Mature Battles: Faith Waterson vs Misaki Toyoda

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Mature Battles: Faith Waterson vs Misaki Toyoda

Unread post by Bare »

Standard Match: Winner to be determined by pinfall, submission or knockout.

Faith took a deep, steadying breath backstage as she sat on a bench, cross legged in mediation. Mentally readying herself for her upcoming match against one Misaki Toyoda. Now while she may have only started her professional wrestling career recently she had always kept up with it due to her friendship with one Aella Midori. Naturally she was fully aware of who Misaki Toyoda was and the woman's importance to the world of professional women's wrestling. Nicknamed the Ace of Beserk and for good reason, the woman practically embodied the definition of Ace.

Physically impeccable, well rounded across the board in her skill set and a mind set that any champion could be enviable of. Naturally Faith was a little apprehensive being pitted against such a woman but she couldn't allow herself to be distracted by that. Yes she was older than most women with her level of experience, but she was still an Olympian, and she had taken to wrestling like a fish to water, she could do this, she knew she could, and she wasn't going to falter.

Snapping her eyes open Faith would uncross her legs and hop off the bench. It was time, and she was going to show just what she could do. Heading out of the locker room and down the halls Faith would take calming breaths the whole way until she approached the entrance curtain, waiting for her que as her new entrance music began to play.
Coming out from the curtain to cheers Faith would smile brightly out at the crowd, raising her arms above her head and posing a bit for the fans who were definitely enjoying it. Granted her tight singlet showing off every curve of hers definitely probably helped. Strutting forward after posing for a moment Faith would soon break forward onto her hands, starting to flip and cart wheel her way towards the ring, building momentum as she did so to flip right onto the ring apron!
Holding onto the ropes and looking out among the crowd after doing so and drinking in the cheers of adoration for that impressive little gymnastic display Faith would then lean back and over the ropes and into the ring. Once on her feet she would approach her corner and lean against it, her face slowly sobering up as she focused on the entrance ramp. Knowing that soon her opponent would come down... and that her biggest test since coming to LAW would begin.

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Re: Mature Battles: Faith Waterson vs Misaki Toyoda

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Misaki Toyoda was slated to have a match tonight against a woman named Faith Waterson. From what she had heard, she was a pretty talented wrestler despite being much older and also a relative beginner. Other than that, she didn't know much about her, though Misaki knew that she would learn more about her once they met in the ring.

Putting on her updated wrestling outfit, which was purple in color instead of pink, Misaki would then make her entrance, her music playing from the loudspeakers and the crowd cheering as she made her way to the ramp. Misaki waved her hands to the audience as she jogged down to the ring where she would be facing her opponent tonight.
Misaki Toyoda
Upon reaching the ring, Misaki posed for the crowd a little, winking at a nearby camera before she slipped under the ropes and entered the ring. She waved her hands some more, smiling radiantly for them before she put her focus on Faith. She certainly looked mature and definitely good looking for someone her age. She smiled at her before she approached her.

"Hello there," Misaki said, holding out her hand, offering Faith a handshake as a sign of good sportsmanship. "Let's have a good match, shall we?"

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Re: Mature Battles: Faith Waterson vs Misaki Toyoda

Unread post by Bare »

Faith set her shoulders back in anticipation for her opponent as the Ace of Beserk would soon come from the entrance curtain, smiling dashingly out at the crowd as the woman began to make her way down. Even more than before. Misaki oozed confidence, poise and strength itself. Without doubt this would be her biggest challenge and Faith was looking to meet it.

Watching as Misaki approached and greeted her amicably while also offering a handshake Faith would smile brilliantly right back, glad to see that she was willing to be a good sport right off the bat.

"Hello! It's an honor to meet you Misaki, and trust me, I look forward to making this as great a match as possible." Faith said while giving the woman's hand a firm shake before letting go and stepping backwards, raising her hand up and bending her knees slightly in preparation for whenever the bell would ring.

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