Stipulation: Tables Match
Rules: There are no pitfalls, no submissions, and no disqualifications in this match. The only way to win the match is by putting your opponent through a table.
Alice Luminous

The crowd went into a frenzy as the Californian's music hit and Alice Luminous made her way down to the ring. Avoiding tables that surrounded the ring, she started to raise her hands into the air, motioning the crowd to get even further pumped up then the already cheering fans were. The match was pretty high on the card tonight, and Alice really wanted to make the biggest audience she has preformed infront if fall in love with her tonight.
Donning her favorite black skintight jumpsuit, she would slide underneath the bottom rope and from inside the ring would climb to the top rope. Holding her hand up she would point to the crowd, smiling and waving.
"Making her way from San Fransico California, weighing in at 129 pounds...... The Light of the Night, ALICE LUMINOUS!!!!!"
The blonde would jump off the top rope and onto the mat. She would make her way over to the rope and give her fans a wave and a few more picture opportunities while she waited for her opponent to make her way down to the ring.