Astrid Ostberg vs. Drasna Selinofoto

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Astrid Ostberg vs. Drasna Selinofoto

Unread post by CaptainL »

Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.
Astrid Ostberg had been laying low for some time now. Her last LAW match had been a year ago, when she took on Ambre Brault at Fight the LAW 3 - a match that had put the young French hopeful to the test, seeing her defeat, but earning her Astrid's respect in the process when she saw the lengths she was willing to push herself to in pursuit of her dream. But in spite of it all, a few things hung over Astrid's head. She failed to defeat Astrid Arvidsson for the Openweight Championship, and before that, she had lost the Heavyweight Championship to Alaina Sanders. Astrid couldn't help but ask herself if she had begun to fall from grace. She used to be an icon of the company - the heavyweight that the entire division looked up to; who valiantly fought to uphold the honor of wrestling every time she got in the ring. But if she hadn't been able to hold onto her glory, could she really claim to be the champion she once was?

Astrid had told herself she just needed to focus on her personal life - she was, after all, growing closer to her stepdaughter Sarabeth, as well as getting involved more in other promotions. It was only natural that she wouldn't have as much time for LAW then. But she knew, at the back of her mind, that it was all just an excuse. For some reason or another, she was losing her touch. Now, after a long and successful title run, Astrid found herself facing down the looming threat of irrelevance - and she had been running away from it.

But she realized too that she couldn't sit back and let that happen. She needed to get back in the ring, to prove she still had it in her! And tonight, she would be doing just that, against a veteran wrestler who she had known and admired all her life - Drasna Selinofoto! It would be an honor for Astrid to share the ring with such an esteemed name - but it would be a greater honor still to prove that she could take her on and win. Astrid just hoped that she could live up to expectations!

"Coming first to the ring, from Stavanger, Norway! Standing at 6'1, weighing 188 pounds! ASTRID OSTBERG-ASHWORTH!!"
Astrid's music started to play, and soon after, the Norsewoman stepped out onto the entrance ramp, flexing her biceps proudly as she stood tall and thrust out her chest. No matter what she felt on the inside, she was still going to put on her bravest face and confront whatever the future had in store for her. She was pleased to see that they were still cheering for her...but, at the same time, she had to ask herself; were those cheers as loud as they had been when she still held the title? She reminded herself that that couldn't stop her now - as she made her way to the ring and slipped through the ropes, she had to focus on the match ahead of her.
Last edited by CaptainL on Sun Feb 16, 2025 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Astrid Ostberg vs. Drasna Selinofoto

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Drasna sighed softly in preparation for the bout ahead of her tonight. Since her loss to Alaina Sanders-Haines in a non title bout she had been looking to build herself back up and regain momentum, hoping to earn another shot at the woman and the belt. As such she was grateful to be pitted against the now former champion who wasn't beaten properly for the belt. Thus making this the perfect opportunity for her tonight to prove her mettle against such a worthy opponent. making sure her new attire was on an din place on her body Drasna would nod to herself feeling confident in herself tonight.
Getting up and heading towards the entrance curtain Drasna would wait there for a few moments using it as a last chance to mentally prepare, knowing that she'd need it. After all Astrid was looking to make a statement tonight as well, to which Drasna would not let it happen at her expense so easily. No if she wanted this win then it would take all of her resolve and strength in both body and will. Finally though her music would start up, prompting Drasna to step out through the curtain and out among the crowd who began cheering in response!
Stomping her foot into the mat Drasna would raise her arms in the air as the crowd cheered in response, whooping and cheering at the appearance of the milf. Coming down the ramp with a confident strut in her step Drasna would smile and nod at the fans as she passed until she made it to the ring. Hopping onto the apron she would smile out at the crowd before slipping between the ropes and into the ring. Approaching Astrid in the center of the ring Drasna would smile and hold her hand out for a hand shake with the blond before the bout could begin.

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Re: Astrid Ostberg vs. Drasna Selinofoto

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For whatever anxieties she might be hiding, Drasna was going to outwardly exude confidence tonight. It showed in her stance and the way she carried herself, and in how her new outfit both showed off her body and posited her as a golden goddess. Astrid, too, sucked in a breath and held herself high, pushing out her chest as she readied her stance. She still had the thoughts of her previous matches, and her failures to live up to her own expectations, eating away at her at the back of her mind...but she couldn't let that stop her now, she told herself. She had her chance to turn everything around if she could prove she was capable of overcoming a well-respected veteran of the squared circle - she just had to hold on to that promise of a brighter future. And above all, she couldn't let Drasna think that defeating her would be easy!

Ironically, both women went into this match thinking the other was more prepared than they were. But neither was going to let their hesitation show through. Seeing Drasna offer her hand, Astrid stepped up to take it and returned a firm but measured shake. "I grew up watching you, you know," she explained. "To get to share the ring with you now is an honor..." Astrid smiled to Drasna...but at the same time, there was that unspoken worry. That what-if - what if she couldn't measure up to her?
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Re: Astrid Ostberg vs. Drasna Selinofoto

Unread post by Bare »

Approaching the former heavyweight champion of LAW with a hand of respect out for her to take Drasna couldn't help a sense of deja vue from over taking her. After all this wasn't the first time she had fought someone with the last name Ostberg and it wasn't cause it was a common surname. Back when she was but a fledgling Drasna fought against Lars Ostberg, Astrid's father, in more than a few matches, the two going down as having one of the best intergender rivalries in Euro wrestling history.

So now to be against that man's daughter, roles almost fully reversed with Drasna as the the veteran, well she had to admit it did make her feel a bit old, but at the same time it filled her with a sense of pride. A feeling that was stoked even more at Astrid's words which made Drasna smile softly in return.

"The honor is all mine Astrid. I know you're father would be proud, just like I am of the wrestler you are." Drasna said with a smile before letting go and pulling her hand back as her smile shifted to more of a smirk. "That being said... I'm sure he will understand when I defeat you tonight." Drasna said, rolling her shoulders back and looking as big as possible against her opponent.

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