Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

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Re: Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

Unread post by Kookio »

Though try as she might, Mary couldn't prevent Hazel from landing the piledriver. The fact that she tried to choke her opponent out only lead to the fall having the girl's entire body put into it.


She wailed in agony as her legs let go of her opponent's head and her body would fall limply onto the floor, not showing any signs of movement while her opponent. Now the possibility of Hazel having achieved a knock out was in order as the Scout wasn't even groaning in pain this time.
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Harem Girl
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Re: Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

Unread post by Harem Girl »

"AH!!!!" As soon as Mary-Ann let go of the hold, Hazel would let out a deep breath, gasping for air after not having any while preforming the feat of picking up the teenager and slamming her back down. Backing away from the Hazel as she escaed, the woman's chest would rise and fall as she looked over the teenager. Slowly approaching her, Hazel would tap her once or twice to make sure she is out cold. Assuming nothing would happen, the British maid would look over to the referee, would would mearly continue to wait to see what was about to happen.

"Wow... Ok... Um.... Didn't expect this to be this easy." Hazel would say as she would make her way over to her opponent's body, laying it down so she was on her back, Hazel would position herself over her opponent's head, and lower herself so she would be sittting on the face of her opponent. Blushing as she did, as she wasn't used to doing such an obviously lewd move to someone who was unable to defend herself in such a manner. "T...There you go! This should stop you from moving around for a while. Also, no blaming me if you get brain damage from this! Its what you get for groping my sister infront of a live crowd. You know she hates that sort of stuff, right?" Hazel would say as if the american underneath her could hear her.
As she sat on her opponent's face, Hazel would start to get to work. She would rip off the rest of the top of the teenager, leaving her in nothing but her underwear and footware, the latter of which Hazel would get to work removing. Once that was done, Hazelwould take a secnod to look over to a cameraman, smiling, she would signal for him to get into the ring for a better close up shot. He would comply. Hazel, would then pose while face siting her near naked opponent, making a little heart gesterure as she would stick out her tounge towards the camera, with a barely legal girl underneath her struggling to breathe.

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