler without resistance. Finally, when the minute is over, the dominating wrestler will be able to put the other wrestler in any position they like and the match will continue from there.

Reiko had finally graduated from the Young Lionness program which meant that she was finally a full on wrestler now. Though of course, after her graduation match, the fans had demanded that Reiko do a lot more Hentai matches. But it wasn't the fact that she was about to have her first match as an actual wrestler and not a Young Lioness. She heard that her opponent was someone who had taken a long hiatus and only just came back. But that fact didn't help her one bit. She knew better than to over estimate her enemies. But it also kind of excited her a bit.

In fact. The more she thought about how strong her opponent was, the less nervous she became and the more excited she became. She sat down and blushed a little, her cheeks feeling hot... Was she a Masochist? ...Maybe... No... No way was she of all people a Masochist..!

She didn't have much time to dwell on those thoughts for long because staff came up and told her that she was late to get on stage.

"O-Oh sorry!"

She apologized and ran out to the entrance of the arena.
(the outfit is a one piece suit that transitions into thigh high socks and high grip slippers Image
Her song had been playing for a little bit but she finally sprinted out into view to the audiences delight. She tried to wave to them but in her rush, she would end up sprinting straight into the arena by accident, her body bouncing off of it and falling down with a yelp of pain!


After falling down, she would immediately get back up, her cheeks flushing a deep red, obviously more embarrassed by the mistake than hurt as she climbed up into the ring, attempting to wave to the audience while they giggled and laughed at her mistake. Of course, Reiko tried to laugh with them. Finally, her entrance would be done and she would walk over to the corner of the arena, waiting for her opponent to enter. Hopefully the other girl could make the audience forget about her mistake.
Discord: Kookio#2941 Kookio's Goods

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